UK School to Put Witchcraft & Druids on Religious Education Syllabus

Ok bear with me...this is my "stream of consciousness" type reply lol

This is a greater question of tolerance. Though I will not "persecute" someone of another faith/belief system, do I not extend to them the same rights that I have? If I want my religion taught in I say yes to all or risk saying no to some (which may result in mine being banned also?)

And I do see this as being an all or nothing argument. If they teach about no religions it may also be depriving a child of their first introduction to Christianity...but then again,as taught in school, do I believe that the teachers will teach Christianity correctly or will it just be lumped in with others as "mythology" and discarded? (hurting more than helping)

Witchcraft has such a harsh connotation...but then...what about the other religions that we are silent about? is Judaism or Islam not as much of a threat? What about Hinduism? Is there an uproar about these being taught in school? I went to a private school so I can't speak about the public sector but we learned about all of the "major world religions". It was taught from a historical viewpoint and was informative (it sparked my interest in Christian apologetics) giving me my first and only knowledge about how other religions operate. (its not something we learn about in Sunday School lol). I grouped it with a lot of the other information that I learned that I dont live by but would be helpful to know about at some point in life.

But then...hearing this Wicca...I was just reminded about Homosexual marriage. I believe it is wrong according to the Word of God and I do not want to extend the "same rights" to them as I enjoy. I will freely "descriminate" in the arena of marriage. We as Christians are called to establish Gods word in the earth. I definately dont want them to add Wicca to the curriculum but if I had to choose between accepting ALL being taught or none...ok Im still not sure! lol Im leaning toward banning them all...because once again...this will eventually come down to "teach all or teach none."
@auparavant, nice try but God has not given us a Spirit of fear, so there is no need to intimate that anyone here is being fearful because they are rejecting something that clearly opposes Almighty God. Passivity has adverse effects....

I'd bet Kurlee was calm when she said "hell no" :lol:
Laela, I thing she is saying someone can be bold on this subject and someone else can choose to have a calm approach with the same spirit of no fear. A calm approach does not mean being not with God :yep:

For example, I know the Word of God about witchcraft. I am against those sorts of beliefs.
But, we are talking about public school, right?

I can stand for the truth.
But, what about the majority?

Public school - human rights!

My question, as in CoilyFields post, the reality being what it is:
Do I prefer a public area with no religious aspect at all?
Or do I prefer a public area with all religious aspects?
@auparavant, nice try but God has not given us a Spirit of fear, so there is no need to intimate that anyone here is being fearful because they are rejecting something that clearly opposes Almighty God. Passivity has adverse effects....

I'd bet Kurlee was calm when she said "hell no" :lol: :lol:

Nice try of what? There was no need for anyone to imply that those who look into this rationally are leading others to hell. Step back and look at the thread and take the emotion out of your's not hard to see.

@Laela, I thing she is saying someone can be bold on this subject and someone else can choose to have a calm approach with the same spirit of no fear. A calm approach does not mean being not with God :yep:

For example, I know the Word of God about witchcraft. I am against those sorts of beliefs.
But, we are talking about public school, right?

I can stand for the truth.
But, what about the majority?

Public school - human rights!

My question, as in CoilyFields post, the reality being what it is:
Do I prefer a public area with no religious aspect at all?
Or do I prefer a public area with all religious aspects?

Thank you. I'm simply saying that this is the type of society we have and it'll be difficult to push one side and not allow the other given the fact that this who we have become today.
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Ok bear with me...this is my "stream of consciousness" type reply lol

This is a greater question of tolerance. Though I will not "persecute" someone of another faith/belief system, do I not extend to them the same rights that I have? If I want my religion taught in I say yes to all or risk saying no to some (which may result in mine being banned also?)

And I do see this as being an all or nothing argument. If they teach about no religions it may also be depriving a child of their first introduction to Christianity...but then again,as taught in school, do I believe that the teachers will teach Christianity correctly or will it just be lumped in with others as "mythology" and discarded? (hurting more than helping)

Witchcraft has such a harsh connotation...but then...what about the other religions that we are silent about? is Judaism or Islam not as much of a threat? What about Hinduism? Is there an uproar about these being taught in school? I went to a private school so I can't speak about the public sector but we learned about all of the "major world religions". It was taught from a historical viewpoint and was informative (it sparked my interest in Christian apologetics) giving me my first and only knowledge about how other religions operate. (its not something we learn about in Sunday School lol). I grouped it with a lot of the other information that I learned that I dont live by but would be helpful to know about at some point in life.

But then...hearing this Wicca...I was just reminded about Homosexual marriage. I believe it is wrong according to the Word of God and I do not want to extend the "same rights" to them as I enjoy. I will freely "descriminate" in the arena of marriage. We as Christians are called to establish Gods word in the earth. I definately dont want them to add Wicca to the curriculum but if I had to choose between accepting ALL being taught or none...ok Im still not sure! lol Im leaning toward banning them all...because once again...this will eventually come down to "teach all or teach none."

This certainly taps into some thoughts I have about evangelization. I don't want anybody beating me over the head with their sacred texts nor yelling in my face and accosting me with their viewpoints anymore than they would want me to do the same to them. However, there's a fine point of evangelization of the good news. I want to find the right place in that. BTW, I get evangelized daily by well-meaning folks who are a pain in the tuchis cuz I'm not converting to their faith...ever. But I'm nice to them. If the tables were turned, they'd not like it if I became them but on a different theological point of view. I guess the thing for me to do is to live it in my own life and make right daily with my G-d, not worrying about imperfections. Stuff like that can render a person religious crazy, sweating over every little thing lol. Doesn't mean we don't take a stand in something but I've been around enough witches/wicca to smell them out, even former ones...even those who are now christians but still hold onto the "spirit of manipulation" as they've not dealt with that part of the soul yet and they don't scare me. I used to think they would but they don't. Shrugs. I've seen a lot of evil things in this life but He was always there to preserve, bless and protect. Abhorred about this? Yes, a bit, but I realize that, well, it's a republic and I'm not the only citizen. So, I'm glad you asked the question. Lots of people are wondering about these types of issues and where we should stand. It seems that it differs depending upon the personality, life experiences, expectations and fears. Mind you, everyone has fear in their life. This just doesn't happen to be one of mine (no casting shade on anyone, just my own personality).
What you and others think to support this issue doesn't matter; it never will. It's the Will of God that takes authority not witchcraft.

I don't think that's what people are doing....stating the obvious is not supporting wicca and its teaching in schools. I pay school taxes and there are many things I'd rather they not have in the school curricula. Maybe you missed the part that people will train their children the way to go in their own homes? When they step outside the door, am I to protest the society creation of hippety-hoppity and poor values allowed in general? :look: But it's all around them? Extortion, rape, violence, stealing etc. We're still in the same world.

This is rather linked to the private school/pregnant teacher issue...when it's a private institution because you can write the rules in group. As a public one, there's only so far anyone can go to bring everyone on the same page as it is the nature of the public realm to be neutral.

See, when I think of the founding of this country and the so-called "christian" values when these people were murdering my people, makes me wonder why most consider this founding a "christian" nation...but then issues such as these come up in centuries later and we're up in arms. It doesn't seem right. I don't think this has EVER been a "christian" nation. I know what you mean and sense how you feel but how is it going to be viable today aside from rallying against it in a christian minority that would oppose it? What if a minority of people protest it in your own school district and get no results? What to do then? Would you care to expand this discussion and include pragmatic solutions??? I remember you saying previously that you worked with an org. that presented to congress/representatives.
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Witchcraft is being taught in the UK bc it is part of the history, culture and religious traditions of the UK .

The end.

As a Christian myself I do not even see this as an issue. If I went to live in the middle east or Asia I would not be up in arms that they were teaching my kids about Mohammed or Buddha. In fact they even teach about Islam, Judaism and other organised religions as part of a lot of UK religious education Syllabi.

Wether we like it or not paganism is an organised and recognised religion within the UK which ironically derives 'some' of its roots in Christianity (although not directly).

Paganism was part of my syllabus when I went to school (a Catholic School with Jesuit Priests and Nuns wearing habits no less) and I can testify that I did not turn into a blood vial wearing devil worshipper. If the truth be told it enriched my view of life and encouraged me to study theology later on and thereby develop a deeper view of my own religious beliefs.

Most societies are organised around religious beliefs and the UK in the middle ages was no different. The choice of religion was paganism.

Also I do not see why it is an issue to the US ladies here given that this is a issue which applies squarely to the UK.

