U Call It:: Go Natural or Relaxed??

Relax or Go Natural

  • Relax that hair quick!!!

    Votes: 24 26.7%
  • Go Natural, its the best

    Votes: 16 17.8%
  • Transition and call it as u see it

    Votes: 50 55.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If it ain't broke then please don't try to fix it.

I've been natural now for 2.5 years, and this is my 3rd time transitioning to natural hair. Lately I am a hair's breadth away from slapping that creamy crack all over my head.

I miss being able to comb my whole head in less than 60 seconds. Versus 8 hours of detangling now.

I miss being able to fit my head into hats, hair accesories, etc. This bush is too huge to fit into anything now, unless it's cornrowed flat or something.

I swear the only thing that has kept me from rushing out to get a relaxer this past few weeks is that I dont' want to hear it from DH...:blah::blah::blah::deadhorse:

If I'd kept my relaxed hair when I started my hair journey, I'd be hip length now. :sad:

ETA: If you think your hair is high maintanence relaxed... please do not attempt go natural! You will be frustrated beyond belief.
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You have beautiful hair. I would say leave it alone. Natural hair will not be any easier if you are going to keep it healthy. For me relaxed was easier especially in term of detangling. I love my natural hair but sometimes it is not fun:look:
I agree with samantha jones

Hair is high maintenance period, it's just the fact that you have to choose what you are willing to deal with.
Go for a long transition. I typically wait 4-5 months between touchups. This will give you probably the best idea of what your natural hair will look like (especially if you go 6 months or more between touchups:yep:)

I've seen my natural hair, and I do like it but its too much of a bear to deal with every day. (it loves to tangle around itself a little too much) I personally LOVE the look of natural hair (I stalk a lot of natural ladies hair albums:look:)

Natural or relaxed, a routine can be easy or hard. I've seen some natural regimins that make my head spin! But there are also some natural heads that I've garnered a lot of hair insight and adopted what they do to my own hair routine. Natural or not, hair is hair and we can learn from both sides of the line. I'm not picky from who I learn from.

I think its great that your curious about being natural, and though I may get a "no thanks" for saying it, natural isn't for everyone's lifestyle. Its important that you consider the implications of what it will do to yours.

Good Luck.

I, too, agree w/the notion if it ain't broke don't fix it. Your hair is lovely the way it is.

Off the subject, but what type of dog is that - Bordeaux?
Your hair is Beautiful, and I'm quite sure it will be either way. I was relaxed for 39 yrs. and didn't have a problem with my relaxers either. One day I just decided to go natural, because I never had the opportunity to know the natural me. I was 6 yrs. old when my aunt relaxed my hair. I love my natural hair for now! I never know what the future holds though. Just be sure that's what you want to do. Best wishes on your decision!
Natural hair is high maintenance too.
Transitioning hair is SUPER HIGH MAINTENANCE!

It ain't for everybody...

why don't you start off with a 6 month stretch...
and see how it goes...
that's what I did and after the 6 months I just
kind of kept going... I'm natural now and when I started I really
didn't have any intentions on going natural...

it requires a lot of discipline and follow through...
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I say stay relaxed. It looks healthy and thick now and is growing nicely. The fact that you can't really make up your mind about what to do means that you aren't sure about being natural. I sometimes toy with the idea of going natural again ( I was all natural in 2003) but I know that how I'd want my hair to look everyday, it would be very high maintenance and time consuming so I know that that's not for me right now. I love my hair as is right now anyway. I guess you'll have to weigh the pros and cons and see what you come up with when all is said and done.
I would say transition first, I tried that transition thing, and being a single mother and a college student, I'm on the go, I dont have time to pamper my natural hair, it was hard believe me, I mean I respect so many women with natural hair........but your hair is beautiful and it's really your own choice. But good luck.
Your hair is Beautiful, and I'm quite sure it will be either way. I was relaxed for 39 yrs. and didn't have a problem with my relaxers either. One day I just decided to go natural, because I never had the opportunity to know the natural me. I was 6 yrs. old when my aunt relaxed my hair. I love my natural hair for now! I never know what the future holds though. Just be sure that's what you want to do. Best wishes on your decision!

I love your hair! It's so beautiful!
Once again, thanks to all of you for your input and compliments. Im not sure how much longer I can tolerate this ridiculous new growth, so I will probably relax at the end of this challenge.
Thankyou for this, I have been debating what to do and we have very similar healthy relaxed hair, the comments on this board have made me want to stay relaxed!
you and your hair are beautiful as is

What she said. It's not a trend to be natural, nor should it be thought of as something you must to. It's a choice and a style, and if you are asking the question then perhaps you are not realy for it. You do really have to be ready for the challenges of being natural, just as one would have to be ready for the challenges of being relaxed.

Your hair is beautiful, just like you. Enjoy it.

Good luck
We are in the same boat

I AM A RELAXED LADY IN LOVE WITH NATURAL HAIR i transitioned (tried) for six months and caved alot of breakage at demarcation line it was too hard to manage both textures for me I sometimes feel like i should have done the bc then hid my hair from DH :censored: ( he hates short hair :nono:)but i have been in a hide your hair challenge so i have been weaved up i hope to keep this up and see by june (my birth month) what i will do:perplexed i am grazing bsl SO he would have a fit if i cut BUT he does not mind weaves if they look natural so....
We are in the same boat

I AM A RELAXED LADY IN LOVE WITH NATURAL HAIR i transitioned (tried) for six months and caved alot of breakage at demarcation line it was too hard to manage both textures for me I sometimes feel like i should have done the bc then hid my hair from DH :censored: ( he hates short hair :nono:)but i have been in a hide your hair challenge so i have been weaved up i hope to keep this up and see by june (my birth month) what i will do:perplexed i am grazing bsl SO he would have a fit if i cut BUT he does not mind weaves if they look natural so....

Well its been a while since Ive posted this. Im still relaxed, but its my own personal choice. If I could BC my hair and have it grow back to this length the next day, then I would. But I dont have the time to deal with transitioning and maintenence. I barely maintain my relaxed hair. Plus, my new growth is seriously unmanagable. I try so hard to let it get to 1 inch stretched new growth. But I end up having to spend an hour on DCing the new growth to get it to be untangled and lay down so I can wrap my hair....*sigh*. But my hair french braided and air dried is as close to natural as im getting. Yeah weave is a big help. Ive tried micro braids but that was a bust. Too much damage to my lining. I still have a weave pony but I need to beat it up so it doesnt look so shiny. Or Im going to get a bag and just wrap it around my bun. Have you tried that?? What else have you tried?? Im STRONGLY considering a sew-in or a wig. But Id wanna get Indian Remy and thats pricey..... :ohwell: