UK School to Put Witchcraft & Druids on Religious Education Syllabus


Well-Known Member
London, Apr 15 : Schools in Britain are set to include paganism in their official religious education syllabus for the first time.

Cornwall Council has told its schools that pagan beliefs, which include witchcraft, druidism and the worship of ancient gods such as Thor, should be taught alongside Christianity, Islam and Judaism, the Daily Mail reported.

The requirements are spelled out in an agreed syllabus drawn up by Cornwall's RE advisory group.

It says that from the age of five, children should begin learning about standing stones, such as Stonehenge. At the age of 11, pupils can begin exploring "modern paganism and its importance for many in Cornwall."

The syllabus adds that areas of study should include "the importance of pre-Christian sites for modern pagans."

An accompanying guide says that pupils should "understand the basic beliefs" of paganism and suggests children could discuss the difficulties a practising pagan pupil might face in school.

But the council's initiative has dismayed some Christian campaigners, who are alarmed that a religion once regarded as a fringe eccentricity is increasingly gaining official recognition.

Critics point out that according to the council's own estimates there are only between 600 and 750 pagans in Cornwall out of a total population of 537,400.

"Religious education is squeezed already – there's barely enough time to cover Christianity and the other major religions," Mike Judge, Christian Institute spokesman, said.

"Introducing paganism is just faddish and has more to do with the political correctness of teachers than the educational needs of children," he said.

However, Neil Burden, the council's cabinet member for children's services, said that the move would give children "access to the broad spectrum of religious beliefs."

Cornwall Council's initiative follows the 2010 decision by the Charity Commission to recognise druidism as a religion. (ANI)
Sounds good to me. In a public setting it seems all relgions should ne treated equally. I think it will help create an informed world view.
In Jesus' Naaaahhhhmmm 'mah' ! ! ! ... In Jesus' Name...

In Jesus' Holy and Matchless Name

The Name at which ALL devil's tremble and know their place in HELL which is REAL !

I see some 'millstones' lined up; for it's better than to mislead and bring harm to a child, especially their precious little souls.
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It's a public school right? If so, they should devote equal time to all influencial systems of belifs and parents should fill in the rest. I think knowing more about other faiths has enhanced my understanding of Christian principles and other people I encounter. I don't think think learning about it is equally to influencing their choice. Good for those well-rounded students. And if you don't want to expose your child to that for whatever reason there are likely area private schools or home school opitions that cater more to a more selective set of educational desires
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Eh, but it comes from the British Isles traditionally. I remember when folks were up in arms against kids learning about Islam. As long as your kid knows who he's like sex ed. They are teaching your kids it's ok. But if it's not ok within the confines of your home and you teach your children well, then you've done your duty.
It is a public school, yes.. not sure how the laws are in UK now but from my understanding of public schools is we all contribute our taxes to the education of our children and as such, also have a right to express what they shouldn't be taught. Not everyone can afford private school or homeschool. So what are those parents to do? Here in the US children in PS can exempt themselves from the Pledge of Allegiance due to religious if a Christian wants to exclude their child from those "courses" they should be afforded the right to do so. Besides, paganism, the Druids are a part of history courses already, and have been taught in schools for years; so why the shift to just the religion.

@ the bolded, that you are right.. for children they are influential systems of beliefs...and if they are taught one thing at home and another at school, that would cause conflict and confusion. Being well-rounded doesn't mean being exposed to all types of doctrines, without a leg to stand on. Parents always have an inalienable right to protect their own children how they see fit.

It's a public school right? If so, they should devote equal time to all influencial systems of belifs and parents should fill in the rest. I think knowing more about other faiths has enhanced my understanding of Christian principles and other people I encounter. I don't think think learning about it is equally to influencing their choice. Good for those well-rounded students. And if you don't want to expose your child to that for whatever reason there are likely area private schools or home school opitions that cater more to a more selective set of educational desires
What? :blush:

I hope this foolishness stays in the UK.

They better not come over in the US with this. They take prayer out of school but want to condone this mess

Parents educate your children on the teachings of the gospel because they have a spiritual warfare going on in those schools!!!
It's a public school right? If so, they should devote equal time to all influencial systems of belifs and parents should fill in the rest. I think knowing more about other faiths has enhanced my understanding of Christian principles and other people I encounter. I don't think think learning about it is equally to influencing their choice. Good for those well-rounded students. And if you don't want to expose your child to that for whatever reason there are likely area private schools or home school opitions that cater more to a more selective set of educational desires

Do you realize what the Word of God has to say about witchcraft. God isn't in approval of this, not one bit. :nono:

Being a public school doesn't validate teaching witchcraft to innocent children; especially teaching it to them as a viable 'option' and addressing witchcraft as harmless and without dire consequences.

The penality for witchcraft is death! Is this what you call 'well rounded'? witchcraft also entails drug use, mind control, sexual impropriety ... sexual sin. Is this what children should be taught? The spirit of witchcraft is rebellion against God and it is totally guaranteed that the instructors will use their negative and deadly influence to convince the innococent minds of children that it is okay to mix witchcraft with any other faith they have.

I don't give a rat's tail or a witch's broom about the foolish conception that this is well rounded teaching. Well rounded for what? That's a lie straight from hell and total deception of anyone who believes it.

And I am just getting started. I come against the spirit of deception in Jesus' name!
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Be fair, folx. I don't think anyone is against opting out. You can opt your kids out of sex education. But if you give preference to one religious group, you gotta give chance to all in a democratic society. These people are exercising their rights, just like christians. Ultimately, it's what you teach your kids. One day, they will work at a job with wicca people etc. Gonna tell them to run from it? No, you stand on your own beliefs but that doesn't mean discrimination is appropriate. Well, this is the society that's been created.
Do you realize what the Word of God has to say about witchcraft. God isn't in approval of this, not one bit. :nono:

Being a public school doesn't validate teaching witchcraft to innocent children; especially teaching it to them as a viable 'option' and addressing witchcraft as harmless and without dire consequences.

The penality for witchcraft is death! Is this what you call 'well rounded'? witchcraft also entails drug use, mind control, sexual impropriety ... sexual sin. Is this what children should be taught? The spirit of witchcraft is rebellion against God and it is totally guaranteed that the instructors will use their negative and deadly influence to convince the innococent minds of children that it is okay to mix witchcraft with any other faith they have.

I don't give a rat's tail or a witch's broom about the foolish conception that this well rounded teaching. Well rounded for what? That's a lie straight from hell and total deception of anyone who believes it.

And I am just getting started. I come against the spirit of deception in Jesus' name!

Yes i do realize God calls to have no others before him, but simply informing children others have different views doesnt diminish what you teach in your house. I think it is a schools' obligation to teach children facts. One of those facts are difference of beliefs. it is a parents job to teach kids how to use and interpret said facts. If you think the teacher is trying to push an agenda you can do something from sitting in the classroom during the leason, keeping your child home, send your child to a different school or just teaching your children how to best interpret the information. The article doesn't sound like thwy are prompting any faith more so than the others but simply stating the facts as they are recorded. I don't think mentioning something is the same as persuading, manipulating, or convincing.
Well they will be sitting in class being fed this nonsense with their peers....then eventually what happens? If their friends start showing interest and gets involved in this... Peer pressure majority of the time trumps any values or principles taught by parents.
What is there to be fair about? :look: We're in a Christian forum.. Wicca has been around since the start of the century..the Druids been around eons and are known to oppose Christianity. Where were the schools concerning these two all this time? Why now? hmmm....

Be fair, folx. I don't think anyone is against opting out. You can opt your kids out of sex education. But if you give preference to one religious group, you gotta give chance to all in a democratic society. These people are exercising their rights, just like christians. Ultimately, it's what you teach your kids. One day, they will work at a job with wicca people etc. Gonna tell them to run from it? No, you stand on your own beliefs but that doesn't mean discrimination is appropriate. Well, this is the society that's been created.
Yes i do realize God calls to have no others before him, but simply informing children others have different views doesnt diminish what you teach in your house. I think it is a schools' obligation to teach children facts. One of those facts are difference of beliefs. it is a parents job to teach kids how to use and interpret said facts. If you think the teacher is trying to push an agenda you can do something from sitting in the classroom during the leason, keeping your child home, send your child to a different school or just teaching your children how to best interpret the information. The article doesn't sound like thwy are prompting any faith more so than the others but simply stating the facts as they are recorded. I don't think mentioning something is the same as persuading, manipulating, or convincing.

You're defending satanism. It's guaranteed that these schools will present witchcraft as an option.

And yes, while at home we DO teach our children the difference, however they are still innocent souls; their spirits are open and they are still quite impressionable.

Your 'options' still do not validate what God forbids being taught to children. YOU may agree to it but God does not and He's not changing.

So guess who's wrong and needs to fall in line with His Word? Just because you don't have nor see a problem with it lines it up against the the Will of God. Why be in opposition to God's Word on purpose? He said No! No matter what man thinks is right about it, God still says, No! Obviously God has a reason which far outweighs what anyone else thinks is right about it.

What you and others think to support this issue doesn't matter; it never will. It's the Will of God that takes authority not witchcraft.
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So does that just describe wiccab information or all religions? I see your point and you have every right to be upset. Parents attempting to rasie their children in other faiths may share your feelings in regards to schools teaching only or predominately Christian things. I just think if you open the door for one faith in a public school you can not be selective. One means all in the public sector. Which is why despite my beliefs I would have to respect others with the same respect I demand. If it got to the point were I felt attention was not being divided equally or my children were being sold a product I would opt out of participation or find a school more aligned with my interest.

I don't think it is a matter of supporting any other belief system, but recognizing just as schools are to accomdate different learning styles in an effort to promote equality so they must with faiths--regardless if I believe my faith is superior to others. Sighs. Some may not, understandably, like it , but if toy become selective with faith teaching you must also in teaching of other things
So does that just describe wiccab information or all religions? I see your point and you have every right to be upset. Parents attempting to rasie their children in other faiths may share your feelings in regards to schools teaching only or predominately Christian things. I just think if you open the door for one faith in a public school you can not be selective. One means all in the public sector. Which is why despite my beliefs I would have to respect others with the same respect I demand. If it got to the point were I felt attention was not being divided equally or my children were being sold a product I would opt out of participation or find a school more aligned with my interest.

I don't think it is a matter of supporting any other belief system, but recognizing just as schools are to accomdate different learning styles in an effort to promote equality so they must with faiths--regardless if I believe my faith is superior to others. Sighs. Some may not, understandably, like it , but if toy become selective with faith teaching you must also in teaching of other things

How long will you halt between two opinions? If God be God honour (serve) Him, if baal be god serve him. You can't honour both. :nono: There is no in between. There is no acceptance of both; no man can serve two masters, he (she) will love one and hate the other.

It's God or witchcraft. God didn't call us to 'respect' it. We're called to respect Him and for one who 'calls' themselves a Christian there should be no acceptance of witchcraft which is not a religion.

There's no multiple choice with God. It's God or nothing... period.

Your heart is not with God. It's divided. You're giving credence to what God calls evil. You cannot say you love God and yet leave an open door to what He has clearly commanded 'we' who truly honour Him, to steer clear of. :nono:

Sooner or later, you're going to have to stop making up excuses and choose one or the other. You cannot have it both ways. You're either hot or cold. For God totally or against Him. The choice is yours. No exceptions.
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What is there to be fair about? :look: We're in a Christian forum.. Wicca has been around since the start of the century..the Druids been around eons and are known to oppose Christianity.

Where were the schools concerning these two all this time? Why now? hmmm....

Up until now, folks had the guts to take a stand for what was right, just and honourable with God.

