Twilight - Books and Movie

I saw the movie and read the series. The characters in the movie are not religious, however, they are not too bad. No blood sucking, no sex, very little profanity (maybe one or two words in each book). It is mainy a love story full of a teenage girl lovesick over some boy. The movie is pretty innocent. If the child was a teen and grounded in the word I wouldn't object to them reading the series. My main problem with the series was the assertion that you could be a good person without God. Which might be true, but you aren't saved. If the reader is old enough to understand and appreciate this difference I think the fantasy aspect of the book is o.k.
I haven't read the series though I have the Twilight book. I saw the movie and don't see any problems with it. I think a kid of any age can watch it. The only scene a parent might have some reservations about was when Edward was in chick's room and they were about to have sex but didn't. I guess you see worse things on tv everyday though but if my kid were younger than 13 I might be a little uncomfortable about that.
Great perspectives. I read the first two books and am considering finishing off the series. I read some opinions on the internet and yeah, I think if someone is secure in their faith, then they have nothing to worry about with this series but I would have to consider the situation more if I had my own teens especially since teens are very impressionable.
This is good to know! I didn't let my kids read/watch, I didn't even bother to research it...LOL! Guess I'm just tired of so much crap. I guess I should re-think it.

Thanks ladies!
Great perspectives. I read the first two books and am considering finishing off the series. I read some opinions on the internet and yeah, I think if someone is secure in their faith, then they have nothing to worry about with this series but I would have to consider the situation more if I had my own teens especially since teens are very impressionable.

Well, the books were written for teenagers and then became popular with adults (like Harry Potter). That's why there's no foul language or sex. I don't want to spoil the books for you but the story is far more in line with certain Christian values than most tv shows are that parents let their children watch all the time.

I think most entertainment media that isn't Christian promotes the idea that you can be a good person without being saved. If that's a problem for parents, then I'm sure they probably wouldn't let their child read/watch anything non-Christian.

I know a lot of Christian's have problems with reading/watching things having to do with vampires, witches, etc. etc. and wouldn't consider the Twilight series "harmless". If that's the case, then I wouldn't encourage someone to read the books. I've bought them for a lot of kids I know just because it's quite an accomplishment to get a 13 year old to read a 500 page book.
Well, the books were written for teenagers and then became popular with adults (like Harry Potter). That's why there's no foul language or sex. I don't want to spoil the books for you but the story is far more in line with certain Christian values than most tv shows are that parents let their children watch all the time.

I think most entertainment media that isn't Christian promotes the idea that you can be a good person without being saved. If that's a problem for parents, then I'm sure they probably wouldn't let their child read/watch anything non-Christian.

I know a lot of Christian's have problems with reading/watching things having to do with vampires, witches, etc. etc. and wouldn't consider the Twilight series "harmless".
If that's the case, then I wouldn't encourage someone to read the books. I've bought them for a lot of kids I know just because it's quite an accomplishment to get a 13 year old to read a 500 page book.

This is what I was concerned about. Thanks for the input!
Well, the books were written for teenagers and then became popular with adults (like Harry Potter). That's why there's no foul language or sex. I don't want to spoil the books for you but the story is far more in line with certain Christian values than most tv shows are that parents let their children watch all the time.

I think most entertainment media that isn't Christian promotes the idea that you can be a good person without being saved. If that's a problem for parents, then I'm sure they probably wouldn't let their child read/watch anything non-Christian.

I know a lot of Christian's have problems with reading/watching things having to do with vampires, witches, etc. etc. and wouldn't consider the Twilight series "harmless". If that's the case, then I wouldn't encourage someone to read the books. I've bought them for a lot of kids I know just because it's quite an accomplishment to get a 13 year old to read a 500 page book.

Yep. I read an article on that said some similar things. I'm only on book 2 and maybe 100 pages into book 3 but I've read some things about the book that i haven't yet read personally and now I don't think it would be harmful to me to finish off the series. My friend at work keeps begging me to finish!! :lachen:
This is what I was concerned about. Thanks for the input!

I totally understand that. Just know that it's nothing like True Blood on HBO. The good vampires in the series are "vegetarians", they don't feed off humans but on animals.

I love the books, so I'm biased. But I think they're actually more Christian friendly than Harry Potter in some ways. Anyway, you should definitely check them out and see if they'd be appropriate for your family.

Yep. I read an article on that said some similar things. I'm only on book 2 and maybe 100 pages into book 3 but I've read some things about the book that i haven't yet read personally and now I don't think it would be harmful to me to finish off the series. My friend at work keeps begging me to finish!! :lachen:

Finish them!!
I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but so many kids at my school are in love with the story, I see them lugging that thick book everywhere.

My sis who is 28 read it and loved it. She said it's a really sweet story, basically about a teen girls crush. I believe that the character is abstinant and that the author purposefully did not write her having any sex because of the audience (I may be wrong on this on though).

I'm going away this week and planned on reading this on the plane.
I haven't read the book or seen the movie, but so many kids at my school are in love with the story, I see them lugging that thick book everywhere.

My sis who is 28 read it and loved it. She said it's a really sweet story, basically about a teen girls crush. I believe that the character is abstinant and that the author purposefully did not write her having any sex because of the audience (I may be wrong on this on though).

I'm going away this week and planned on reading this on the plane.

It's true. The main character, Bella, is a virgin. And, she doesn't have pre-marital sex at all in the series (hint hint). The books were written for the pre-teen/teen crowd which is why they're pg-13.
It's true. The main character, Bella, is a virgin. And, she doesn't have pre-marital sex at all in the series (hint hint). The books were written for the pre-teen/teen crowd which is why they're pg-13.

Yes, Edward is also the one always holding back from her kisses, too. Hmm, I had never thought of it that way!

Thanks guys, I do have a better perspective of these books now.

Also, I believe the author is Mormon or an ex-Mormon.
I'm going to edit my original response.

Due to the upsurge of the Twilight series. I think it's prudent that parents talks to their daughters, if you allow her to read these books; and explain the difference between fantasy and reality. I am noticiing that alot of teenage girls are going crazy over the Edward character.

The Edward character (besides being a vampire) isn't an "ideal" boyfriend. He breaks into her house and watches her sleep, he's overly possessive, etc. If Robert Pattinson (the actor who plays Edward Cullen) has stated many times that his character is (in so many words) possessive, mentally unstable and a killer.

I had to literally step back and think about his statement, the movie and the books and why I was so interested in the Twilight series.

My suggestion for parents would be to read the series and PAY ATTENTION to the messages the author is stating regarding relationships and how a man/vampire should treat a woman.

Me personally, I couldn't get with his stalking, sneakiness, possessiveness, etc.

Although, I am a Robert Pattinson fan......He's so cute! But I'm done with the Twilight series and won't be watching anymore of those movies.
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I saw the movie and like it (suprisingly); then I went out and bought all 4 books. The movie is something that I would have my teenager (pre-teen) watch. THere are alot of good morals in the movie. I would also allow them to read maybe the first 3 books.

I'm finishing up the 4th book. I'm still undecided about it.

But I'm a Christian and this series (movie) thus far is pretty harmless. I rather teenagers read about vampires then the whole devil worshipping that is out now.