Finally I will just state that I detest 'The Daily Tory Rag' AKA the Daily Mail. This is probably one of the most racist and sensationalist newspapers in the UK so please take everything they print with a pinch of salt. Please read a more credible source such as the Times, Independent, or guardian for a more balanced view of this story. They are making it sound like these things are already not on the syllabus when indeed they are. They forget that we had to learn about Bodicea and Joan D'Arc.

ETA: This thread demonstrates that this subject needs to be on the syllabus. The interchangeable use of the words "wicca" and paganism is alarming. Wicca is a modern movement whilst paganism relates to the original non-christian people who did not respond to the medieval Catholic inquisitions in England in the 1100's and later the inquisitions of Henry VIII when he formed the church of England. Because they held on to the last outposts of their beliefs (as in every developing society) i.e. superstition etc they were called pagans. Withcraft is something completely different. And there lies the HUGE danger in citing the Daily Tory Rag as a valid and credible source.

I have seen similar headlines with "Schools to teach Black History as part of the syllabus expressing equal disgust that "English" History is being pushed off the syllabus and vexation that we "get a whole month to ourselves" i.e. Black History month.
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I don't think that's what people are doing....stating the obvious is not supporting wicca and its teaching in schools. I pay school taxes and there are many things I'd rather they not have in the school curricula. Maybe you missed the part that people will train their children the way to go in their own homes? When they step outside the door, am I to protest the society creation of hippety-hoppity and poor values allowed in general? :look: But it's all around them? Extortion, rape, violence, stealing etc. We're still in the same world.

This is rather linked to the private school/pregnant teacher issue...when it's a private institution because you can write the rules in group. As a public one, there's only so far anyone can go to bring everyone on the same page as it is the nature of the public realm to be neutral.

See, when I think of the founding of this country and the so-called "christian" values when these people were murdering my people, makes me wonder why most consider this founding a "christian" nation...but then issues such as these come up in centuries later and we're up in arms. It doesn't seem right. I don't think this has EVER been a "christian" nation. I know what you mean and sense how you feel but how is it going to be viable today aside from rallying against it in a christian minority that would oppose it? What if a minority of people protest it in your own school district and get no results? What to do then? Would you care to expand this discussion and include pragmatic solutions??? I remember you saying previously that you worked with an org. that presented to congress/representatives.


Why would a Christian support/advocate/defend teaching witchcraft to young impressionable children KNOWING that it is against the order let alone the love of God?


When a person becomes a Christian, a change of heart takes place. One no longer advocates nor supports the sins and evils of the world. They fall in love with God who loves them beyond any measure. In this love, they want to do only those things which please and honour God.

Do sincere Christians fail? Of course they do. However, it is purposed in their hearts not stay where God is not; it is purposed in their hearts to do what brings honour to God and not to the god of this world who is satan.

witchcraft is straight up satanic, it and all of it's demonic riturals which have lead people to total destruction. Why would anyone who says they are Christian even dare to cross that line... KNOWING how demonic and wrong it is and to call it being well-rounded.

God has made it clear to everyone, what children are to be taught; witchcraft is not in the lesson plan; it is not an option, there is no class syllibus for it in the Word of God, except have nothing to do with it.

There's no middle ground here; there is no room for excuses. It's God or baal, life or death. God says, choose life.
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Paganism was part of my syllabus when I went to school (a Catholic School with Jesuit Priests and Nuns wearing habits no less) and I can testify that I did not turn into a blood vial wearing devil worshipper. If the truth be told it enriched my view of life and encouraged me to study theology later on and thereby develop a deeper view of my own religious beliefs.

Wicca is a modern movement whilst paganism relates to the original non-christian people who did not respond to the medieval Catholic inquisitions in England in the 1100's and later the inquisitions of Henry VIII when he formed the church of England. Because they held on to the last outposts of their beliefs (as in every developing society) i.e. superstition etc they were called pagans. Withcraft is something completely different. And there lies the HUGE danger in citing the Daily Tory Rag as a valid and credible source.


For my kids in catholic school as well, they had to know about every major religious organization/beliefset. It makes one more informed in general and it edifies one's own faith because it is a choice.

Pagans: I'd partly descend from some of 'em. :lachen::lachen:Anybody who rejected the catholic or lutherans...pagans and perfidious Jews. :lol:

Why would a Christian support/advocate/defend teaching witchcraft to young impressionable children KNOWING that it is against the order let alone the love of God?