Now... :nono: :nono: :nono:

I've had it with unnecessary weakness. Folks who know better and yet they're yielded to every wind and doctrine, knowing it's wrong. PC'ing their souls into darkness and misleading others with them. :nono::nono::nono:
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What is there to be fair about? :look: We're in a Christian forum.. Wicca has been around since the start of the century..the Druids been around eons and are known to oppose Christianity. Where were the schools concerning these two all this time? Why now? hmmm....

To know that people are not (reiterating) against christians being able to opt out...I've stated it. The reasoning they are doing it now? Cuz it's popular and this is their time. It's all over television. I have kids...believe me, I'm not naive. But this is the environment they are growing up in with opposing morals surrounding them against what I teach them, as well as opposing religious views. I have to remain in prayer and positive action to teach them. Ultimately, it's their own choice how they end up in life. But if I have done my job, I cannot run inside and lock all the doors, hoping they will remain cloistered. They will eventually have to live with such people in society, get out there and get the stink off 'em. It's truly no different than us being christians now. Look at the world. :sad:

We know the truth, what G-d is requiring and so we live it to the best of our abilities. But it doesn't give me the right to discriminate against another, especially if it is the law (we are to obey the law unless it is anti-life). That's why I made sure to state that this is the type of society that has been created in a democratic environment. It's simply the breaks. Does it feel dangerous? Absolutely. But I didn't bring myself into this world...even not my was ordained by G-d...and we all have to live through it all. He is with us until the very end and we should not live in fear. I do know the sentiment of horror, though. But unless it's something like genocide etc., I don't know how we are going to be able to justify denying them their religious expression. Remember the constitution. It was an open gate.

ETA: Remaining calm and rational and looking into the legal aspects does not equate with leading people to hell. It likewise doesn't equate with one yielding to every wind and doctrine. Like I said before, homebase is where it's at. We are responsible for teaching our children first. I can't help the drug addicts, immoral people and fase doctrine out there in the schools, even private religious schools who attend alongside my kids. It WWMD? "Mom" She will teach her children first, but discrimination is not a value. :look:
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ETA: Remaining calm and rational and looking into the legal aspects does not equate with leading people to hell. It likewise doesn't equate with one yielding to every wind and doctrine. :look:

Let’s be real:

1-Public school is what it is: public school.

2-Who are ruling the nations? (I am not talking about the sovereignty of God)

3-What are the beliefs of the majority?

We can pray: Father, if it is possible, may this teaching stay away from my country or my area.
Years ago, Christians could fight for their rights and win.
But, nowadays, the reality is different.

We can talk about it all day long, complain and mourn. We can stand for the truth.

But human rights are for all, Christians or not (although we know the consequences of some rights).

If you(general) are living in today’s societies, you have to make compromises, not in your house (the Scriptures clearly say: come out of her, my people), but in the public area whose is for ALL.
That’s the reality of our time.

Those events are announcing that the deliverance is near.

Come LORD!
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Proverbs 29:2
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.


Let’s be real:

1-Public school is what it is: public school.

2-Who are ruling the nations? (I am not talking about the sovereignty of God)

3-What are the beliefs of the majority?

We can pray: Father, if it is possible, may this teaching stay away from my country or my area.
Years ago, Christians could fight for their rights and win.
But, nowadays, the reality is different.

We can talk about it all day long, complain and mourn. We can stand for the truth.

But human rights are for all, Christians or not (although we know the consequences of some rights).

If you(general) are living in today’s societies, you have to make compromises, not in your house (the Scriptures clearly say: come out of her, my people), but in the public area whose is for ALL.
That’s the reality of our time.

Those events are announcing that the deliverance is near.

Come LORD!
For some of us, the "wicked" ruling began long before the public school systems in the West giving general religious history studies. It's a subjective matter and I don't intend to be afraid of it. Again, it doesn't mean that people here in this thread are misleading others. Some people just like to take a calm approach to these types of issues.
auparavant, nice try but God has not given us a Spirit of fear, so there is no need to intimate that anyone here is being fearful because they are rejecting something that clearly opposes Almighty God. Passivity has adverse effects....

I'd bet Kurlee was calm when she said "hell no" :lol: