Every time I'm out or on public transport I'm
at someone's weave.
I even do this (when they aren't looking, of course) to some of my friends and cousins and aunts.
I have never had a weave because I've never liked the look of them. My mum is also natural and never wear weaves.
To be honest though, and this is what I see of my friends and female relatives, when they first get the weave done, it's not bad. If they go to a DECENT salon - not their friend's cousin's sister's house or some ghetto hair salon, it's actually nice - most of them are not natural looking - but hey, maybe some people aren't looking for the natural look.
But it's the UPKEEP of the weave. People don't take care of it, or their hair underneath or blended with it. I've even seen weaves with tracks half falling off where the glue has come off. I've seen a good inch or two of new growth underneath a full cap of weave.
I've seen natural, maybe 4b textured hair not even attempted to blend with shiny, 1a textured weave.