Unchecked Feelings....


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies –

I’m doing a study on emotions 'unchecked feelings,' as well as, examining my behavior and making a conscious effort to do better in how I interact with others.

I recently bought a new bible that has devotions on the topic of 'Feelings.' I’d like to share the devotions over a period of time because I realize a lot of unfortunate situations occur in our lives due to unchecked feelings.

In my study and personal experience, I learned that unchecked feelings cause:
- One to make irrational decisions
- End great relationships
- Difficult for others to communicate with you; a lot of miscommunication and misunderstandings
- Clouded in judgment
- Blame others rather than take responsibility for your own actions
- Become prideful
- Become unteachable

Hopefully, this thread could be used as support to overcome being overly emotional! Please join in by sharing devotions, words of wisdom, scriptures, and testimonies :).
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Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know Yourself by Hayley DiMarco

You don’t have to feel good to be godly. Everything in you might scream “Yuck!” Your emotions drag, your heart aches, and you feel like you can’t go on, but you have to push through and trust. You have to act like you don’t feel those things at all and just push on into action, doing what you’ve been called to do – love, serve, give, trust. In spite of how things look, your mind has to focus on what is true and honorable and commendable (see Phil. 4:8).

You can’t use your sadness as an excuse to be ungodly. Feelings lie and feelings manipulate, and if you let feelings be your guide, you’re going to spend more time off track than on the road to success. So listen to what your feelings have to say, but if they’re bringing you down, like they did to Job when his trials first hit, then turn down the volume. You can acknowledge they are there; you can even mourn and grieve as Job did, but then say, “Even so, I’m moving on as if everything’s okay, because feelings aren’t my god.”

When you work at making what you know more important than how you feel, eventually your mind will be able to control your feelings and stop letting them control you. Then you’ll be free.

People who are controlled by their feelings are like waves on the ocean, blown by the wind and tossed around by the sea. Want stability? Then take your life back from your emotions.
Thnks for this thread. Not controlling our emotions in the middle of a battle can do us more harm than the enemies weapons.
Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know Yourself by Hayley DiMarco

Sometimes you need to do more than just pray about things – your moods, for example. Don’t just pray about your bad moods. Kick them out! Your mood comes from your way of thinking about the stuff in your life.

The more you listen to your flesh and feelings, the easier it is to miss the truth of scripture. But the more you flat-out refuse to let the world around you decide your moods, the freer you become.

Growing into the God Woman you were meant to be means step-by-step, day-by-day grabbing your bad moods by the scruff of the neck and tossing them out the door. When you start to make the Holy Spirit’s thoughts your own, when you study His word and find out what pleases him, and when you want what He wants, then controlling your emotions get easier and easier.

You start to recognize your bad moods more quickly, and sometimes you just refuse to let them live. Your bad moods don’t have to control you; but you can control them.

Think about what your mood is railing about: Is it your problem, your environment, or something someone said or did? Is it reacting to what God said? Does it care more about people or God? If it’s caring more about the creation than the Creator, it’s up to no good.

Bad moods don’t have to plague the God Woman because her mood is based not on her changing circumstances but on a God who never changes. Having a bad day? Think about how you can be happy in the trial God has set for you. Having a hard time? Think how perseverance can change your life.

As you grow you’ll get better at refusing to listen to your moods and instead choosing to listen to God. Each time you do you’ll build strength, character, and faith!
Great thread it sounds like Cognative therapy and religion rolled in together. I may check more in to this subscribing to thread.
Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know True Happiness by Hayley DiMarco

Do your feelings control you? Are they your master? Your experiences and how you feel about them should never be your only guide in life. Moods, emotions, and feelings can be misleading. All they talk about is “me this” and “me that.” They aren’t focused on God.

As a believer you should never let your feelings get the better of your faith. Worry, fear, and loss of self-control can all be signs of a life that worship feelings instead of the Father.

How can you make decisions and take action based on faith in God instead of feelings? You have to learn to see past what you’re experiencing right now and look to the Word of God.

Just as a blind person feels for walls to guide them and obstacles to avoid as they walk, you have to steer clear of the obstacles in your path and instead reach out for what you know to be true and solid.

Take your eyes off of the things that weaken your emotional state and draw you away from truth. You were meant to be a slave not to feelings but to the one true God. Trust God’s written instructions to you-they aren’t for show or just for reassurance but for guidance and direction.

When your feelings falter, His Word will not!
PinkPebbles where did you find this bible...emotions and feelings have been my major obstacles in all aspects my life.

Thank you for the postings

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@PinkPebbles where did you find this bible...emotions and feelings have been my major obstacles in all aspects my life.

Thank you for the postings

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The bible is called "God Girl Bible" by Hayle DiMarco. I found it at a Christiain book store. I bought it as a gift for a teen but I liiked it so much that I went back to purchase one for myself! Hayle written this bible for teen girls and young adults BUT it has truly blessed me :grin:.

You can find this bible at a Christian book store or on amazon. I love this bible!!!
My feelings have been controlling my mind alot over the past few years. I hope I can be able to take control of my emotions. Thanks for starting this thread.
Thanks for this thread PinkPebbles!

I'm on a journey to win back control over my emotions as well. From praying and studying the word, I've realized that it's important to identify HOW your emotions affect you. For some it may be sadness and depression. For some it may be jealousy, feeling the need to always compare yourself to other people. For others it may be anger, quick to say the first thing on your mind without filtering for the sake of someone else's feelings. For me, it's fear and anxiety.

It took me a while to realize that fear is an emotion. Since I'm an over-analyzer, it seemed like my fear or hesitancy to do things was based on practical thinking. I weighed my pros and cons and went with what was best. It didn't occur to me that my fear, which is an emotion, could actually influence my thinking of what is a pro and what is a con, therefore my decisions were not practical as I thought, they were emotional. I know that may sound confusing cause Lord knows it took me a long time to figure it out (Lol!), but thank God I did. Now that I know how my emotions attack me, it's easier for me to take control. I know that I have to cut back on the analyze and feel freer to make decisions without worrying.

Some days I take big steps forward in this battle of emotions, some days I take baby steps and there are even days when I steps backwards, but what's important is that I keep stepping and each step I take is in God. I pray and believe that all of us in this thread will find the strength to control our emotions.
Thanks for this thread @PinkPebbles!

I'm on a journey to win back control over my emotions as well. From praying and studying the word, I've realized that it's important to identify HOW your emotions affect you. For some it may be sadness and depression. For some it may be jealousy, feeling the need to always compare yourself to other people. For others it may be anger, quick to say the first thing on your mind without filtering for the sake of someone else's feelings. For me, it's fear and anxiety.

It took me a while to realize that fear is an emotion. Since I'm an over-analyzer, it seemed like my fear or hesitancy to do things was based on practical thinking. I weighed my pros and cons and went with what was best. It didn't occur to me that my fear, which is an emotion, could actually influence my thinking of what is a pro and what is a con, therefore my decisions were not practical as I thought, they were emotional. I know that may sound confusing cause Lord knows it took me a long time to figure it out (Lol!), but thank God I did. Now that I know how my emotions attack me, it's easier for me to take control. I know that I have to cut back on the analyze and feel freer to make decisions without worrying.

Some days I take big steps forward in this battle of emotions, some days I take baby steps and there are even days when I steps backwards, but what's important is that I keep stepping and each step I take is in God. I pray and believe that all of us in this thread will find the strength to control our emotions.

Reminiscing you shared some excellent points!

You are right that fear is an emotion....and I never looked at it that way.

I heard a Minister say that FEAR is:
F - False
E - Evidence
A - Appear
R - Real

Our emotions can get the best of us and make us believe something that isn't true.
Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know Love by Hayley DiMarco

Your heart can make some bad choices if left to its own devices, mainly because it feels so deeply and those feelings insist on being heard. Like a spoiled child, your feelings demand immediate attention and want what they want when they want it. But just because your heart feels something, that doesn’t make it true.

