Twist experts: Do you find one side is easier


I'm finally getting the hang of doing twists, however I find my right side is easier to twist than the left because I'm right handed. Can someone give me any tips that helped them to get the left side down packed? My right side looks great, but my left side looks sloppy.:ohwell: I've been practicing like crazy to get this style perfected. I'm so close!:violin:
You're not trying to twist in the opposite direction on the other side, are you? I don't find any difference in twisting one side from the other because I twist clockwise no matter what side I'm doing. (In other words twist each section anti-clockwise and cross over clockwise. I do that for every two-strand twist on my head so it doesn't seem to matter which side I'm working on.)
Nonie said:
You're not trying to twist in the opposite direction on the other side, are you? I don't find any difference in twisting one side from the other because I twist clockwise no matter what side I'm doing. (In other words twist each section anti-clockwise and cross over clockwise. I do that for every two-strand twist on my head so it doesn't seem to matter which side I'm working on.)
Yeah, you just gotta practice till you get it.
I'm going to try that, Nonie. I was trying to twist each side in the same direction.:lol: I'm going to have to train my hands to do the twists another way.
Sareca, you just need to get a bit disjointed. I always have my hands/arms on one side of my head or the other - whichever I'm working on; I never hold them apart like one does when cornrowing. So even when doing the nape, I just turn my head sorta like the Exorcist chick to look over one shoulder and then bring hands to the side from which I've turned my face (opposite arm crossing my chest) and reach to the name then I twist from the end of my to the center of nape. Then I "spin" my head the other way to look over the other shoulder and bring hands to other side of face (opposite arm crossing my chest) and I do the same on the other side. If I tried to do it with elbows out arms on either side, I think I'd be all thumbs. Could that be what you're doing, Sareca?
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