Ughh, what to do?!!!!


New Member
Ok i feel like a slave to my lack of hair, when it grows (to about 2 inches) i wanna weave it, but im scared that something is going to happen to it (even though ive had success with weaves), and my 18th birthday party is coming up, i want to look fly, and to be honest a TWA doesn't do me justice, longer hair suits me better. Im trying to avoid weaves, im paranoid that my hair is going to some how end up un even (im very paranoid after all my hair trauma), however i miss my look (how my hair is in my signature). Should i just grow it out with weave? ive become so paranoid that ive become the ultimate slave to my hair, constantly obsessin and worrying


Crissi, X
I'm sorry you had a bad hair experience in the past. The best thing you can do is move on from it and grow strong. That being said, not alot of chicas on this site used weaves to grow out their hair but one particular chick comes to mind, Reneice. She used weaves to grow out her hair beautifully, I'll be using some of her methods. Here's her link
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