Twists = dry hair = itchies?

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
Does the following make sense to you?

I washed (didn't DC this time) and applied my shea butter to each individual twists. By Sunday I felt that my edges were dry and my scalp was itchier than when I have my hair in a bun (or any protective style that involves lose hair). Here's my thinking...remember the post about how the hair tends to keep moisture sealed in better with braids than with twists? Well the same thing seems to apply here for me. Since my hair is in multiple twists, my hair dries out quicker. Particularly my edges are the first to show signs of dryness since I focus primarily on the ends of the hair. When my hair gets dry, it feels wiry -like a brillo pad- and gives me the itchies? On Saturday, my edges were a bit dry but my ends were still moist enough and felt cool.

Since I washed on Tuesday, styled on Wednesday by twisting and applying a generous amount of shea butter to each individual twist and by Sunday I was dry, does this mean I should wash X2 a week? Or do something to replenish the moisture level? I think I realize for some time nwo that my hair needs moisturizing at least X2/wk and most of the time, I’m too lazy to do it. Something about moisturizing without washing doesn't feel right to me.

I don't know if your hair likes Shea Butter generally, but I know Shea only ever felt good on application for me. Later my hair would dry and feel like a Brillo pad. I don't use any products on my hair when wearing twists and don't get itches either and my hair doesn't feel dry. I do wash/condition or CW at least twice a week and baggy every night though.
So do you guys think that from Wed-Sund it should NOT have been so dry?

I didn't suspect the unrefined shea butter (the white one- well I don't think) because the twists felt good, looked good and so plump. My hair stayed moist and the next day everybody commented on how dark and 'alive' my hair looked. I didn't apply the butter on my scalp (I never apply butters on my scalp). When I do twists, I only apply moisturizers one time :perplexed

My hair is generally dry and I've felt this dryness before. This is why I'm thinking maybe I need to wash X2/week instead of my X1 week? I thought that more than once would be too much manipulation for me since right now I set my hairstyles by the week.

The itchies are more about the scalp though right? My scalp is sore now b/c I'm scratching so darn much. And this morning I saw little flakes. Maybe I should put some kind of oil on my scalp? :wallbash:
as for your scalp you may want to investigate and see why your scalp is itching. maybe their is product build up. A simple clarifying rinse with ACV or teaspoon of Baking soda and a cup of water mixed will do the trick. try to use light oils such as Grapeseed oil, sweet almond oil. Another thing to consider may be the porosity levels of your hair. HTH....:ohwell: