Um yeah so... what is going on?


Well-Known Member
Why can I not access this site without a proxy for the past 2 days? Not sure what the deal is because I was not notified of a ban, and I havent said anything so whats the dealio yall?

I would appreciate someone getting back to me on this one as again... it would be pretty uncool if I were banned randomly for having done nothing at all...and nobody says anything at all about it.
hooray!!! It looks like Im back up and running! Maybe somebody saw my message and took care of it! :grin:

YAY Thanks mods! (or whoever helped out!)
hooray!!! It looks like Im back up and running! Maybe somebody saw my message and took care of it! :grin:

YAY Thanks mods! (or whoever helped out!)

That is weird because we changed nothing to the forum itself.

As I wrote in the ticket, what was the message that was displayed on the screen?
That is weird because we changed nothing to the forum itself.

As I wrote in the ticket, what was the message that was displayed on the screen?

"browser cannot connect with" I did this with google chrome, firefox and IE.

And its also weird because I changed absolutely nothing on my end. As a matter of fact on Thurs (when it happened) I had been in the middle of surfing the off topic forum and all the sudden I clicked a thread and poof there went the forum.

I pinged the site on Saturday using my CMD and I was receiving data but it still wouldn't let me connect... which is why I thought it was something on your end. Usually if the site is down nothing will come back after pinging....

I guess it was just a fluke. BTW I responded to the ticket dont know if you saw or not.

Thanks for responding though. I appreciate it :yep: