Type 4 naturals when do you know it's time to trim?


Well-Known Member
I keep getting alot of hair in my brush when detangling and I feel like it might be some breakage. I also notice my ends get tangled ALOT...and I have alot of knots throughout my hair. Now I plan to trim on the 23rd but is this a sign that I need to trim?
I dont know if its a sign but I know I needed one when my ends were all frazzled. Took off a few cms.
i just trimmed about an inch off because my single-strand knots were out of control. (i had way too much fun with the every other day co-wash-n-gos this summer; lesson learned) i had them all over and they caused serious breakage. so now my ends are see-through :(

going forward, i plan to to dust/trim half an inch at least every 2-3 months to cut down on the knots, and retain length and thickness. I am currently SL straightened, but hope to be a thick and healthy SL by DEC using this method. i also plan to keep my ends moisturized with shea butter to further combat the development of the knots.

ETA: i personally think that my hair needs more frequent trimming, this might not necessarily be the case for you. review your stylin and regimen and make sure that you're not overly manipulating your hair, infrequent dc's, etc.
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How do you guys go about getting a good trim? Do you put your hair in small twists and trim off the ends? Do you get it blown out first? Flat ironed? I haven't trimmed since January and I feel like I'm due for one too.

When I start to notice alot of split ends tangles towards the ends of my strands and single strand knots....it's about that time for me too.....but I'm considering just straightening and doing a S&D dust:scratchch
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How do you guys go about getting a good trim? Do you put your hair in small twists and trim off the ends? Do you get it blown out first? Flat ironed? I haven't trimmed since January and I feel like I'm due for one too.


Last time I trimmed (3 weeks ago), I flat ironed and trimmed the sections straight after. I took off about 1.5 cm because I had loads of splits :(. I'm not too concerned with how evenly I trim since my hair is usually in braids anyway. HTH :)
I used to put my hair in medium sized twists and trimmed when I saw the ends had many SSKs or splits. I also used to trim unnecessarily (when the ends were dry or a thinner than the rest of my hair) but that's a different story. If you trim, make sure you definitely need it.

These days, I don't get as many splits and SSKs, so I just dust as needed. The next time I do a more uniform trim will be about October or November 2010.
I keep getting alot of hair in my brush when detangling and I feel like it might be some breakage. I also notice my ends get tangled ALOT...and I have alot of knots throughout my hair. Now I plan to trim on the 23rd but is this a sign that I need to trim?

Sometimes it is, but examine your ends more closely to see if there is actual damage that needs to be cut. What I usually do is wait until I see a split, and then cut that solo split off. (I.e., search and destroy.) If I have multiple splits, then I dust or trim.

As for breakage, how are you brushing? On wet/dry hair? What kind of brush are you using?