Unchecked Feelings....

Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know True Happiness by Hayley DiMarco

Is your main goal happiness or holiness? God’s goal is one of them, even at the expense of the other. Can you guess which one?

If you’re asking God for things and not getting them, then you might not be asking in line with God’s Will. Things are not what God wants for you; holiness is. And a lot of times that comes when you don’t get what you want.

Your lack has the ability to draw you closer to God and make you rely on Him as your everything.

God’s word promises to give you what you ask when you ask for what He wants. Ask yourself what you want from God and why. Is it something that would make you more holy or more happy? If you are concerned with happiness, then you might want to rethink your wish list.

Think about what you’re asking God for and how you could start to want more of what He wants for your life. God’s goal is always to strengthen your relationship with Him, not to increase your comfort, popularity, success, or happiness.

God wants to give you great things- far greater than you think- but it all has to do with your holiness and relationship with Him.

So look at His word and see what He wants for His kids. Think about His gifts, His life, His love. Think about what you want and what that says about you.

Do you concentrate on the things of heaven? Are you content with the things God has given you, or do you need more? Can you find hope in your situation knowing that God answers prayers not according to your will but according to His divine and perfect Will?

Practice trusting that because God is truly good, He will always give you what is the very best for you right now.

This is the third time I've heard this message this week and it's only Wednesday. I think it's safe to say God is definitely speaking to me. LOL!
Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know God by Hayley DiMarco

God hates idols. He call’s them wicked and disgusting. An idol is anything that leads you to obsession and anything that you look to for answers, for hope, for peace, for comfort, or anything else God wants to provide for you.

We all have ‘em; we just don’t know it. That’s because they’ve become such a part of us. A lot of times they control us so much that we can’t even distinguish them from our own personalities.

They control what we think and what we do. They say things like “You deserve more that that,” “You’ve got to get what you want,” and “Life isn’t fair.” They make big demands on our hearts and our lives, wanting us to serve them at all costs.

You might not recognize the voices of your idols, but chances are they are there, deep inside of you. In order to love and serve God you have to refuse to serve your idols.

You can’t have two gods; it doesn’t work that way. In order to spot your idols just ask yourself what you think about the most, what you can’t live without, and where you lack self-control.

As you explore these areas of yourself, you will more than likely find places where something other than God controls you, and there you’ve found your idols.

Don’t become enemies with God by following idols. Dare to break free today. Reject, renounce, and refuse your idols. It’s the only way to serve God, and it will be the answer to your bondage.

Nothing can control the God Woman who has her mind set on pleasing God and God alone!
Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know God by Hayley DiMarco

It is easy to look around and think that you are all alone, but don’t be so sure. There just might be angels watching you right now. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they’re less real.

Contrary to what some people might say, they aren’t the ghosts of people who have died and now serve as messengers of God. They are angelic beings created to do God’s work, and part of that work is watching over His people (see Ps.34:7).

There is more to your life than meets the eye. God promises to guard those who fear Him with an invisible protection.

Even though sometimes your life might look like a lonely disaster, as a God woman you’ve got to remember that you are never alone- you have the Spirit of God inside of you and His angels beside you.

Loneliness is a lie that pulls you inside of yourself to find emptiness and despair. When you look at your loneliness and resent it, or when you think you are too bad to be loved, you sin by calling God a liar.

God’s promises are too many to list here, but His word is clear that we are not alone. Millions like you walk this earth and share the same struggles every day, and millions more watch you from heaven (see 1 Cor. 10:13; Gal. 6:2; Heb. 12:1.)

When you start to feel bad about your life, stop and look for things in your life that prove God is there. And if you can’t find evidence in your life, then look to the lives of the millions of believers all over the world.

Look beyond the physical world and trust the truth of scripture when it points you to the invisible world that is all around you.
Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know God by Hayley DiMarco

It is easy to look around and think that you are all alone, but don’t be so sure. There just might be angels watching you right now. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they’re less real.

Contrary to what some people might say, they aren’t the ghosts of people who have died and now serve as messengers of God. They are angelic beings created to do God’s work, and part of that work is watching over His people (see Ps.34:7).

There is more to your life than meets the eye. God promises to guard those who fear Him with an invisible protection.

Even though sometimes your life might look like a lonely disaster, as a God woman you’ve got to remember that you are never alone- you have the Spirit of God inside of you and His angels beside you.

Loneliness is a lie that pulls you inside of yourself to find emptiness and despair. When you look at your loneliness and resent it, or when you think you are too bad to be loved, you sin by calling God a liar.

