Uh... I did an impromptu BC last night. PITCHAS!!!!!


Well-Known Member
My mother always warned me of idle time.

So, yesterday while browsing the site and Youtube I made a rash decision to BC my hair. I was about 4 months into my 6 month stretch. I thought about going natural but I never had ANY intentions of cutting my hair. I considered transitioning but I hadn't made a final decision.

Anyway, I went to the bathroom, combed my hair out, grabbed the scissors and just started cutting. It felt so liberating. After cutting, I looked at my hair and thought "now what?" I washed it and played in it for hours. I soon realized I didn't have the appropriate styling products. I have the day off today, so I went to the store this morning to get some Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and some EcoStyler Gel. I'm still playing around and debating on if I want to wear it out tomorrow. I need to go to a barber or stylist to have them shape it a little bit better. If all else fails I'll be at the wig store later today because my half-wigs are a no go.

I guess I'm 4B. My curl pattern is almost non-existent. It's weird because I can feel the curls but I can't see them. But, whatever.

Ok, now for the pics.














How beautiful!

Congrats on the start of your healthy hair journey!

Your eyes and eyebrows are so expressive. The cut compliments your face!
I really like it. I don't even think a barber or stylist will have to even out much. I think you did a really good job.
Awe, thanks for all the love ladies!! I appreciate all of your compliments and comments.

Re: the barber/stylist, I guess I don't really need one but since I'm a bit nervous about my new do I wanted to make sure it was perfect.
Lawd have mercy!!!! Ya'll are gearing up for the new year, aren't you?!!! :congrats: on your BC and :welcome: to the Natural Side of things!!!!
Lawd have mercy!!!! Ya'll are gearing up for the new year, aren't you?!!! :congrats: on your BC and :welcome: to the Natural Side of things!!!!

hahah yep it sure looks like it!! and OP, you sound JUST like me...my BC was extremely impromptu, but it feels great doesnt it?? You did a good job! :yep:
you look FANTASTIC, op. Reminds me of my BC. sometimes it just gets to the point where you're like "I don't care anymore. I'm taking the plunge"

My cousins still tease me about how rash I was in cutting my "long" hair. thing is, my hair is longer now than it was when I cut it, and I'm just a little past SL atm so I don't understand what they were mourning over when i cut off my relaxer lol
Congrats on your big chop! The short hair suits you very well, I don't think you need a shape up it looks even already.
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Lawd have mercy!!!! Ya'll are gearing up for the new year, aren't you?!!! :congrats: on your BC and :welcome: to the Natural Side of things!!!!

hahah yep it sure looks like it!! and OP, you sound JUST like me...my BC was extremely impromptu, but it feels great doesnt it?? You did a good job! :yep:

LOL. It must be something in the water. Towsongirl, I saw your Youtube video. I thought about leaving some hair in the front so that I could wear my half-wigs just in case the BC looked horrendous. But I got carried away with the cutting and forgot that I needed a back up plan.

you look great! and i'm a sucka for a thread w/ the word "pitchas" in the title. made my day.
awesome !!!!

you did great job and u weren't jokin with the pictures

I know how much you ladies love pics. Shoot, I love pics. Funny thing is that I only put half of the pics in this thread. I got tired of adding pictures.

Congrats on your bc, looks nice :) Love the lipcolor in the 2nd to last pic :yep:

Thanks. It's that good ole, tried and true Mac Chestnut lip liner and a neutral gloss.

You look amazing, love the cut and the eye brows! I see curls, am I the only one?

In some of the pics I used the EcoStyler gel and twirled the hair. So, I guess the curl pattern is there I just have to manipulate it with product to bring it out.:ohwell:

Thanks again ladies!!!
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