So, uh, I did the BC... !!!!

:love3: Aw ladies!!! Thanks so much for your responses and your encouragement!! You've all been so great!

I was off on my first outing as a "natchal" :grin: and my SO kept reminding me how much he loves it. I'm so happy that I love it too! Right now I still have some relaxed strands to snip, but it's ok :lol:

NICE job! I think we might be hair cousins or something:yep: Off to find more pics of your hair to compare/get tips!

I only have one picture so far!:lachen: I will try to take a few more in the next few days.
But yes, I've been checking out your hair since u BC'ed. It's gorgeous! I'd agree that we must be hair cousins:yep:

Oh wow your hair is beautiful. I first saw your post on my I-Phone and could not see the picture too well, couldn't wait to get home and see it on the computer. Definitely looks like 3c/4a to me too--so so pretty. Tell your SO we think he did a good job!

Yay!! I told him and he's sitting here cheesing lol. He loves natural hair.

Gadeh de belle cheveaux! Ou belle!

Mesi, mesi anpil! M'ap tann pou'm we bel cheveux ou a tou!:)