im so happy to be here (long)


New Member
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ive been lurking here for ages, like 2yrs! im so so so so happy to be here, anyways let me tell you how things are...

to cut a long story short

I have damage dried up natural hair (due to a heat n cut happy stylist) type 4a/b, on april 5th i am going to shave it all off and start fresh, and i cannot wait!

Howver i am in a dilemma i don't know whether to relax or keep it natural (ive been natural all my life)

I love my natural hair and all but when it was about 8 inches long it too 2 HOURS to comb when dry, and lets not get onto how long it took when i washed it. And the breakage is radicolous (my hair is extremerly thick in strands and i have lots of it) when im combing it because its so 'nuff. Meaning i can't style it how i want to and i always have to keep it in them plaits/cornrows and what not which gets BORING i want to wear my hair out and enjoy it. I know hair can grow ive done my research for about 3yrs (however i keep getting setbacks)

Another thing is my boyfriend like straight hair medium legth+ (shoulders IMO), which im cool with however he has never seen a full black girl with longnatural hair, and he's not ignorant he just doesn't beleive it canhappen because he has never seen it. And i know it may sound silly but i almost feel the need to grow my hair long and natural just to make him see its possible (ten probably relax it) but my hair is so unruly iono if i can do that, and i love seeing natural hair but i just don't think i can do it, yet im petrified of relaxer!

Could some one give me some advice please


Crissi x

ps i also have a fotki the link is

the password for the natural, weave and growth folders is: myhair
the password for the cornrowed and styled "portfolio" is: practice
WELCOME TO THE FORUM. Well I'm not an expert,but I wouldn't shave all my hair off rather you get relaxer or stay natural. Also, I won't tell you which to do either but if you go relaxer let a pro do it at least 1st time, then once you see your length you can determine how much you want to get cut.Also, a relaxer as you may know takes some maintence.But with all this GREAT advice on this forum you'll do fine.
Also do you press your hair now, I was thinking that since your indecisive for now maybe you can have it both ways ,pressed ( when you wanna flunt it for ya man and wash n go when you're tired of the straight hair).
Just a thought. Good Luck on what ever you decide.
Welcome to the board!

Well---have you ever worn 2 strand twists? Those are a nice style and your hair is 'out' yet protected.

What are you doing for moisture etc... what is your regimine?

I am natural and have found shea butter and olive oil/coconut oil to be great on my 4b hair. Also, try washing w/ Conditioner instead of shampoo and maybe get a spray bottle and put some conditioner and water in it to spritz your hair daily--that keeps my hair soft.

As far as growing long natural hair---girl, yes---it is possible. There are many ladies here with it. Check Nay's and den1's album.

Also, naturallady's hair is growing like weeds and she keeps it very simple w/ her natural hair. her hair is very pretty.
Oh don't get me wrong i know natural hair can grow to great legnths its just that mine is so thick i don't think i could make it without relaxing. Oh and my hair is completely burnt, im talking fried, the woman did a serious blow out (burning my scalp in the process) then just flat ironed it to the point of no return, my sides have gon thin and patchy, and bitty, its completely uneven and fragile. When i comb it hands fulls of this burnt crisp hair comes out. And it won't take any moisture, and there split ends up the whole legnth of the entire shaft. In my album the pics of my texture are the new growth, but i swear the damage just keep travelling up.

Ok well--you may need to do some weekly pre poos, CW, anddeep condioners on your hair. you may even need a good trim and a protein treatment. (like a reconstructor)

Also, i looked at your album and you may want to give stressing things like sewn in weaves a little break as well to get your edges and everything back in order.

Even if you decide to get a relaxer, i would FIRST get your natural hair in great shape---cuz throwing a chemical on top of damaged hair is asking for even more damage.

I would really baby my hair for a few months and focus on moisture and protective styles w/o stress to your hair and hairline like 2 strand twists, comb coils, box braid...
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Oh i do all those things already, minus the pre-poo, my hair doesn't get along with oil treatments (if thats what your referring to), I usuallyw ash weekley and condition with lekairs,humctress or ors mayo. And i'd most def make sure my hair is in optimum condition before relaxing, i do not want to end up in the position again