Type 4 ladies who don't DC or only DC like once a month


New Member
How does this work. How do you keep your hair from being dry? I step off my DC game for one week and its the sahara desert. Is it the leave-ins? What magic are you guys using? :look: I'm assuming healthy hair doesn't need DCing all that often. Am I right?

Brought to you by the 'i'm tired of DCing so often' committee:lachen:
I too DC a lot... I think I'm addicted to it even though my hair is healthy and honestly I can't remember the last time my hair unhealthy, but honestly I really think you could get away with doing it every two weeks or even once a month if your hair is healthy. When I was going to the hair salon weekly I pretty much only got a DC after my relaxer and my hair was fine.

I guess it's one of those things you have to "play by ear" to determine just how much your hair needs.
I don't DC, in the traditional sense, unless I need protein. ....And its been many months since I've actually done a protein treatment. I have coarse hair that has dry tendencies unless i use heavy leave ins and moisturize and seal daily.

I cowash only and use AOWC as my leave in sealed with castor oil and a moisturizing gel.

I use an aloe glycerin spritz daily, sealed with castor oil. And I use moisturizing gel as needed to smooth my strands.

Basically, I didn't see the point in washing out my AOWC, because, my hair loves it and it keeps it moisturized in a way that sitting under the dryer and rinsing it out could not.

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So what do you mean by deep condition? A protein treatment, or just a good conditioner and sitting under a hood dryer for like 20 mins or so?
My hair stays moisturized just using conditioner during my shower and staying away from cones. Ever since I gave up the cones, my hair will stay moisturized for about 3 days without me adding anything to it. I have started pre-pooing these past couple of weeks because it allows me to detangle my 8 months post hair faster but when I'm all natural, I will cut this step out of my reggie. I honestly don't even believe in deep conditioning unless it's with an ingredient that is known to actually penetrate the strands (water, coconut oil, evoo). Most DCs don't in my opinion which is why I stopped DCing about 5 months into my HHJ. So 13 months into my hhj, for me, the key to keeping my hair moisturized is staying away from the cones.

I don't know if it's necessarily my leave-ins because I stopped using cones the same time I started with the leave ins but my leave ins are diluted Vo5 and an oil mix that consists of castor oil, evoo, coconut oil, and sunflower oil.

And I didn't stop using cones intentionally. I just realized one day that my hair was staying soft for days and I had to figure out what I'd been doing differently. So now, I will only use cones if I'm using heat.
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I started out DCing every week but because of my schedule I just don't have the time. I use a spritz of water, glycerin and olive oil daily. I also use a creamy homemade leave in to keep my hair from drying out. For MY hair I notice that if I wear my hair "out" too much it definitely dries it out so I alternate between out styles and short term protective styles (buns and tuck n roll).
My first year as a natural I deep conditioned every week, which also meant I had to detangle every week, I felt like I was losing alot of hair. About a year ago I decided to only dc every three to four weeks and at first things were great, since I was wearing two strand twists all I had to do was moisturize on a daily basis, sometimes day and night. But because this year I'm in the braids challenge it's proven to be a bit harder to keep it moisturized.
I DC my type 4b hair (protein DC followed by moisturizing DC) with every texlax touchup, which is about 4 times a year. I just moisturize my ends nightly, sometimes with just plain water or water sealed with coconut oil, and my hair does fine. I do DRINK a lot of water, so maybe that has something to do with my hair never feeling dry...IDK.

I spend very little time on my hair, so there is no way I will DC once a week.:nono:
Typically I DC once a week. I'm in a weave now so Ill do it every 10 to 14 days. My hair is fine so if I don't keep my protein/moisture up, it will start to break.
I DC every 2 weeks when I poowash - usually a moisture DC.

I find that my daily moisture/seal upkeep is sufficient
My hair stays moisturized just using conditioner during my shower and staying away from cones. Ever since I gave up the cones, my hair will stay moisturized for about 3 days without me adding anything to it. I have started pre-pooing these past couple of weeks because it allows me to detangle my 8 months post hair faster but when I'm all natural, I will cut this step out of my reggie. I honestly don't even believe in deep conditioning unless it's with an ingredient that is known to actually penetrate the strands (water, coconut oil, evoo). Most DCs don't in my opinion which is why I stopped DCing about 5 months into my HHJ. So 13 months into my hhj, for me, the key to keeping my hair moisturized is staying away from the cones.

I don't know if it's necessarily my leave-ins because I stopped using cones the same time I started with the leave ins but my leave ins are diluted Vo5 and an oil mix that consists of castor oil, evoo, coconut oil, and sunflower oil.

And I didn't stop using cones intentionally. I just realized one day that my hair was staying soft for days and I had to figure out what I'd been doing differently. So now, I will only use cones if I'm using heat.

^^ The part in red. I don't have anything that says "deep conditioner" on the label - I just use regular conditioner. I'm not opposed to dc - I just haven't seen one that interests me. What I do is pre-shampoo with oil. And sometimes I do ayurvedic or other homemade treatments. Right now my hair is in cornrows most of the time except when I take them down to redo ... so all I do is wash, condition, use a dab of jbco or jbco + coconut oil and I'm about to try sunflower oil for the ceramides so maybe I'll mix all three together in little bottle. That's it. If my hair was loose I'd use a dab of regular conditioner on damp hair for leave in and a little oil at night (and I do mean a little and not every night). If my hair was natural texture (i.e. not pressed out) then I'd spritz with plain water or if I felt like being fancy/getting a little aromatherapy on while I'm at it then I'd add a few drops of eo to the spray bottle. (I'm type 4b, natural).
I haven't DC'd in about 4-5 months. I am sulfate and cone-free. I use a modified version of Kimmay-Tube's leave in (2 TBSP Giovanni Direct Leave-In, 2 TBSP Aloe Vera Juice, 1 tsp castor oil, 1 tsp jojoba oil) after every wash. As long as I use something very moisturizing to wash and condition with (I use poo bars or DevaCare No Poo + whatever conditioner I have at hand) my hair seems to be retaining moisture well and likes it.
I find that now I don't have to DC as often. My 4a hair stays moisturized with my new reggie. I started using Pantene's frizzy to smooth line and it has been working great. The conditioner feels better than all of the DC's I've ever used. I changed my entire reggie: shea butter, paul mitchell's the conditioner leave-in and my oil mix (castor jojoba, olive, and avocado). I use plain water or my spritz (water, rosewater, & glycerin) and seal it w/ the oil mix. My twists stay soft for a long time :yep:
I find that now I don't have to DC as often. My 4a hair stays moisturized with my new reggie. I started using Pantene's frizzy to smooth line and it has been working great. The conditioner feels better than all of the DC's I've ever used. I changed my entire reggie: shea butter, paul mitchell's the conditioner leave-in and my oil mix (castor jojoba, olive, and avocado). I use plain water or my spritz (water, rosewater, & glycerin) and seal it w/ the oil mix. My twists stay soft for a long time :yep:

now pre-poos...they really make the difference in my hair.
When I went back to relaxers last Sept I was DC'ing every week. I was also using alot of moisturizer every day. I started wondering why my hair had breaks here and there.

After reading countless threads I realized I needed to up my protein, however I didn't feel I needed a heavy protein like Aphogee 2 STEP. I happened upon a thread that explained the different types of protein. I started incorporating veggie protein that slowed the breaks some but not enough too me. I just so happened to stop combing my hair while wet and that was one AHA moment for me. The next one was cutting down on how much moisturizer I use.

Now I do a mild veggie protein every 2 weeks and a medium protein (keratin mixed with coconut/evoo oil) 1x a month, 20 minutes tops no heat for both of them. I also use a collagen conditioner before neutralizing.

On the off weeks I do a DC 30 mintues tops with heat, however I dont think these make much of a difference. I think it is the oils I add to them that are doing the work. I use the condt. as a base I get bored easily and I like to have different scents on my hair. I add a TBSP of EVOO/EVCO and 2 tsp WGO each time and my hair is thriving. I will swap out the EVCO and add Avocado oil when I am 2 months post. This oil is a great smoother.

My hair is very soft and feels cool to the touch this is how I know my hair is flourishing. I dont moisturize and seal every day only when I feel my hair needs it, I only use a small amount at that. I do put a layer over my exposed hair if I am going to be out in the sun or wind for an extended period of time.

I use a lye relaxer as well which I have read does not need as much moisture.
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i used to dc every week and i said to myself that i was gonna do it twice a week (only cuz i hear it's good to do so) but m lazy, soooooo i just cowash either daily or every 2 days but my saving grace is qhemet biologics burdock root butter creme, i loves it.
I don't DC because I usually don't have the time/energy to. I cowash twice a week, running Hello Hydration through it no more than twice per wash, and I spritz twice a day. If I need more moisture I spritz and baggy at night (which is rare). I also wear wigs with a satin cap underneath, so I think that helps to retain moisture as well.
My hair products are changing (I'm making a gradual switch to mostly natural products) but my regimen remains the same. I DC once a week, every week. I enjoy doing it. Once I reach my goal length I may cut back and do it once or twice a month.