God’s promises are too many to list here, but His word is clear that we are not alone. Millions like you walk this earth and share the same struggles every day, and millions more watch you from heaven (see 1 Cor. 10:13; Gal. 6:2; Heb. 12:1.)

When you start to feel bad about your life, stop and look for things in your life that prove God is there. And if you can’t find evidence in your life, then look to the lives of the millions of believers all over the world.

Look beyond the physical world and trust the truth of scripture when it points you to the invisible world that is all around you.

Thank you SO much for posting this!
Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know God by Hayley DiMarco

God is a God of justice. That means He doesn’t let evil or sin win. In the end both require a price be paid, and that price is death.

God doesn’t want you to die, so He made a way out for you. The way out is called repentance – changing the way you think and act and turning to God.

You might feel like you’ve done something so bad that you can’t be forgiven even if you change your ways, but that’s not true.

People from the beginning of time have been sinning just as badly as you, and time and again God has proven nothing is so bad that it can’t be forgiven, except completely rejecting Him.

Even the Israelites, who turned their back on the God of their ancestors and worshiped other gods, were taken back over and over again by the same God who will take you back. Of course, they did suffer the consequences of their sinful choices- disease, attack, slavery, and even exile – but still God was their God, and still He promised to take them back.

Ultimately, He sent His son as a guilt offering so that no one would have to die but anyone could have eternal life, and that includes you.

Don’t let your life slogan be that you’re “just too bad to be forgiven” or “just too bad to be loved,” because that’s just not true. You are too loved to be forgotten and too prized to be given up on.

But to be forgiven you’ve got to confess and repent – a simple yet challenging task. So don’t argue with God about your sinfulness; just agree with Him and then accept His outstretched hand by saying, “Thank you.”

Today you are one step away from freedom. Take it now and get on with the better things God has waiting for you!
Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know God by Hayley DiMarco

Prayer is to your soul what your pulse is to your body.

A doctor can tell the condition of your heart by checking your pulse, and you can check the condition of your soul by checking your prayer.

What percentage of your time does God get from you?

How much prayer is too much?

If you truly believed in the power of prayer, could you ever get enough? Would any effort to find the time for it be too much?

The woman who believes in this power is the woman who finds more value and strength in the presence of God than in sleep, rest, or play.

Instead of considering prayer drudgery and a difficult discipline, she sees it as a joy and a necessity to her very soul. She finds in it the strength and ability to do more than she ever could without it.

The enemy’s goal is to keep you from communion with the Father. When you put off prayer for another time, you obey the enemy’s whispers. Don’t let your life be controlled by his deceit.

You cannot live without prayer – it’s your lifeblood and the only thing that will set you free from the chaos of life.

Daniel had a choice to make; he could obey the king’s decree not to worship God or defy it and risk certain death. Knowing his God and his own need for prayer, he chose the better path.

If you want to become as devotional as Daniel, then promise to wake up 30 minutes earlier every day and talk to God. Confess your junk, plead with him about those you love, and tell him how much you adore Him.

Do this for a week and then check yourself. Is life better, easier? Are you happier? When you find that you are, you will have found your strength in prayer.

I can attest to the above devotional^^^.

Words have so much power and I get the most strength and power by praying and confessing scripture over my situation and life.

Here are some scriptures that I have memorized for my prayer life that has strengthened, encouraged, and comforted me.

Jer. 17:7-10
Jer. 29:11
Prov. 3:5-7
2 Tim. 1:7
Matt. 11:28-30
Philip. 4:6-7
Ps. 50:15
Isa. 54:17
Ps. 1:1-3
Rom. 12:2
Eph. 6:13-18
Ps. 84:11
2 Cor. 12:9
Philip. 4:13
PinkPebbles - What if you believed in the power of prayer and prayed for something good to happen in certain situations for so so long, and it does not happen? The opposite happens like something bad or even worse than you ever thought? :perplexed
Poohbear said:
PinkPebbles - What if you believed in the power of prayer and prayed for something good to happen in certain situations for so so long, and it does not happen? The opposite happens like something bad or even worse than you ever thought? :perplexed

Get out of my head!! That's exactly what's happening to me. I prayed for many things and they were granted one way or another. But the one thing that my heart desired the most did not happen and got worse...

Sent from my PG86100 using LHCF
@PinkPebbles - What if you believed in the power of prayer and prayed for something good to happen in certain situations for so so long, and it does not happen? The opposite happens like something bad or even worse than you ever thought? :perplexed


I believe God hears our prayers. On my journey, I’ve learned God’s perfect Will is always best.

I will share with you one of my testimonies.

I was with my last company for 6 years. I wanted to leave badly after year 3. I kept having personality conflicts with new management. I cried many days, prayed for a new job, and confessed His word. It appeared as though things were getting worse instead of better.

Last year, I found out that my job will be bought by another company. The company informed my dept that our group will be laid off. My coworkers found new jobs weeks after the announcement. I ended up being the last one in my dept and management had to hire Contractors for the transition. However, I still held on to my faith and confessed Jer. 17 daily.

I have history with God, and I know the power of God and the power of prayer; therefore, I was not giving up no matter what it looked like. In the natural it looked like I was losing. But I believe in the supernatural b/c I have history with God.

I had to fight this battle in the spiritual realm and was strategic in my fight.

Number one - I only told two people what was going on b/c I knew they had strong faith to agree with me in prayer. Number two - I refused to complain and have a pit party. I learned that tears and having a temper tantrum doesn’t move God.

Now drum roll…..God showed Himself strong and mighty. My company gave me my end date so in the natural it looked like I have lost. But not so….

A company that I applied for said you must have a CPA for this position called me for an interview. I believed that God was going to grant me favor. I do not have my CPA license yet, but I know that I’m qualified for this job. And guess what!?! I ended up getting the job two weeks before my end date with my last company.

Not only did I get my dream job, but I received my severance and my retention bonus from my last company. On top of that, management increased my retention bonus because I was the last one in my dept.

God finally revealed to me that He had me with my last company because I had to learn a lot of things. I had to gain new skills, increase my knowledge for what he had for me. I had to deal with new management every year b/c each manager brought something new to the table that I needed.

God blessed me with a severance package and retention bonus to help me get rid of my debt b/c I prayed to Him about that too.

I came to this new company with everything that a qualified CPA should have. I don’t have my license yet, (working on it) but I have experience, knowledge, and confidence to get the job done and that’s why I was hired.

In summary, God hears our prayers. Our job is not to lose hope or faith but believe He knows what’s best for us at the current moment. Your pain and suffering may be there to teach you, mature you, purify you, and or strengthen you to be able to handle the blessing on the other side.

Get out of my head!! That's exactly what's happening to me. I prayed for many things and they were granted one way or another. But the one thing that my heart desired the most did not happen and got worse...

Sent from my PG86100 using LHCF


Every test has the opportunity to produce a testimony; to declare God’s goodness, mercy, love, protection, provision, etc.

We are living in a generation where perseverance is not taught or demonstrated in the lives of believers. In these last days it’s imperative that we know God, trust God, and believe that He is God.

We may not get everything that we want because it may not be in His Will, but we have to believe that God will give us what is best for us for His purpose and plan that He has for our lives.

If things are continuing to get worse for you ask God why? He is trying to get your attention, is he trying to teach you something, is it a test, or is a result of disobedience? Just a few examples….

In my testimony above God was trying to teach and correct some things in me that I was oblivious to. So He used my job and some coworkers to get my attention. At the end He showed me that He is Lord and Ruler over my life….and that I’m covered as long as I submit everything to Him.
Happy Sunday Ladies!!!

Instead of me posting another devotional I’d like to continue with the concern that many face “why things are getting worse, not better.” “I’ve prayed but still haven’t seen results.”

I woke up early this morning and started writing. I believe this is how God was speaking to me in regards to this topic that I’d like to share.

I started this thread so that all believers in Christ can come into the knowledge of truth with their very own personal issues and struggles. And to accomplish that we have to be real and honest with ourselves and with the Lord.

We all have felt stuck, frustrated, overwhelmed, and perhaps forgotten by God along this journey called life. Even the Son of God on the rigid cross cried….My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.

I don’t have all the answers but I will share some practical steps and try to encourage those who are currently going through a challenging and difficult season.

(1) Change your mindset and thinking. When you are facing hardship you can’t afford to dwell on the challenges. You have to renew your mind daily. When your mind is renewed you now have a godly perspective on the matter.

You are now telling your mind, I trust God’s Perfect Will for my life. Before I was in the womb, God knew me and created a purpose and plan for my life. I know that He will never leave or forsake me. Begin to recall events in the Bible where God has proven Himself to be Sovereign, Deliverer, Protector, Provider, Healer, and Merciful.

When you allow God’s word to penetrate and control your mind the chaos that surrounds you will no longer have an affect on your emotions or life. You can declare though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (hardship, challenges) I will not fear…..thou rod and staff will comfort me.

You will begin to experience God’s peace and grace to carry you through. His peace will surpass all understanding and you will begin to see how His strength is made perfect in your weakness.

(2) Ask God why did things become worse? You will then know how to deal and confront the issue.
(a) Is it a result of testing your faith like Job?
(b) Is it a result of disobedience like Jonah?
(c) Does God have a special purpose for your life like Joseph?
(d) Is God drawing you closer, and strengthening your faith like King David?
(e) Is it a result of complaining, whining, or fear like the children of Israel in the wilderness?
(f) Do you lack patience like Moses?
(g) Is it the result of you wanting to be boastful and recognized by men like King Saul?
(h) Is it a result of loneliness, grief, or bitterness like Naomi?
(i) Is it a result of unforgiveness, a hardened heart towards family members?

(3) When you feel the need to no longer pray because it appears that things are getting worse, you cut off the communication with God. Only God knows the beginning to the end; therefore, He is our Source and the very present Help in the time of need.

When you allow your mind to listen to the lies of the enemy, you take your mind off of God’s sovereignty and power. And ultimately you will feel defeated. That’s why you can’t afford to give up on the power of prayer. In prayer that’s when God speaks to our heart, reveal hidden things and truth, and fight on our behalf (read the book of Daniel.)

Furthermore, we have to connect with believers that have strong faith. When you can’t pray for yourself, you have someone interceding on your behalf.

My prayer today is that those who are weary and struggling will seek God. Lord, may they cast their burdens at your feet. Pour out your spirit and touch their hearts; they are hurting, in pain, silently crying, and can’t sleep. Open up their eyes and reveal your truth, open up their ears so they can hear your voice, and soften their hearts to receive and believe in You.

Be Blessed.

We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimonies.
Prayer – by Stormie Omartian

Lord, help me to remember that no matter how dark my situation may become, You are the light of my life and can never be put out.

No matter what dark clouds settle on my life, You will lift me above the storm and into the comfort of Your presence. Only You can take whatever loss I experience and fill that empty place with good.

Only You can take the burden of my grief and pain and dry my tears. “Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have relieved me in my distress; have mercy on me, and hear my prayer” (Psalm 4:1).

In times of grief, suffering, or trial, I pray for an added sense of Your presence. I want to grow stronger in these times and not weaker. I want to increase in faith and not be overcome with doubt.

I want to have hope in the midst of it and not surrender to hopelessness.

I want to stand strong in Your truth and not be swept away by my emotions.

Thank you that I don’t have to be afraid of bad news because my heart is steadfast, trusting in You (Psalm 112:7). Thank you that “You have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from falling” (Psalm 116:8).

Thank you that I walk before You with hope in my heart and life in my body.

Thank you that “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord” (Psalm 118:17). Even when “my soul melts from heaviness,” I pray that You would strengthen me according to Your word” (Psalm 119:28).

Help me to remember to give thanks to You in all things, knowing that You reign in the midst of them. Remind me that you have redeemed me and I am Yours and nothing is more important that that.

I know when I pass through the waters You will be with me and the river will not overflow me. When I walk through the fire I will not be burned, nor will the flame touch me (Isaiah 43:1-2). That’s because you are a good God and have sent Your Holy Spirit to comfort and help me.

I pray that You, O God of hope, will fill me with all joy and peace and faith so that I will “abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 15:13).

Thank you that You have Your Holy Spirit to be my Comforter and Helper. Remind me of that in the midst of difficult times.


I believe God hears our prayers. On my journey, I’ve learned God’s perfect Will is always best.

I will share with you one of my testimonies.

I was with my last company for 6 years. I wanted to leave badly after year 3. I kept having personality conflicts with new management. I cried many days, prayed for a new job, and confessed His word. It appeared as though things were getting worse instead of better.

Last year, I found out that my job will be bought by another company. The company informed my dept that our group will be laid off. My coworkers found new jobs weeks after the announcement. I ended up being the last one in my dept and management had to hire Contractors for the transition. However, I still held on to my faith and confessed Jer. 17 daily.

I have history with God, and I know the power of God and the power of prayer; therefore, I was not giving up no matter what it looked like. In the natural it looked like I was losing. But I believe in the supernatural b/c I have history with God.

I had to fight this battle in the spiritual realm and was strategic in my fight.

Number one - I only told two people what was going on b/c I knew they had strong faith to agree with me in prayer. Number two - I refused to complain and have a pit party. I learned that tears and having a temper tantrum doesn’t move God.

Now drum roll…..God showed Himself strong and mighty. My company gave me my end date so in the natural it looked like I have lost. But not so….

A company that I applied for said you must have a CPA for this position called me for an interview. I believed that God was going to grant me favor. I do not have my CPA license yet, but I know that I’m qualified for this job. And guess what!?! I ended up getting the job two weeks before my end date with my last company.

Not only did I get my dream job, but I received my severance and my retention bonus from my last company. On top of that, management increased my retention bonus because I was the last one in my dept.

God finally revealed to me that He had me with my last company because I had to learn a lot of things. I had to gain new skills, increase my knowledge for what he had for me. I had to deal with new management every year b/c each manager brought something new to the table that I needed.

God blessed me with a severance package and retention bonus to help me get rid of my debt b/c I prayed to Him about that too.

I came to this new company with everything that a qualified CPA should have. I don’t have my license yet, (working on it) but I have experience, knowledge, and confidence to get the job done and that’s why I was hired.

In summary, God hears our prayers. Our job is not to lose hope or faith but believe He knows what’s best for us at the current moment. Your pain and suffering may be there to teach you, mature you, purify you, and or strengthen you to be able to handle the blessing on the other side.

Thanks for this story; it really touched a nerve. At this time, I’m going through something similar in the trusting without complaining department. It reminds me to pull out my journal to see how The Lord has blessed me in the pass, (although it seemed as though my current situation is overwhelming) and how he has a successful plan for my future.

I believe God hears our prayers. On my journey, I’ve learned God’s perfect Will is always best.

I will share with you one of my testimonies.

I was with my last company for 6 years. I wanted to leave badly after year 3. I kept having personality conflicts with new management. I cried many days, prayed for a new job, and confessed His word. It appeared as though things were getting worse instead of better.

Last year, I found out that my job will be bought by another company. The company informed my dept that our group will be laid off. My coworkers found new jobs weeks after the announcement. I ended up being the last one in my dept and management had to hire Contractors for the transition. However, I still held on to my faith and confessed Jer. 17 daily.

I have history with God, and I know the power of God and the power of prayer; therefore, I was not giving up no matter what it looked like. In the natural it looked like I was losing. But I believe in the supernatural b/c I have history with God.

I had to fight this battle in the spiritual realm and was strategic in my fight.

Number one - I only told two people what was going on b/c I knew they had strong faith to agree with me in prayer. Number two - I refused to complain and have a pit party. I learned that tears and having a temper tantrum doesn’t move God.

Now drum roll…..God showed Himself strong and mighty. My company gave me my end date so in the natural it looked like I have lost. But not so….

A company that I applied for said you must have a CPA for this position called me for an interview. I believed that God was going to grant me favor. I do not have my CPA license yet, but I know that I’m qualified for this job. And guess what!?! I ended up getting the job two weeks before my end date with my last company.

Not only did I get my dream job, but I received my severance and my retention bonus from my last company. On top of that, management increased my retention bonus because I was the last one in my dept.

God finally revealed to me that He had me with my last company because I had to learn a lot of things. I had to gain new skills, increase my knowledge for what he had for me. I had to deal with new management every year b/c each manager brought something new to the table that I needed.

God blessed me with a severance package and retention bonus to help me get rid of my debt b/c I prayed to Him about that too.

I came to this new company with everything that a qualified CPA should have. I don’t have my license yet, (working on it) but I have experience, knowledge, and confidence to get the job done and that’s why I was hired.

In summary, God hears our prayers. Our job is not to lose hope or faith but believe He knows what’s best for us at the current moment. Your pain and suffering may be there to teach you, mature you, purify you, and or strengthen you to be able to handle the blessing on the other side.

Thank you for your testimony.

I call these "I'm praying but it's getting worst" situations, transitional crisis. They have taught me the meaning of 'fighting the good fight of faith.'
PinkPebbles thanks so much for this post. This is going to be my next area of transformation....more of Him, less of me (override the emotions).
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I just came into this forum to go the the Random Thoughts thread to post something similar. I want to be a better person. I realize that I need to work on my empathy. I feel that I'm not empathetic enough to situations if I feel that there is a "logical" solution.

I was also reading a passage on forgiveness and I by praying for persons who I feel have wronged me makes me feel more and more compassionate towards their situation. Which is much better than the burning anger and bitterness that ravaged my soul :look: :lol: