Umm...was I insulted last night???


New Member
I've been mainly wearing my hair in buns and twist-outs for the past 2 months, so I wouldn't say that it is obvious that I haven't relaxed my hair. I've seen my sister a few times, but we've never discussed my hair or my transition. I choose not to bring it up unless asked because I don't want to hear anyone's mouth. Anyway, last night, I was standing with my sister and we were talking hair, so I said, "I'm growing my perm out," and she replied, "Yeah. I can tell." And that was it. Uh...what does that mean? I tried not to think too much of it, but now I'm starting to think it was kind of....??? Something wasn't right about it. Am I being too sensitive? :ohwell:
My two cents...yes you are being sensitive. IF your sister is used to seeing your hair straight and now she can see your kinky roots, all she did was state that she noticed you were doing something different.

If she made an additional remark such as it was ugly or not right for you, then that's more of an insult.

But then again my two cents....She is YOUR sister so you would know better. Ask her how she feels and what her opinion is. That way you can get a better understanding.

I have a twin sister and I wouldnt care what she thought of it. It is my hair.
...Take it with a grain of salt...She can tell because your hair is thicker at the roots than at the ends...She may have been trying to say something "not so nice" but, let it slide...You may hear worse (from strangers and family members), but remember- this is about YOUR HEALTHY HAIR JOURNEY and once they see where you are going- everyone will be silenced!
I wouldn't consider it an might be a little more self conscious about your hair right now so anyone noticing a difference between textures may be making you feel that it's not looking all that "cute" right now. What's most important is that you're comfortable with your hairstyles. I'm sure most people think I'm already natural with all of the fluff I got goiing on, but it's ok cause I like it! :yep:
I wouldn't consider it an might be a little more self conscious about your hair right now so anyone noticing a difference between textures may be making you feel that it's not looking all that "cute" right now. What's most important is that you're comfortable with your hairstyles. I'm sure most people think I'm already natural with all of the fluff I got goiing on, but it's ok cause I like it! :yep:

I agree. She probably just noticed your roots are thick.

I have a friend who would make negative comments about my hair and one time she said something about my wig (and I was self concious about wearing one) I was analyzing it, like what did she mean by that.

And I dont talk about my hair anymore either. People mention it I change the subject.