A lot of times your heart lies. That’s because feelings are often based on your experience of the world around you, not necessarily on God’s truth. The beauty of knowing and obeying God’s law is that it’s unchanging and sure; it doesn’t go back and forth based on the actions or feelings of humanity. It doesn’t tease you by saying one thing only to change to something else when the winds pick up.

No, God’s law is constant, and its stability gives you a chance to rise above the storms of this life. It’s an outstretched hand in the storm, and it helps you find your way safely through the fog of emotion.

God tells you in Proverbs 4:23 to guard your heart because the source of your life flows from it. The word heart here doesn’t mean the beating organ in your chest but your mind, your thoughts, and your emotions – all that is you.

You have to guard your thoughts and feelings because out of those come your love for God and His commands, and out of that comes your ability to serve, to find joy, and to trust God.

If you let your heart be led astray, then your faith gets derailed. A lot of girls let emotions alone guide all or most of their decisions. They say, “I feel it, so it has to be real,” but that isn’t always true.

Faith isn’t about feeling; it’s about knowing. We don’t say “I feel like I believe in Jesus.” We either believe and follow Him or we don’t. And before, during, and after we believe, feelings go with that. But feelings can be fickle. They rise and fall like the wind and are prone to rebellion, but your mind can and should overcome them if you focus your thoughts on God’s word.

When you guard your heart, you refuse to think things based solely on how you feel, and instead you judge everything based on God’s word. So guard your heart and let truth be your guide instead of random experience.
Thanks for posting this....a few months ago in the random thought thread posts of my posts were about us being carried away on how we feel...

Feelings change, example if it's raining our mood changes why because somebody said so.,.next time it rains we needs to see it for what it really is, it washes, grows supplies water etc.,

Another example lots of people say they don't 'feel' God near they need to 'feel' .,,we need to know that He is near...it's not in a feeling its knowing.
Thanks for posting this....a few months ago in the random thought thread posts of my posts were about us being carried away on how we feel...

Feelings change, example if it's raining our mood changes why because somebody said so.,.next time it rains we needs to see it for what it really is, it washes, grows supplies water etc.,

Another example lots of people say they don't 'feel' God near they need to 'feel' .,,we need to know that He is near...it's not in a feeling its knowing.


In total agreement...great examples!

Thanks for sharing!
Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know True Happiness by Hayley DiMarco

Do you live by your emotions? Do you yell when you’re angry, cry when you’re sad, and fight back when you’re hurt? As a follower of Christ you were never meant to blindly follow your emotions. That’s what you did before you chose this path and were brought into the family. So why do you still get bossed around by your emotions at times instead of listening to the voice of God?

Do you bow to your emotions just out of habit or weakness? Or do you sometimes feel cheated because you didn’t get out of a situation what you thought you should have gotten? “That’s not fair!” You say. “I deserve more.”

Someone didn’t give you what you thought you were going to get, so you are sad. Someone didn’t do what you wanted, so you are angry. Frustrated expectations lead you down bad emotional paths, and more often than not you follow them.

But what if you could be free from your emotions’ control and back under the control of Christ- wouldn’t your life be better? Wouldn’t your self-control improve and your emotions calm? After all, that’s what He promises: “Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). He’ll give you rest from what led you here and there, up and down. Rest from yourself.

A life completely turned over to Christ is a life where emotions complement but do not control. Unchecked, emotions are like a spoiled child, always demanding satisfaction. But a follower of Christ is like Him, humble and gentle, not expecting everything to go her way but trusting that everything will work out in the end.

You have to choose who you are going to follow, your emotions or your God. For all human beings there will be heartache, grief, and great loss, but if you’re willing to choose God, then your emotions will start to come under your control and bring depth to your life instead of misery. Like Jeremiah, you can express grief and despair, but never to the point that it distracts you from who God is and what a life lived for him ultimately means.

This post is right on time, I am going through a situation and now I'm wondering if I am being led by my emotions because I'm hurt and angry at the moment or if its something I should do.

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Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know God by Hayley DiMarco

Have you ever felt like the well of your emotions was too deep for even Jesus to manage?

Does your soul seem so out of whack, such a particularly depressing case, that not even Jesus Himself can get to the bottom of things and heal you?

Like the woman at the well, you think your troubles are too deep for Him to give you any comfort. When Jesus tells you not to let your heart be troubled, you turn away from Him and say, “It can’t be done. My well of pain and agony is too deep.”

But wait – isn’t Jesus the Almighty God? When you say He can’t help you, you are denying the Almighty part of His name. There’s a reason for that name, and it’s that He’s, well, “all mighty”- not partly mighty or almost mighty enough but all mighty.

Sure, it’s easy for you to go to Him as Comforter or Sympathizer, maybe even provider. But you just can’t call Him Almighty, can you? The reason a lot of Christians don’t feel Christ working in their lives is because they have refused to recognize that He is the Almighty.

When you get into a particularly tough situation, don’t mock the Almighty by saying “Of course He can’t do what I need. This is just too much for Him to fix.” Do you really think your problems are bigger than Almighty God?

It may seem that way at times, but it’s simply not true. So trust yourself to His care and give the Almighty back the power in your life. He has done some amazing things in history and He can do an amazing work in your life too.

This post is right on time, I am going through a situation and now I'm wondering if I am being led by my emotions because I'm hurt and angry at the moment or if its something I should do.

Sent from my HTC EVO 3D


I've been in that situation many times.

Give yourself some time before you make any decisions. Pray and ask God to heal your pain so it doesn't cloud your judgment; and then ask God for His wisdom in making the right decision for your situation.
PinkPebbles said:

The bible is called "God Girl Bible" by Hayle DiMarco. I found it at a Christiain book store. I bought it as a gift for a teen but I liiked it so much that I went back to purchase one for myself! Hayle written this bible for teen girls and young adults BUT it has truly blessed me :grin:.

You can find this bible at a Christian book store or on amazon. I love this bible!!!

I thanked the post but thanks again for the information. I didn't order the bible yet but I bought her " God Girl" book for my kindle app and it's eye opening. I wasn't raised in the church and decided to get saved at 16. I've been struggling for the past 12 years on the basic concepts despite lots of reading etc. I really needed this!!!

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I thanked the post but thanks again for the information. I didn't order the bible yet but I bought her " God Girl" book for my kindle app and it's eye opening. I wasn't raised in the church and decided to get saved at 16. I've been struggling for the past 12 years on the basic concepts despite lots of reading etc. I really needed this!!!

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That's wonderful!

I thank God for providing us with the tools and resources to receive knowledge and understanding :).
Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know Yourself by Hayley DiMarco

Your life is filled with so many things that are a given and so many people who have everything planned out for you – your parents, your teachers, your friends.

But what happens when you’re faced with the unknown?

When the future is not a given but a big old question mark? Do you freak?

Living with everything figured out is a piece of cake, but having no clue what’s going to happen next leaves you with nothing but faith. Your future might be unknown, but your God is well known. Don’t let an uncertain tomorrow erase what you know about God, and that is that He is in control if it all.

No matter what you know or don’t know and no matter who attempts to intervene, He’s still the ultimate authority in the life of the believer. You may be unsure of what’s coming next in the journey of life, but big whoop – you are sure of God. And that means you can be sure of His protection and peace.

The evidence of the spiritual life in you is when your heart is okay with the unknown, because the unknown is where faith lives. Without a few mysteries in life, your faith would be weak and useless, because it wouldn’t be “convinced of the existence of things we cannot see.” So don’t freak when life seems all foggy and iffy, because those moments when you don’t know what comes next are when your faith gets stronger and your beliefs get a boost of encouragement.

Without faith you would be like the nonbeliever, all worried about tomorrow and using all your energy to make sure there were never any unknowns. Be different! Accept the idea of uncertainty in your life, look to the one who is certain, and life will be a great adventure!
PinkPebbles Thanks for posting this devotional! It's right on time for me. I'm currently in a phase where my career has come to a halt (or seems like it has) and I have no idea where it's going next. I was panicking at first but then God spoke to me about something specific he wants me to do. I've been pouring my time and energy into it since then, but still not knowing exactly where it will lead me and how it will help move my career forward. I feel like I'm walking blind and sometimes I want to quit but my desire to obey God is what has been motivating me. Today I got a little weary and I started to complain about "wandering with no direction" but thank God for this devotional. I see now that my moment of complaining was the enemy using my emotions to trick me again. I need to exercise my faith and complete the task God has given me. I'm almost finished with it. It would be a shame for me to give up so close to the end. Please pray for me.
@PinkPebbles Thanks for posting this devotional! It's right on time for me. I'm currently in a phase where my career has come to a halt (or seems like it has) and I have no idea where it's going next. I was panicking at first but then God spoke to me about something specific he wants me to do. I've been pouring my time and energy into it since then, but still not knowing exactly where it will lead me and how it will help move my career forward. I feel like I'm walking blind and sometimes I want to quit but my desire to obey God is what has been motivating me. Today I got a little weary and I started to complain about "wandering with no direction" but thank God for this devotional. I see now that my moment of complaining was the enemy using my emotions to trick me again. I need to exercise my faith and complete the task God has given me. I'm almost finished with it. It would be a shame for me to give up so close to the end. Please pray for me.


You will be in my prayers sis.

God came through for you on many occassions, so He won't let you down now.

Stay encouraged (((hugs))).
Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know True Happiness by Hayley DiMarco

If you are feeling depressed about life, it may be because you don’t trust in God’s providence or His power in this world.

Depression is often a result of either getting what you want and realizing it wasn’t what you thought it would be or net getting what you want and being upset about it. Either way, that’s all about you, not God. But it isn’t something you have to live with.

Unless you are dealing with a real medical condition, like clinical depression, feeling better about life just has to do with reassessing what you want.

When you can change your focus from loving what you want to loving whatever God wants to give you, then depression starts to fade away.

When you trust that God is truly involved in the lives of those who love Him, then you don’t need to be all depressed because suddenly you see things through new lenses. You see life – the good, the bad, and the ugly, all of it – as a gift from Him, one that you might not understand just yet but trust that one day you will appreciate.

Depression and moping around about life are often symptoms of spiritual sickness, and you can change your attitude if you are willing to trust God and look for him relentlessly.

Take your focus off of what you want, need, or demand and put it onto looking for God and finding Him in the middle of your mess and your emptiness!

Devotional Series on Feelings....
Know God by Hayley DiMarco

If you feel depression coming on, you can stop it before it digs in and takes over, and all it takes is a decision: decide not to think about it, impossible, you say? No, no, no. It can be done.

In order to avoid depressing thoughts, as soon as you feel them coming on, think about something else. When you pray, don’t agonize over your misery; just talk to God and say, “Your will be done,” and then get on with something else.

Sometimes prayer can just be an excuse to wallow in your pain and agony, and that’s not right. Don’t pretend to be praying when what you’re really doing is worrying. Let your prayer remind you who God is, not what your problems are.

What seems bigger, the thing that is closet to you or the thing that’s off in the distance? The closer the bigger, so bring God closer by agreeing with Him, adoring Him, and praising Him, and put your worries in the distance by refusing to stare at them, even in prayer.

Know that God knows your situation, and then ask Him to show Himself to you so that you can find truth instead of the lie of depression.

The depressed mind is not trusting God to be who He says He is or to do what He says he’ll do. You can kick the most common depressions of life on Earth, but you have to know the one who is truth and trust the truth.

God’s word confirms that faith should override feelings. Heb 11:1 says that faith is being certain of things we cannot see – in other words, not being controlled by what we feel. It might feel like all is lost, but for a true believer all is lost only when we have lost faith in God. And the truth is that nothing – not angels or rulers, not devils or evil men, not trials or suffering – can take us away from Him (see Rom.8:38-39).

Nothing will be our destruction, but it’s all meant for good and can all be used for good if you, like Joseph, are willing to trust that God wouldn’t let it happen if He wasn’t going to make something amazing out of it.

Even if it all looks like darkness now, take the life of Joseph as your example. There certainly can be chemical causes for your depression, but the beginning of all efforts to lift your thought life up out of darkness should be to place your mind on God. Remember that Jesus came to set you free, not just from the wages of sin but from the chains of it as well!
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