Thank you for sharing. I'm finishing up another book and as soon as I'm done, I'll have to finish book 3 and read book 4. :)
I haven't read the book, but i saw the movie. They are many Christians set in their ways, as soon as they hear vampires, its a no no. It's an innocent movie, if u watched n ur not convicted...that's between u and God. But to each its own
I finally read the book and saw the movie . It was very enjoyable to me (the book more so than the movie, though Edward is such a cutie), and the whole vampire thing isn't a major issue.
It is so good to hear that so many of you don't have any problem with these books! Nothing stood out to me as I read them but after hearing how people felt about Harry Potter and DaVinci Code, I wanted to make sure. I feel comfy finishing up the series now.
I'm totally late to the party, but I too have seen my students ADDICTED to the series (mostly girls) I'm excited that they are actually reading. I also think that we all get bombarded by so many things in the media (tv, radio, etc) it is all the more vital that parents watch/read/and listen to what's going on out there and TALK to their children about what they're getting from the messages, less they be lambs consumed by lions out of ignorance and innocence. We must be aware that despite our very best efforts, the world(ly) influences sometimes do seep through. If a person is grounded in their faith by their family and friends, then movies and other outside influences will not change their beliefs and behaviors.
btw I just watched the movie and loved it, now I'm off to buy the series
My dear sisters, please be careful, the author of twilight got her story through chaneling, which means that she was helped by a demon trough dreams, she says it herself (sort of)on her website. We need to be careful about very popular books and series like twilight and harry potter. eventhough there are virgins mariage and decency it this, it a trap for everyone to accept the whole thing as ok. those books DO NOT honor Jesus and God.
The world is beeing prepared to accept witchcraft, vampirism, all evil and all it's fruits as ok little by little. Please I plead with you: do not fall for that. Pray, read the word of God prepare yourselves for the coming of Jesus wich it nearer than we think.
The world is turning into something evil before our eyes. It is the time to separate and choose Jesus he is the way, the truth and the life.

Watch this:

this man talls about the dangers of Twilight series according to the Bible. please watch all parts.
MY dear sisters I love you and I pray for you.
My dear sisters, please be careful, the author of twilight got her story through chaneling, which means that she was helped by a demon trough dreams, she says it herself (sort of)on her website. We need to be careful about very popular books and series like twilight and harry potter. eventhough there are virgins mariage and decency it this, it a trap for everyone to accept the whole thing as ok. those books DO NOT honor Jesus and God.
The world is beeing prepared to accept witchcraft, vampirism, all evil and all it's fruits as ok little by little. Please I plead with you: do not fall for that. Pray, read the word of God prepare yourselves for the coming of Jesus wich it nearer than we think.

The world is turning into something evil before our eyes. It is the time to separate and choose Jesus he is the way, the truth and the life.

Watch this:

this man talls about the dangers of Twilight series according to the Bible. please watch all parts.
MY dear sisters I love you and I pray for you.

Thank you Zanna. I wasn't able to view the video. However, the very word and title "Twilight" and the eery scenery from the the commercials when this movie began last year is more than a clue of this book's origin. They also have a TV series airing this Fall. And it's all a satanic lure into darkness.

Children and teens are the target victims, for the enemy is out lure them astray (as a Pied Piper effect) from the True knowledge of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Rather than behold the redemption of the Blood that Jesus shed for us on the Cross, they are being entranced into the aura of darkness by way of being courted by a vampire.

satan always lures with just enough of a mix of 'good vs evil' to make it seem 'okay'. When all the while it's not. :nono::nono::nono::nono::nono:
I totally understand that. Just know that it's nothing like True Blood on HBO.

The good vampires in the series are "vegetarians", they don't feed off humans but on animals.

I love the books, so I'm biased. But I think they're actually more Christian friendly than Harry Potter in some ways. Anyway, you should definitely check them out and see if they'd be appropriate for your family.

Finish them!!

What on earth ? ? ? :drunk:

#1: There's no such thing as a good (demon) Ummm, Vampire...:rolleyes: Just as there is no such thing as a good 'witch' (or a good demon).

#2: Vegetarians do not feed off of the blood of animals :nono:

So now we have 'vampires' in the Kingdom of God. :nono::nono::nono:
I haven't had much time to read through this thread, but from what I've read so far it's not looking too good.

I'm not looking for anyone to agree, but for the sake of clarity and truth, I pointing this out for the sake of the innocent minds who may come upon this thread and I pray to God that they will not be mislead.

This mess is nothing to play with and it's not innocent. There's something very wrong here in this thread. Very wrong. There is no in between for good and evil. satan comes as an 'angel of light'. he knows how to present himself as harmless so as to entrap, deceive and mislead his victims.

A good vampire ? ? ?

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put DARKNESS for light, and light for DARKNESS; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Isaiah 5:20-21

We as Christians are not called 'Sheep' by accident. For all we like sheep who have been lead astray?

ALL WE LIKE SHEEP have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Isaiah 53:6

I have a lot more to share about this 'Twilight' issue. A lot! I never thought I would see such a big defense among Chrisitians about this 'obvious' display of demonic mesmerizing.

As for the Virgin aspect displayed in this storyline. Are you kidding me? One of biggest seductions to a woman is 'galantry'; a man who 'values' her virtue and satan has used this big time to present himself (the vampire) as amiable? safe? respectable? loveable? charming?

Oh by all means 'charming', for charmed is exactly what he's done to everyone who has fallen in love and in a tranced fixation with 'Twilight'. For heaven's sake, the guy in this story is a stalker and an eery one at that and he as a vampire has been romanticized. Therefore it draws each of you 'in' all the more and you've formed an alliance and an unwholesome attachment with your soul to this character and the very spirit of this story itsself.

And all because he holds back from a Virgin. :nono: :nono: :nono:

I'm coming back with the Virgin theory later. I have an errand to take care of. I'll be back later. :Rose:
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Shimmie the vampire is a virgin too. He wants to wait becasue he cares for her and wants to do things right. He is worried about her soul and that is why he won't have sex with her before they get married.
I agree with you Shimmie that some women are getting invested in the series. Alot of women are so caught up with the characters of the story that I've hard people refer to the actors as those characters.
That's why so many parents let their kids read Harry Potter, "At least they are reading! They never read a book before this!" They say.

I do not allow my children (under age 10) to watch Harry Potter movies, Wizards of Waverly Place, etc, etc...I think it is the subliminal suggestion that it is okay to accept these characters and what they do and to me, that leads them to other more graphic characters and movies in the same vein...before you know it, the children/teens are engrossed in this genre, and you can't pull them out.

I've bought them for a lot of kids I know just because it's quite an accomplishment to get a 13 year old to read a 500 page book.
Shimmie the vampire is a virgin too. He wants to wait becasue he cares for her and wants to do things right. He is worried about her soul and that is why he won't have sex with her before they get married.
:grouphug2: Dicapr, whatever I say about this subject has nothing to do with you. I love you and I mean it. I don't care what we may not have agreed or disagreed upon past, or present or future, you are dear to my heart. I'm saying this for a reason.

Because, I am about to 'rip' this subject apart, bit by bit and with scripture to back it up. We have young girls who don't have what 'we' have spiritually and although many see no harm in this, there is. There's severe harm for the young generation towards which these fastasies are aimed.

They don't have the word of God to keep them 'in check' and to protect them. You see, when we 'realized' error in our ways, we 'know' what to do and how to do it, we know how to fall before the Lord and get things right. These young children do not. The only God they know is Twilight, Harry Potter, Charmed and the whatever pops up next in the occult.

The most dangerous thing that a Christian can say or do is comment, "Well I'm a Christian and I don't see anything wrong or evil about _________fill in the blank ________.

It's an open pit waiting to swallow those who fall for it. :nono:
Hey, I just wanted to share this excerpt of an interview with Director Tim Burton, who is slated to make a movie of "Dark Shadows," a popular show in the 70's.

G.M.: You've talked about doing "Dark Shadows" next. Is that still the plan?

T.B.: I think so, yes. That's the plan. There was something very weird about that, it had the weirdest vibe to it. I'm sort of intrigued about that vibe. It's early days on it, but I'm excited about it.

G.M. We seem to be in the midst of vampire-mania, what with "Twilight" and "True Blood" and other projects. What do you make of that?

T.B.: It happens. You look at the history of film and whether it's vampires or witches or wizards or whatever, it's like any great fable or fairytale, it's got a power to it. I think that's why people keep going back to it. There's something symbolic about it that touches people in different ways. It's symbolic for something, I'm sure with everybody it's slightly different but it's still powerful. All great stories, there are about five different variations. I grew up on monster movies and it wasn't until later that I realized it's all the same story basically, but the monsters are great and they're all different and it makes it feel like it's all different. The monsters have more personality than the actors around them a lot of times.

— Gina McIntyre