Uneven Growth--Need Help!!

Lilith's Lioness

New Member
Okay I don't know what it is, but my hair is growing at a really uneven pace left versus right sides. I am taking down my braids and see there's significant growth all over, but the right side is seriously like 2 1/2 inches longer than the left! It was noticably uneven before it went into braids and I was hoping for some good growth but this is just a bit too much. I'm happy it's growing (thanks to all of you!!!) but I'm obviously going to have a styling problem now. I don't want to cut the right side, but I think it's too soon to go back into braids. I wear my hair natural, so does anyone have suggestions on how to wear my hair to camouflage the unevenness? And maybe more importantly, how to kick start growth on the left side of my head?
My left side is also longer than my right. I'm currently wearing my hair in twists and in a bun. With the twists and the shrinkage, the unevenness isn't as noticeable (and kinda stylish).

As for the growth, I think my problem is being right-handed, while I'm on the phone at work, my left hand is busy massaging my scalp unconsciously. I'm making an effort to keep my left hand out of my hair, do more right-side scalp massages, and for the past month, have been using MTG and BT exclusively on the right side of my head. I think it's working!
Do you sleep on your left side?

My right side is shorter (and a little thinner) than my left and I sleep on my right side. I also used to start applying my relaxer right in the front on that side. Now, thanks to LHCF, I start applying at the crown of my head first and leave the very front (and nape) for last.
my hair grows fuller and longer on the right side and I sleep on that side. it just naturally like that I will even up when I get to my goal but roller sets usually hides uneven hair