When a person becomes a Christian, a change of heart takes place. One no longer advocates nor supports the sins and evils of the world. They fall in love with God who loves them beyond any measure. In this love, they want to do only those things which please and honour God.

Do sincere Christians fail? Of course they do. However, it is purposed in their hearts not stay where God is not; it is purposed in their hearts to do what brings honour to God and not to the god of this world who is satan.

witchcraft is straight up satanic, it and all of it's demonic riturals which have lead people to total destruction. Why would anyone who says they are Christian even dare to cross that line... KNOWING how demonic and wrong it is and to call it being well-rounded.

God has made it clear to everyone, what children are to be taught; witchcraft is not in the lesson plan; it is not an option, there is no class syllibus for it in the Word of God, except have nothing to do with it.

There's no middle ground here; there is no room for excuses. It's God or baal, life or death. God says, choose life.

It's not so simple as declaring one supporting teaching their own kids to FOLLOW another religion. It's about the constitution of this country and this present formation of society. I cannot cram my version of judeo-christian beliefs down the throat of anybody. Shrugs. If the penalty is death, where are the stakes? There aren't any. Every man will answer for himself at the judgement. I don't see how it can be justified and sounds like Jamestown 1620 to me. Are there other issues like abortion? Surely, people are being killed. Human trafficking? Surely. Drugs etc.? Absolutely. Religious expression? That's a gray area.

Surely, followers of our faith need to follow its tenets but I don't see G-d is saying what you are saying. To the bolded, can you honestly say G-d is in America? From its inception til now? With cold, hard fact and evidence? I can't say that. I can say He is here in iindividuals, but not as a nation of people. So, if there's no evidence that Americans are truly christian and Christ-like as a group, maybe we should leave since He's not truly here? I'm trying to follow the logic presented. I mean, you know I see things in a little broader perspective concerning what is mainstream and what is not on our side of this story of "America." I sense what you mean but I cannot see it justified. If that's the case, then all religions such as Hinduism should be banned...more than one g-d. Right?
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Why would a Christian support/advocate/defend teaching witchcraft to young impressionable children KNOWING that it is against the order let alone the love of God?


When a person becomes a Christian, a change of heart takes place. One no longer advocates nor supports the sins and evils of the world. They fall in love with God who loves them beyond any measure. In this love, they want to do only those things which please and honour God.

Do sincere Christians fail? Of course they do. However, it is purposed in their hearts not stay where God is not; it is purposed in their hearts to do what brings honour to God and not to the god of this world who is satan.

witchcraft is straight up satanic, it and all of it's demonic riturals which have lead people to total destruction. Why would anyone who says they are Christian even dare to cross that line... KNOWING how demonic and wrong it is and to call it being well-rounded.

God has made it clear to everyone, what children are to be taught; witchcraft is not in the lesson plan; it is not an option, there is no class syllibus for it in the Word of God, except have nothing to do with it.

There's no middle ground here; there is no room for excuses. It's God or baal, life or death. God says, choose life.

Sorry about the double post...wanted to address these separately. But I don't intend to question someone else's relationship with G-d to that extent. Of course, when society reprimands someone for committing a grave offense, they are basically calling someone towards morality, I know. But as far as wondering why another views the issue from another point, that's rather off-limits for me.

As for satanism, surely, not something a christian should do. But, every man deserves freedom. G-d even gives freedom to worship as we desire. If one picks on paganism and wicca, then everything other than judeo-christianity should be banned. And even then, one would delve into denominations and sects. Sounds like Europe before Enlightment? That's why the Pilgrims came over here (eh, I'd rather they had stayed back but alas...). Why stop at wicca? Why are people so against gays when they should equally be protesting adultery, if not more?
Sorry about the double post...wanted to address these separately. But I don't intend to question someone else's relationship with G-d to that extent. Of course, when society reprimands someone for committing a grave offense, they are basically calling someone towards morality, I know. But as far as wondering why another views the issue from another point, that's rather off-limits for me.

As for satanism, surely, not something a christian should do. But, every man deserves freedom. G-d even gives freedom to worship as we desire. If one picks on paganism and wicca, then everything other than judeo-christianity should be banned. And even then, one would delve into denominations and sects. Sounds like Europe before Enlightment? That's why the Pilgrims came over here (eh, I'd rather they had stayed back but alas...). Why stop at wicca? Why are people so against gays when they should equally be protesting adultery, if not more?

You still don't get it. Didn't God destroy other cultures who were in oppostion to him, including witches? It's in the Word.

As a Christian, one who truly follows God, one who loves God why support what God does not? God is clear, if we love Him, we keep His commandments. We dislike what He dislikes and love what He loves. Period.

Regarding gays, they and supporters of this lifestyle have legislation calling this lifestyle normal. NO one anywhere is making adultery legal. Even politics men are falling from grace because of it. gay is also a deadly evil which has become paramount in society as the 'new' acceptable culture.

No other sin is being heralded and accepted, as that as homosexuality, which also stems from witchcraft, where homosexuality is part of it's ritual. I didn't know about this ritual of theirs until it was brought up by a wiccan who shared that most of them practice bisexuality; it's known as their liberty. A lot of these women are married with children and this is part of what they do. This is out of their own discussion... nothing made up. :nono:
Maayen said:
Paganism was part of my syllabus when I went to school (a Catholic School with Jesuit Priests and Nuns wearing habits no less)

and I can testify that I did not turn into a blood vial wearing devil worshipper.

If the truth be told it enriched my view of life and encouraged me to study theology later on and thereby develop a deeper view of my own religious beliefs.

Wicca is a modern movement

whilst paganism relates to the original non-christian people who did not respond to the medieval Catholic inquisitions in England in the 1100's and later the inquisitions of Henry VIII when he formed the church of England. Because they held on to the last outposts of their beliefs (as in every developing society) i.e. superstition etc they were called pagans. Withcraft is something completely different. And there lies the HUGE danger in citing the Daily Tory Rag as a valid and credible source.

Witchcraft is being taught in the UK bc it is part of the history, culture and religious traditions of the UK .

The end.

As a Christian myself I do not even see this as an issue. If I went to live in the middle east or Asia I would not be up in arms that they were teaching my kids about Mohammed or Buddha. In fact they even teach about Islam, Judaism and other organised religions as part of a lot of UK religious education Syllabi.

Wether we like it or not paganism is an organised and recognised religion within the UK which ironically derives 'some' of its roots in Christianity (although not directly).

:nono::nono::nono: You've definitely spoken 'the end'. You've thrown up your palm, telling God to talk to the hand, His Word is void to you. God does not defend any realm of witchcraft, be it wicca, or whatever.

You're not a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ Your defence is clear of whose side you're more supportive of. It's not in support of God's Word / His teachings. :nono:

Anyone can 'say' they are a Christian, however it's their fruit that says otherwise. What you've shared is not flowing from the fruit of His vine. :nono:
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Proverbs 29:2
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.


Choose you this day whom you will serve, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord....

I call before Heaven and earth; choose life or death, blessing or cursing....

Choose Life!

I'm just gettin' started... :happydance:
I am afraid that your minds will be corrupted and that you will abandon your full and pure devotion to Christ---in the same way that Eve was deceived by the snake's clever lies.

(2 Corinthians 11:3 )

Full and pure devotion to God's Word / The Lord Jesus Christ / The Word who became 'flesh' and dwelt among us... has been abandoned. :nono:
Shimmie I'm sorry but I have to say it. You're annoying. Really annoying

Anyway, i feel for all we Christians talk about this and that we are all incredibly selfish. We want things our way and our way only. I don't even get the feeling you're thinking about God - I think its about what YOU like, what YOU'RE comfortable.

The lessons will more like history lessons than anything else and as someone said above would you prefer no religion in school?

Due to the chronic selfishness that most Christians feel completely comfortable with no one asks the question. How would I feel if it was me? If you lived in a country that was Pagan majority and Christian minority and they taught many religions in school but specifically left out Christianity. You would be upset. Same thing. Yes, these people are wrong and messed up but so are you and so am I. As long as I believe I have rights I will take them from no one. None of us were born saved so we shouldn't act like it.

Also you speak a lot of Baal but don't forget that Jesus lived when Romans were reigning. And they had their own gods and system and he spoke nothing of bringing them down and punishing them for their evil. Instead, he saw them as the ones he came to save. Why should we act differently?

There's a lot of outrage against other religions being taught but I have honestly never heard anyone say "How about we improve the way Christianity is being taught?" Because that is the real issue. That is ehy we're losing kids. Stop hiding from the real issues because they're difficult. Kids arent leaving Christianity to become Muslims or pagans. theyre simply losing faith. That's what we have to deal with. Stop obsessing about punishment and try and save people

I'm not saying that teaching kids paganism is a good thing and to be honest I think it should be in the history section but you need to teach your kids that religious education is not church. Its the place where you learn wbout other peoples beliefs. Thst will set a good foundation for your children.
You still don't get it. Didn't God destroy other cultures who were in oppostion to him, including witches? It's in the Word.

As a Christian, one who truly follows God, one who loves God why support what God does not? God is clear, if we love Him, we keep His commandments. We dislike what He dislikes and love what He loves. Period.

Regarding gays, they and supporters of this lifestyle have legislation calling this lifestyle normal. NO one anywhere is making adultery legal. Even politics men are falling from grace because of it. gay is also a deadly evil which has become paramount in society as the 'new' acceptable culture.

No other sin is being heralded and accepted, as that as homosexuality, which also stems from witchcraft, where homosexuality is part of it's ritual. I didn't know about this ritual of theirs until it was brought up by a wiccan who shared that most of them practice bisexuality; it's known as their liberty. A lot of these women are married with children and this is part of what they do. This is out of their own discussion... nothing made up. :nono:

Noooo, I definitely got it the first time around, I just don't agree. Well, I'm not a bisexual, and I've got children. Neither am I gay. I feel for the LGBT community because of what they go through in a "christian" world and I realize that many people have actually had "gay" experiences as chidlren to adults and will never admit it. That doesn't actually make you gay. It makes you someone who either played doctor or made a bad, unwise decision. I did the former as a child. :grin: I know how to guard myself. Thing is, so do people who learn about other religions.
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Noooo, I definitely got it the first time around, I just don't agree. Well, I'm not a bisexual, and I've got children. Neither am I gay. I feel for the LGBT community because of what they go through in a "christian" world and I realize that many people have actually had "gay" experiences as chidlren to adults and will never admit it. That doesn't actually make you gay. It makes you someone who either played doctor or made a bad, unwise decision. I did the former as a child. :grin: I know how to guard myself. Thing is, so do people who learn about other religions.

You're not wicca either... :nono:

I feel badly for gays as well; they are entwined with deception regarding sexuality; the consequences of it are disasterous spiritually, mentally and physically. gay men and aids still ranks number one with this tragic disease.

Christians are not their enemy; their true enemy is their lifestyle. In addtion there are non Christians, other religions, other cultures, even athiests who do not support homosexuality. So why are Christians labeled as the 'heavies'. It's just another 'attack' strategy to discredit Christianity. To be totally honest, gays are actually blaming 'Blacks' for their misery. They are blaming the Black Churches for not supporting them.

Why is okay for gays to support what they believe which is an immoral lifestyle which they are forcing people to accept, and wrong for Christians to stand by their beliefs which are indeed moral and scriptural?

gays are insulted because they do not wish to be faced with the truth that their lifestyle is indeed wrong. There is nothing that will ever support it as right other than the deceptions of their own concepts.

As for guarding ones self... to see this world's view compared to God's, there's very little 'guarding' taking place. Society's is a mess and getting messier by the minute.

When it comes to children being taught on any subject matter, the teacher cannot build the 'wrong' to be right or as a viable option. If they teach other religions, God's word still has to prevail in it. It's not about appeasing what's wrong, it's about pleasing God, at least for Christians who say they are Christians. There's no such thing as 'allowing' another religion to be presented as parallel to scripture.

When God speaks of witchcraft, He speaks the truth about it; He says it's wrong, it's evil, it's forbidden and we who serve Him are to be separate from it. Hence this very truth should be supported by Christians and should be taught the truth about it in public schools.
Never wicca...I'm catholic. But you should see my new thread...I've come to terms with some of this subject. I'm glad that is completed and full-circle.

Parallel to scripture....well, in general religious studies, they do that....comparing the differences. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's done in seminaries. As far as what one personally believes and adheres to, that's totally different. I tend to agree with the UK poster in that paganism is older than "wicca" which is probably the true "witchcraft." Paganism is a very broad description and has included many people who were anti-church, even when they were judeo/andor-christian and persecuted by the followers of Christ, supposedly. But how are we today going to push our religion down the throats of others in a secular society? That's my question. We don't have prayer in, it would seem to me that it's just another "secular" study of a religious belief-set.

Now, what other people do with it, well, that's not for me. Like I said, I'm catholic lol. How would you stop it? As long as parents can opt-out, maybe that is the better solution?
Never wicca...I'm catholic. But you should see my new thread...I've come to terms with some of this subject. I'm glad that is completed and full-circle.

Parallel to scripture....well, in general religious studies, they do that....comparing the differences. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's done in seminaries. As far as what one personally believes and adheres to, that's totally different. I tend to agree with the UK poster in that paganism is older than "wicca" which is probably the true "witchcraft." Paganism is a very broad description and has included many people who were anti-church, even when they were judeo/andor-christian and persecuted by the followers of Christ, supposedly. But how are we today going to push our religion down the throats of others in a secular society? That's my question. We don't have prayer in, it would seem to me that it's just another "secular" study of a religious belief-set.

Now, what other people do with it, well, that's not for me. Like I said, I'm catholic lol. How would you stop it? As long as parents can opt-out, maybe that is the better solution?

Opting out is one step. The other is getting rid of those who are making these foolish decisions for the schools' curriculums. They need to be replaced by those whose decisions are wiser.
Opting out is one step. The other is getting rid of those who are making these foolish decisions for the schools' curriculums. They need to be replaced by those whose decisions are wiser.

There are none. The common sense folks have long-since left the building. Some of the curricula is ridiculous in public schools. For example, here, they put so much darned emphasis on sports, trying to make a future Steeler, and they put much less emphasis on AP and academic coursework or even free SAT prep for those families who cannot afford to pay for it. Wicca is not even on the map in importance, imho. :nono:
There are none. The common sense folks have long-since left the building. Some of the curricula is ridiculous in public schools. For example, here, they put so much darned emphasis on sports, trying to make a future Steeler, and they put much less emphasis on AP and academic coursework or even free SAT prep for those families who cannot afford to pay for it. Wicca is not even on the map in importance, imho. :nono:

I have to agree, the public school system is huge mess; a little leaven leavens the whole lump, meaning wicca only makes it worse.

As a matter of fact, relating to the wicca / sports; earlier this year it was the wicca's who got together with their 'charms' for their team to win (the Patriots team (?).... It happened and what this does is dangerously teach children that they don't need prayer, even more dangerous, that they do not need to have / develop a personal relationship with Jesus and prayer.

Not good... :nono:
Yeah, that's what I was intimating.. I don't see why one has to be 'emotional' just because we're in opposition. Not that what we say matters concerning UK schools.. Actually, this thread reminds me of Daniel...and his openly going against the grain and worshipping His God. He remained faithful. We may like to think it's over the top..but when we're on God side, it's quick to reject anything that doesn't Glorify Him and for me, that includes studying other religions or even validating them. That was my point. In my youth, I'd personally learned about other religions, including Rastafarianism and the experience did help me realize something was I understand it can be beneficial to helping us sort things out. But we're talking about young impressionable minds, subjected to learning and studying religions all day long in school.

Nice try of what? There was no need for anyone to imply that those who look into this rationally are leading others to hell. Step back and look at the thread and take the emotion out of your's not hard to see.
Yeah, that's what I was intimating.. I don't see why one has to be 'emotional' just because we're in opposition. Not that what we say matters concerning UK schools.. Actually, this thread reminds me of Daniel...and his openly going against the grain and worshipping His God. He remained faithful. We may like to think it's over the top..but when we're on God side, it's quick to reject anything that doesn't Glorify Him and for me, that includes studying other religions or even validating them. That was my point. In my youth, I'd personally learned about other religions, including Rastafarianism and the experience did help me realize something was I understand it can be beneficial to helping us sort things out. But we're talking about young impressionable minds, subjected to learning and studying religions all day long in school.
I don't see opposition!
We are not looking at those events from the same point of view, but there is no opposition.

All Christians should condemn witchcraft.
As a Christian, I don’t want this sort of teaching for my child.

But we are not in eretz Israel (even in Israel there were/are some weird things), we are talking about public school.

It’s not the first time that Israel (natural or spiritual) is between other nations which not living on God’s principles.

Yes, Daniel was openly going against the grain and worshiping His God.
No one is telling to do differently.
Daniel did it for himself. He did not force others, the pagans, to act like him. He did what he had to do.

We have to understand at what time we are living.
Someone mentioned home schooling, it's a good alternative if possible.

The reality is what it is.
Better look at the events from a spiritual point of view and be prepared.

Children of God have to stand on and by the truth, but the public area is for all, Christians or not. Let's take example on Daniel.
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Yeah, that's what I was intimating.. I don't see why one has to be 'emotional' just because we're in opposition. Not that what we say matters concerning UK schools.. Actually, this thread reminds me of Daniel...and his openly going against the grain and worshipping His God. He remained faithful. We may like to think it's over the top..but when we're on God side, it's quick to reject anything that doesn't Glorify Him and for me, that includes studying other religions or even validating them. That was my point.

In my youth, I'd personally learned about other religions, including Rastafarianism and the experience did help me realize something was I understand it can be beneficial to helping us sort things out.

But we're talking about young impressionable minds, subjected to learning and studying religions all day long in school.

This has been my 'annoying' :look: point all along. The minds of innocent children.

The devil is such a sneak and a coward. Children have no defense of their own. They are conditioned to 'obey' their teachers. Sit still, pay attention and learn. witchcraft is glamourized today with Harry Potter, Twilight, Charmed, Tabitha the teenaged witch, and so on. Here in the US they are teaching witchcraft in public schools, giving the children the Harry Potter books to read for assignments, with the parents (even Christian parents) justifying it with: "At least they are reading...."

One of biggest fantasies we fell for is 'Disney'. Not knowing, we were all a captive audience for the spirit of sorcery and witchcraft, mesmerized by the technicolor, the adventure and the music.

And of all things when Disney finally creates a Black Princess... it's in witchcraft... knee deep.

Regarding the topic of this being in UK, it's been happening here in the US all along. All one has to do is turn on the TV... it's right there, the family room, living room is the classroom. Even Poppa Smurf is a witch... stirring his pot, making up his blue brew. :yep:

I don't have a problem exposing the devil and his mess. We need to know. It's not just happening elsewhere, it's all right here.
This has been my 'annoying' :look: point all along. The minds of innocent children.

The devil is such a sneak and a coward. Children have no defense of their own. They are conditioned to 'obey' their teachers. Sit still, pay attention and learn. witchcraft is glamourized today with Harry Potter, Twilight, Charmed, Tabitha the teenaged witch, and so on. Here in the US they are teaching witchcraft in public schools, giving the children the Harry Potter books to read for assignments, with the parents (even Christian parents) justifying it with: "At least they are reading...."

One of biggest fantasies we fell for is 'Disney'. Not knowing, we were all a captive audience for the spirit of sorcery and witchcraft, mesmerized by the technicolor, the adventure and the music.

And of all things when Disney finally creates a Black Princess... it's in witchcraft... knee deep.

Regarding the topic of this being in UK, it's been happening here in the US all along. All one has to do is turn on the TV... it's right there, the family room, living room is the classroom. Even Poppa Smurf is a witch... stirring his pot, making up his blue brew.

I don't have a problem exposing the devil and his mess. We need to know. It's not just happening elsewhere, it's all right here.
:thankyou:for this!

Yes, it becomes very difficult to control public school, but as parent we have the power to control what's going on in our home.

UK or elsewhere, how many Christian parents let their children be influenced by witchcraft (through Disney and others) right in their living room? :ohwell:

You know what : I think that I might still have some old dvds (Disney) in a closet to get rid of.

It is not just happening elsewhere, it's all right here, wherever we are living. Let's wake up and go out of her in our home and family.
Shimmie said:
I have to agree, the public school system is huge mess; a little leaven leavens the whole lump, meaning wicca only makes it worse.

As a matter of fact, relating to the wicca / sports; earlier this year it was the wicca's who got together with their 'charms' for their team to win (the Patriots team (?).... It happened and what this does is dangerously teach children that they don't need prayer, even more dangerous, that they do not need to have / develop a personal relationship with Jesus and prayer.

Not good... :nono:

I dunno where you get your sports facts. They get together ever Patriots game. The Giants won the Superbowl. The Patriots got massacred.

ETA: ...and Twilight is NOT about witchcraft OR magic.

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