Twist out FAIL


New Member
f**k this - I need to know why my hair does not hold twists, time and time again i have tried and every time its a fail, I 've used eco styler gel, conditioner, shea butter mix, darcy's curling jelly, freeze gel, boots curling cream to name a few ( at different times) still just flat blurgh limp twists.


on clean damp hair my twist technique:
part hair into four sections
add products
each section has 4-6 twists
before each twist detangle with a denman brush
then twist

leave over night
take down with hands dipped in a little bit of oil

this is what i get:


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I understand your frustration. I had to abandon the whole idea of ever having a decent looking twist out style. They never ever worked for me! I'm a bigger fan if braidouts. They give my hair more definition. I have some suggestions whether you try the twist out again or if you try the braid out:
1. Don't use a lot of product
2. Flexirod it use some type of curlers on the very end for a curly look
3. Make sure your hair is freshly washed before you try the style
4. Make sure your hair is fully dry before undoing the twists or braids
5. Gently seperate the twist or braids to avoid frizz
Try twisting on soaking wet hair, keep a spray bottle nearby.

Play around withe the number of twists you put in.

You may even want to try twisting on dry hair hair, for me it gives my twist out a totally different look.

You said your twists are flat and limp...are you using too heavy of a product? Maybe you need like a liquid or light leave in?
Lol, I know how you feel.
I do think you should do braids instead. As the pattern will hold well.
I've heard good things about flaxseed gel. You have to make it your self though.
Don't feel frustrated. Some hair types love twistouts and there are hair types that love braidouts.

I have tried every which way to do a decent braidout and I have failed. I no longer do them, twists and twistouts are what my hair loves.

How do braidouts work for you?
that's pretty much how my twist and braidouts look, so interested in seeing more responses.

I thought some holding product would be helpful in defining curls?
It might be the denman. It makes my hair poof when it dries. With no manipulation my curls clump. I only use the denman if I want to rock an Afro. Everyone's different and I've read for most people the denman helps with curl clumping, but it does the opposite for me.
Thank you ladies

Try twisting on soaking wet hair, keep a spray bottle nearby.

Play around withe the number of twists you put in.

You may even want to try twisting on dry hair hair, for me it gives my twist out a totally different look.

You said your twists are flat and limp...are you using too heavy of a product? Maybe you need like a liquid or light leave in?

Done all the bolded - i think i am going to try a braidout
That looks like too much holding holding product, not enough moisturizer to me. However, I suspect the REAL culprit is not enough twists/not enough time in the twists.

The smaller your twists and the more time you let your hair stay in them, the better your hair will take the curl.

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I would definitely say your using wayy to much gel. I would definitely focus on a good moisturizer and at a little like a dime size amount of gel in each section. also try twisting downward and using smaller sections or putting 8-10 twists in each section
Overnight twists will not result in a crisp hold. Rather rock the twists for a couple of days and maybe even throw in a co wash before releasing them.
great suggestions ladies
sorry i didn't mention I add the holding product after i do my usual moisturizing routine

will add this to my try list
Overnight twists will not result in a crisp hold. Rather rock the twists for a couple of days and maybe even throw in a co wash before releasing them.

yeah that could be a possibility - maybe I am weighing my hair down to much
I would definitely say your using wayy to much gel.

I am not using all those products listed at the same time :lol: just different things I have tried!

LOC routine -
Leave-in : s-curl
Oil : walnut oil
Cream: Curls whipped cream

just a small dollop of each maybe about a 2 pence size
I do this for moisture and it is working well so far

for the twist I used Darcy's curling jelly

LOC routine -
Leave-in : s-curl
Oil : walnut oil
Cream: Curls whipped cream

just a small dollop of each maybe about a 2 pence size
I do this for moisture and it is working well so far

for the twist I used Darcy's curling jelly

Is that the only product you used? Are you protein sensitive? Sometimes products that have glycerin and protein make my hair hard and dry looking.
Possibly more twists and dumping the sections completely. I have learned to just go row by row--takes a little longer, but it works. You can also try grabbing and twisting randomly instead of in sections.
I may be asking an obvious question, so forgive me if so. Are you natural?

If so, I agree with @Arian and @Honeycomb.

Try smaller twists and not so much product. Also, what I like to do is set my twists on wet hair and sit under a hooded dryer for about 30 minutes then allowing them to airdry throughout the day. I don't sleep on wet hair as my twists would only end up flattened (my ends for sure) out by morning.

Also, if this doesn't work out for you, like mentioned earlier, braid-outs may prove to be better for you. I have done braid-outs before and my hair prefers twist-outs instead.

Best wishes!
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LOL @fairyhairy, awww...
But the second image doesn't look bad; not to me anyway. Maybe just stay far from people. :look:

But don't feel bad. My twist-out fail was worse :lol:

And yet I could also get a very nicely defined WINNING twist-out:

Believe it or not, the difference was, I used no product for the second one. My hair seems to behave the way I want it to when it has no products. Just like I can get fully stretched hair with braids when I have no product in my hair. Go figure.
When my hair was shorter, my twistouts came out like yours, the hair would spike out instead of going down, even if I tied a scarf overnight. The only way I got something decent was if I did a flat twist and curl on blowdried hair.


Left, regular twistout, right, flat twist and curl on blown out hair.

Also your hair looks similar to mine and using a curl creme like Curls whipped creme works better for me than any type of gel. Hth.
I am on team braidout with or without flexirods. I use oyin hair dew sealed with extra dark Jbco on damp hair. Lasts for days, just make four Bantu knots and tuck up at night.
Whenever my sister did her twist outs they looked horrible! Last week, when I was at her house I did her hair for her. After I finished twisting she commented on how my twists looked different from when she twisted her hair. She slept with the twists and the next morning she told me, it was the best twist out she ever had.

I think what I did differently from my sister is I parted the hair in sections. I didn't grab random pieces of hair to twist. I made a defined section for each twist, for example I did a part and made 3 to 4 twists from the row I made. When you grab big random pieces of hair, the hair has to extend really far in order to be incorporated into the twist. The ends are somewhat defined, but the the roots and beginning of the twist are not because they're not tightly bound to the twist. I don't know if that makes sense but basically if you grab big random pieces of hair, you'll make the twist loose, and loose twists = undefined hair. So make your twists smaller and make parts for your hair.

Another thing I noticed is that I make my twists tight in the beginning and make sure that the remainder of the twists are tight and close together. Picture a candy cane with red and white stripes. When my sister does her twists she only has like 7 stripes, but when I do a twist I have like double the amount. So make sure when you're doing the twists you start off with a strong/tight base and continue using that same tension from the base all the way down to the ends. Hold the two strands firmly while you're twisting and twist all the way to the very end.

Hope that helps!
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Nonie :lol: that had me cracking up - I will have to tell people to squint when looking at me :lachen:

I am really considering finding someone to teach me - but you directions help too

thank you ladies for your help :grouphug3:
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I can never do a good braid out of twist out either. I'm sitting at work right now looking like a fool because I decided i would try to do a braid out last night. I'm such an idiot. I dodged a meeting I had to go to because i how crazy my hair looks today. LOL
Zaz, your twist-out when your hair was shorter does not look bad to me. I think the un-uniform pattern is what I consider a fail. As long as the waves look uniform and the same size all through, I don't mind the sticking out at all.
so I am going to try over the following few weeks - one style a week and will report back

Braidout with curls whipped cream

Braidout with gel minimum gel

Braidout no holding product

Flat twist with curls whipped cream

Flat twists no holding products

Flat twists with minimum gel

Flexirod Twists with curls whipped cream

Flexirod Twists with minimum gel

Flexirod Twists no holding product

whelp thats 9 styles / weeks of dodgy hair :lol: but hoping one will work :spinning: