Ultra Black Hair Products - Have you Tried?


Well-Known Member
I was browsing the web and came across this website.


Evidently, this lady grew her hair out using "common sense" methods and has since wrote a few books about her journey.

I was wondering if anyone has ever been to this site and used her products before? It seems like much of what she's saying I've learned right here at LHCF! It's too bad we can't all get together and write a book!

I also have some issues with some of her tips. She seems kind of dismissive to techniques that seem to help people with their hair growth.

What do you all think? :think:
Yes, Cathy Howse is the reason I found this board. I have tried all of her products. They are good but I have found things that are equivalent to her stuff in the stores.

Her conditioner is a medium/heavy protein - Aphogee, Nexxus Emergencee, and Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayonaise. I sometimes add essential oils and oil to my conditioner.
Her moisturizer is nice smelling but I have found better Kids Organics Shea Butter Moisturizer and Silk Elements Cream Moisturizer
Her Dew is nice but I like S-Curl Texturizer spray

I have read her book, the key thing for me was to take iron supplements, don't brush the hair ever, wash the hair twice per week and deep condition each time with heat, and trimming every 4-6 weeks isn't necessary. That pretty much sums it up,

Hope This helps:)
I'm like Trimbride and found LHCF because of Cathy. I read the book and bought ALL the products and they are collecting dust under my sink. I learned a lot from the book (i.e., washing 2x per week, no brushing, etc.) but there are products that are just as good or even better out there.
trimbride said:
Yes, Cathy Howse is the reason I found this board. I have tried all of her products. They are good but I have found things that are equivalent to her stuff in the stores.

Her conditioner is a medium/heavy protein - Aphogee, Nexxus Emergencee, and Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayonaise. I sometimes add essential oils and oil to my conditioner.
Her moisturizer is nice smelling but I have found better Kids Organics Shea Butter Moisturizer and Silk Elements Cream Moisturizer
Her Dew is nice but I like S-Curl Texturizer spray

I have read her book, the key thing for me was to take iron supplements, don't brush the hair ever, wash the hair twice per week and deep condition each time with heat, and trimming every 4-6 weeks isn't necessary. That pretty much sums it up,

Hope This helps:)

Let me find out we like the same things *except I prefer World of Curls to S-Curl when I'm in a "Dew" mood"

Basically co-signing..I found this board because of her and she basically got me started on my hair journey for healthier hair - I have a signed copy of her book and whenever I had questions via email, she always answered.

For that, I'll always be appreciative:)
shiningstar84 said:
I used the conditioner. It's nothing more than just overpriced conditioner with added peppermint oil. I never tried anything else.

I love her conditioner. I think it probably works best tho if yuor hair is damaged. It's a deeep conditioner. it helped my hair a lot. I also like the UBH moisturizer. The dew is way too light for my taste.
I've used her products, and actually I still do. But just like some of the other ladies here, she started me on the healthy hair journey but then I found LHCF. I have tried all her products and for my hair the deep conditioner works great, it really helps to prevent my hair from breakage. Any more questions feel free to ask me.:)
Cathy Howse also led me to LHCF. I started out using her products and branched out to other products. However, after a year of trying everything under the sun, I have come back to her creme moisturizer. She is not as expensive as some say. My beloved Qhemet's costs way more per ounce. Her teachings caused me think about the health of my hair, and now I am 100% natural. Cathy Howse has done black women everywhere a great service. Too bad she does not get the credit for it.
Im another person that found the Cathy Howse site and read her book and that led me to LHCF...I have not used her products but have used homemade versions and of course have used most of her methods. Honestly I attribute my initial hair growing knowlegde to her. Thats where my obsession started.
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VA_Girl said:
Cathy Howse also led me to LHCF. I started out using her products and branched out to other products. However, after a year of trying everything under the sun, I have come back to her creme moisturizer. She is not as expensive as some say. My beloved Qhemet's costs way more per ounce. Her teachings caused me think about the health of my hair, and now I am 100% natural. Cathy Howse has done black women everywhere a great service. Too bad she does not get the credit for it.

*nodding head*

Very true...there always seems to be a focus moreso on her pushing of her products than the knowledge that she also got heads started with...I'd like to think that outweighs the sales push...but that's just me...
trimbride said:
My thing is why wouldn't she promote her products. If I was her I would.:cool:

*nod head...

True, true....

"Can't Knock the Hustle...."

Chick helped me get past shoulder length, so I ain't never gonna knock her..
I found the Cathy Howse site before LHCF too! I have purchased all products, Dew, Lotion Moisturizer, Conditioner and the book and still use the Deep Conditioner weekly and the Lotion Moisturizer, I didn't repurchase the Dew because it was too light for me to use consistently. She definately started my obsession with hair care and knowledge. LHCF was stumbled upon directly off of her site.:lol:
I learned how to stay away from scissor happy stylist and I think she gives some good practical advice that has really helped people grow their hair. For that I applaud her. Her products are good also. Both the dew and moisturizer
worked well for my hair . Her deep conditioner is good , but I especially like it mixed with humctress before I started my new routine.
Catina72 said:
I found the Cathy Howse site before LHCF too! I have purchased all products, Dew, Lotion Moisturizer, Conditioner and the book and still use the Deep Conditioner weekly and the Lotion Moisturizer, I didn't repurchase the Dew because it was too light for me to use consistently. She definately started my obsession with hair care and knowledge. LHCF was stumbled upon directly off of her site.:lol:

That's exactly what happened with me too!

Out of curiosity, I think a poll should be taken to see just how many people have been at least inspired by Cathy Howse.

I don't follow all her methods, because she has different type hair, BUT I love what she's done to inspire me and countless other women. After reading her book twice in two days, I was driven to learn more.

My mom has the moisturizer and the book. She loved the book. The moisturizer? she hasn't commented on it. She went back to KeraCare.
trimbride said:
My thing is why wouldn't she promote her products. If I was her I would.:cool:

exactly ITA, but i don't think its all about promoting her products, it just goes along with the theory based on the books..if your breaking down the need for certain types of hair products without the filler's i would come up with a product that's based on that.. i don't necessarily think its all about the pushing of her products b/c if it were she would have a complete line of different types of products.. like a shampoo, a hair shea butter, hair oils, some type of hair cream for the ends, baggie treatments and some lines even have the hair supplements etc.. its just the conditioner, hair lotion and the dew.. that's not a complete line in my mind, considering the fact that what she's telling in the book you're going to need additional products to achieve your goal..i only use the conditioner b/c i like the way it stimulates my follicles..and yes she started me on my hair journey i appreciate the fact that she disspelled the myths that we all were raised to believe about our hair..
I use her dew moisturizer for braids outs and after I set my hair on caruso rollers, I lightly spray my ends. I love the dew moisturizer. I am thinking about getting the dew creme moisturizer:)

*editing to add, I too found LHCF after reading her book*
Does she mention LHCF in her book?

I'm natural, so I just never bother to read her stuff.

Babygurl said:
Im another person that found the Cathy Howse site and read her book and that led me to LHCF...I have not used her products but have used homemade versions and of course have used most of her methods. Honestly I attribute my initial hair growing knowlegde to her. Thats where my obsession started.
CurliDiva said:
Does she mention LHCF in her book?

I'm natural, so I just never bother to read her stuff.

No, but once i read her book and really got interested in hair care I started to do searches and found LHCF.
I recently found LHCF as a result of cathy's book also. I've tried tons of moisturizers but I always end up coming back to her creme lotion moisturizer I love the ingredients and it doesn't dry out my hair like other moisturizers do after a while. The other products I could do with out but this ones a staple for me.
I have only used the conditioner and moisturizer and like them a lot and would repurchase.
The UBH moisturizer is the only hair lotion my hair responds to ,it hates pink lotion,ORS Olive Oil and BB Castor oil they leave my hair dry.
The only other conditioner that compares to hers is the Barry Fletcher Revitalizing Cool Conditioner.
I've used just about all of her products and they are all very good, but I'm fond of the UBH Conditioner, it's one of the best deep conditioners out there. I feel like Cathy gets a bad rep, and I do feel it's unfair. Prior to all the hair sites and long hair movements Cathy was out there hustling to get the word out that Black women can have long hair. People are always saying oh...she's trying to push her line of products. Wouldn't you? I would push my own line of products too, unlike mega conglomorates like Soft-Sheen Carson, Revlon, and Loreal, Cathy is a one woman show that "pushes" all but three products. And all these products IMO happen to be highly effective, she helped me pass shoulder lenght. This was the FIRST book/system that I've used to help me and she inadvertantly led me to LHCF.
Alli77 said:
I've used just about all of her products and they are all very good, but I'm fond of the UBH Conditioner, it's one of the best deep conditioners out there. I feel like Cathy gets a bad rep, and I do feel it's unfair. Prior to all the hair sites and long hair movements Cathy was out there hustling to get the word out that Black women can have long hair. People are always saying oh...she's trying to push her line of products. Wouldn't you? I would push my own line of products too, unlike mega conglomorates like Soft-Sheen Carson, Revlon, and Loreal, Cathy is a one woman show that "pushes" all but three products. And all these products IMO happen to be highly effective, she helped me pass shoulder lenght. This was the FIRST book/system that I've used to help me and she inadvertantly led me to LHCF.

ITA!! And also adding that I feel she gets knocked because of how basic her book is. It was printed before anyone had any advance research on our hair and also serves to be an introduction to your hair care journey. I appreciated how bottom line she is in her book and found it to be very eye opening. This information was not dissemenated prior to her publishing. Actually, I pick it up for a re-read every six months or so and delightfully an reminded of points forgotten.

She helped me get from a Damaged state to healthy, I then found LHCF and learned of other moisturizers, etc. that also worked for my hair. I still order her products when I feel I need a change. I feel they are an excellent starting point when you just dont know where to turn or know what products do what!

Great Post Alii77
My favorite products from Cathy Howse are the dew and the deep conditioner(which I use faithfully!):) I had tried her lotion creme but it didn't have enough oil in it for me so I found a wonderful replacement (ORS moisturizing lotion). Yes her other products that I use can be pricey but it definitely works for me and has my growing in great condition. I also read her book first before buying the products ...and I love her common sense approach. Although she has her own opinions about hair care tips...well don't we all?!;) and I actually found out about her before joining LHCF...so when I did join I already had my regimen pretty much figured out for the most part due to Cathy Howse's hair care method.
Alli77 said:
I've used just about all of her products and they are all very good, but I'm fond of the UBH Conditioner, it's one of the best deep conditioners out there. I feel like Cathy gets a bad rep, and I do feel it's unfair. Prior to all the hair sites and long hair movements Cathy was out there hustling to get the word out that Black women can have long hair. People are always saying oh...she's trying to push her line of products. Wouldn't you? I would push my own line of products too, unlike mega conglomorates like Soft-Sheen Carson, Revlon, and Loreal, Cathy is a one woman show that "pushes" all but three products. And all these products IMO happen to be highly effective, she helped me pass shoulder lenght. This was the FIRST book/system that I've used to help me and she inadvertantly led me to LHCF.

I totally agree with your quote 100% and while I may use other hair products to try out...( UBH deep conditioner is awesome.. and that dew is great to my strands!!)..these two products will always be a part of my regimen:)
I am at shoulder length and am relying on her moisture balance system to get me to APL !!
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Just about all of them. I liked them but when I used them up I looked for local/cheaper alternatives.
Innersoul, Serenity I just had to put how I feel out there. Lately I've been seen a lot of Cathy Bashing from people who know little about her method/not read the book. I say live and let live, it obviously works for some because she's a millionaire several times over and she's a one woman show. I have her book and several others too (Shamboosie, Dr. Akbari) I refer to all of them from time to time to brush up on my knowledge.

Sareca, the shipping thing is the only thing that kills it for me. If they sold these products at Sallys...heck the Asian BSS even, I would get it! I heard a rumor a couple years ago about her trying to get the product mass distributed I hope it happens soon.
Alli77 said:
Innersoul, Serenity I just had to put how I feel out there. Lately I've been seen a lot of Cathy Bashing from people who know little about her method/not read the book. I say live and let live, it obviously works for some because she's a millionaire several times over and she's a one woman show. I have her book and several others too (Shamboosie, Dr. Akbari) I refer to all of them from time to time to brush up on my knowledge.

Sareca, the shipping thing is the only thing that kills it for me. If they sold these products at Sallys...heck the Asian BSS even, I would get it! I heard a rumor a couple years ago about her trying to get the product mass distributed I hope it happens soon.

I agree. There has been alot of bashing towards her. I know that from my personal experience she's been nothing but nice to me and have only had pleasant email exchanges. I still think she's and inspiration and she, along with her products have helped my hair turnaround completely!