TWA to MBL in 3 years, *pics*

^^^ OMG! :hugxplode: Thank you! It's a bit weird for me to put my pics up, but knowing that I can inspire someone really makes it worth it.
Your hair looks really great! Congrats on all your growth!

And is that your baby in the corner of the first pic?
Her hair is bangin too...I love her curls. :yep:
:love: All that hair in 3 years! :drool: That is AWESOME retention! I'd say you're definitely WL and Congrats on the beautiful family!

This is such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing! I'm really looking forward to year 3 of my HHJ!
Awesome progress. Very inspirational. I was hoping for at least BSL at year 3. This raises the bar for me. Congrats on the new pregnancy and have a blessed New Year!!
Aww, thank you! Yes, my DD is 4 years old now, and her hair is tailbone length beautiful spirals. She has the most gorgeous hair I've ever seen. It takes some doing to comb all of that hair, but I make sure to keep it looking great. Can't have my honeypuss looking rough.

For my own hair, there were lots of setbacks along the way. There was dryness, breakage, and I have cut huge hunks of my hair out while taking down braids and weaves before :cry3: But I kept pushing and kept trying. I am going to redouble my efforts for year 4... I really want Hip Length by this time next year, and I'm going for it! :armyhat: Look out FlowerHair! I'm coming for you, :lol:
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:yay: Thank you ladies for all the kind comments :up:

I think one thing that really helped me is that I stayed away from trends. This is not due to some great inner quality of mine but rather due to my lack of :dollar: :lol: I think lots of folks stay doing too much.
Nice to see so much growth AND retention; you've hit on a good method of growing out hair.

Just out of curiosity, are you waiting for your hair to get to hip or longer before you stop wearing wigs? You've certainly got enough hair to do a variety of nice bun styles now, which would also be protective.
I'm not sure when I'll start wearing my hair out. Maybe once I hit hip length... not sure. But I really like keeping my hair protected to the fullest extent possible. Many of the hair styles I like are old fashioned styles that were designed for women with hair that is around hip length. I've never really been good at styling hair though... and my hair is seriously thick, which makes it hard to style.
I wore it down for one day, and then I braided it up again... I don't have more pics. Sorry!

I don't know when I'll take it down again (of course I unbraid, brush out the shed hair, and rebraid every few weeks) I'm considering flat ironing again at the end of the summer... if I do, I'll post pics.
Congrats! This is soooo inspirational to me as a lady rocking a twa. I can be where you are in 3 years if I stick with it!!! Yessssss!

Congrats on your pregnancy and the little one in the pic is SO cute!!!
Absolutely, you can do it! Anybody can. I wish I could go back to middle school and show those folks how long and healthy my hair is. My hair was the laughing stock of the whole community :ohwell: It was awful. Just chewed, raggedy, awful. Terrible. I HATED my hair and I would literally cry over how awful I looked. And now.... :D
Wow, I have read all your posts in this thread. You offer GREAT advice. I especially like that fact that you said that your family hasn't even seen your hair out in years; that is quite some dedication and it obviously has paid off. You should really post in the waist length thread...your journey is indeed inspiring.

Waist Length and Beyond, Names + Regimens:
Wow, I have read all your posts in this thread. You offer GREAT advice. I especially like that fact that you said that your family hasn't even seen your hair out in years; that is quite some dedication and it obviously has paid off. You should really post in the waist length thread...your journey is indeed inspiring.

Waist Length and Beyond, Names + Regimens:

:blush3: Gosh, I hadn't thought to post in there. Are you sure my hair is long enough to "qualify" lol?

I'm glad my advice could be helpful to you :yep: and I look forward to posting my Hip Length pics next Christmas, hopefully I'll have slimmed down, too :look:
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing your inspirational progress! I hope I can be there in 3 years. Your hair is thick and gorgeous! Great job! What's your regimen?

ETA: I just saw your regimen! Great advice!
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I've posted much of what I do in this thread, and there is a bulleted list of my reggie in the Waist Length and Beyond thread as well :yep: even though I don't think I'm quite at waist just yet.