Underprocessing Hell!


New Member
Okay, I gave myself a touch-up last weekend and my hair is woefully underprocessed. Am I really going to have to wait 6wks before I touch-up again? I feel like my hair is going to break soon, if I don't do something about it.

I don't know why it came out underprocessed, either I kept it in too litle or I didn't smooth enough, who knows. Also, I wanted to know when you all get to the smoothing process do you part your hair and smooth each section? Do you smooth with your hands, back of the comb, teeth of the comb, or what?

I did an aphogee treatment on Friday so I can head off any breakage that may come, but it's already coming when I try to comb down to the root!

Any help y'all can give will be highly appreciated!
Hi there,

Sorry to hear about that retouch...

Could you try braidouts for some weeks? I have a lot of new growth and I guess that my previously relaxed hair would look like they were underprocessed... so I have been doing braidouts and haven't been experiencing any breakage or shedding. I always try to keep my hair moisturized too.


My hair is the same way, especially at the center of the strands. The root is fine, and the ends are fine. I would comb my hair, and it would break off at the underprocessed area. I've been feeling like all this care and time that I have put into my hair has been wasted, by a relaxer that did not take right. I was at my witts end wondering what to do. My hair dressor suggested using Redken Extreme Antisnap Leave In. Gurlllllll...it's the best leave in I've ever tried!! It totally smooths your hair so that a rat tail comb just glides right through. The leave in has a small amount of protein in it too. My hair dressor says that it's safe to use with every shampoo. It reminds me of Keracare Humecto when I put it on my hair. It's not as creamy though. What I mean is, the leave in makes your new growth soft (all your hair really), and it's like the texture of your hair changes or calms (for a lack of a better word). The Redken is pricey ($13 a bottle), but it REALLY saves your hair from breaking and makes it so much easier to comb. I've never liked any of their products. But this stuff is a keeper and the best I've ever tried!!! I had to go to 3 different salons to find it. Most were sold out. Sorry I've gone on so much about it. It's just THAT good!!! Try it!!! Let me know how you enjoy it.

Thanks Compassion, I've seen the ads for the Redken Extreme Antisnap and have wanted to try it, now I have a "valid" reason!
Oh good!!
And your very welcome. You will love it...trust me!! If not, I'll purchase it from you!! The entire Extreme Line is supposedly for damaged hair. I'm not sure about trying the other products. I just tried the extreme after my stylist used it on my hair. It's really a fabulous product. Smells great too!! Oh, and I used the Aphogee Protein treatment first too, then applied the Redken after some moisturizing conditioner. You'll feel like you hair has returned to normal. HTH

I believe that there's nothing wrong with getting a relaxer as often as needed. Sometimes I get them every 4 weeks, but I shouldn't go longer than 6 weeks. I get major breakage then. I think you could get a relaxer before 6 weeks without damaging your hair. I've always had healthy hair, so I can attest that you won't get damage. My mom does mine. She parts it into small sections and smooths it with the back of the comb. Once someone suggest to her that she just put it in and not do that. Well, she tried it and my hair was way under processed. I probably got my next touch up in 4 weeks. Good luck!
That happened to me (like a freakin' million times already
) and one time, I got angry and got my perm again 3 weeks later, and my hair suffered no damage from it. But needless to say, my hair was still underprocessed.