TWA to Hip Length in 4 yrs *pics*

I freakin' love you!!!!! I'm about to embark on the same journey and you just made my day...I'm getting rid of the rest of this mohawk ASAP. I've pm'd you because I am really interested in what you did during the TWA stage. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide...Thanks! and again, you are my hair idol, I haven't found too many women on here who have made this particular journey I am embarking on and I was beginning to get discouraged but you def just brought my spirits back up!
COngratulations Lady P on your awesome progress! You're such an inspiration.

:blush3: Thank you!

Wow, you must've retained every single cm. Great job, that was fast growth!!!

I retained FAR from every centimeter. I have lost about 6-7 inches off my ends over the course of this journey. Texlaxing. Texlaxing is the debil (for MY hair) and I will NEVER do it again. :cry3:

I freakin' love you!!!!! I'm about to embark on the same journey and you just made my day...I'm getting rid of the rest of this mohawk ASAP. I've pm'd you because I am really interested in what you did during the TWA stage. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide...Thanks! and again, you are my hair idol, I haven't found too many women on here who have made this particular journey I am embarking on and I was beginning to get discouraged but you def just brought my spirits back up!

Don't get discouraged! If I can do it, anyone can.

Congrats on reaching HL, Lady!!!! Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!

Thank you! :yay:

Beautiful hair, LadyPaniolo. Thank you for sharing-I'm inspired to redouble my efforts!

Thank you! If anyone is redoubling their efforts, I hope you are redoubling your efforts to leave your hair ALONE. Just keep it strong via protein and moisturized, and keep it up in protective styles. Really, that is all it takes. No holy ghost grease, no $50 conditioner. I use all cheap stuff. The MOST expensive things I use are coconut oil and Kenra MC.
LadyP......Thank you for being an inspiration!The tips you gave will really help myself and others to stay encouraged........again.......Thank You ! :D
wow awesome hair.. I came on her cuz i was thinking of getting a relaxer but i'm not sure now that i've seen your hair i don't think i will. my hair does grow much faster natural..
Wow!!!! I was just asking in the BC to WL thread if there was anyone I could as inspiration and here you come!! HAHA! Well, thanks for sharing. I feel energized now! *Off to cowash!* lol
LadyP......Thank you for being an inspiration!The tips you gave will really help myself and others to stay encouraged........again.......Thank You ! :D

I'm glad I can be of assistance lol.

:thud: Awesome progress! You are such an inspiration! Keep up the good work!:worship2:

Thank you! I have no plan to stop now...

Amazing, I love your updates. Congrats!

Thank you! I'll be sure to update when I hit tailbone. :yep:

Congratulations! :yay: :dance7:

That's just how I feel, too, lol. Thanks!

wow awesome hair.. I came on her cuz i was thinking of getting a relaxer but i'm not sure now that i've seen your hair i don't think i will. my hair does grow much faster natural..

If you aren't sure, wait for a while. You can always decide to relax later, but you can't un-relax.

Wow!!!! I was just asking in the BC to WL thread if there was anyone I could as inspiration and here you come!! HAHA! Well, thanks for sharing. I feel energized now! *Off to cowash!* lol

Energy, that's what I like to see! I'm glad I can inspire you!

Now this is what I call inspiration!! Your progress is AMAZING!!!!!! :)

Thank you! Just wait till I hit classic! Nobody will be able to tell me anything.
All I can say is the proof is in the pudding!! Perfect example of how low manipulation and protective styles lead to amazing results.

Im off to read your blog detailing your regimen...If only I could stick with my half wigs , I just get tired of wearing them.
Just beautiful! I think wearing a wig would give me headache. Hats and headbands make my head hurt after wearing them awhile.
Thanks for sharing. Congratulations to you! It's pretty, too.

OMG, The Original! Serioulsy, I owe my hair to you. When I was a newbie, everyone was on the tip of how each head of hair was different and every person had to devise a unique and specialized reg for their particular head. Well, that was so intimidating and I wasn't getting good results. I decided to see who had the results I wanted and jock them :lachen: with tweaks made when needed. And I jumped on your reggie so hard I left bruises lol.

Just last night I did the Chicorro Ponytail Pose in the mirror and I was SO HAPPY to see that thick long tail hanging down I have no words....

All I can say is the proof is in the pudding!! Perfect example of how low manipulation and protective styles lead to amazing results.

Im off to read your blog detailing your regimen...If only I could stick with my half wigs , I just get tired of wearing them.

I get tired of wigs too. I've bellyached on here about it many times lol. When I get too sick of them, I leave them be for a while, like a week or so. I wear my hair out, I try different updos on braid-out hair. Then I am ready to return to the wigs.

Gorgeous hair and great growth!


Awesome progress! Thanks for sharing your wonderful story.

Thank you, and I am happy to share my story since it's inspiring many of you!

Congratulations Lady P, I'm in AWE of your hair!!! I can't wait to get to the other side of the velvet rope!

Where is the Velvet Rope? Is it at Hip Length? Serious question...

:superman: congrats, girl :woohoo: I am so excited with you :wow:

:blush3: Thanks ladies! The love I'm getting is fueling my resolve to get to classic :armyhat:

Just beautiful! I think wearing a wig would give me headache. Hats and headbands make my head hurt after wearing them awhile.

Wigs aren't the only PS I've used. C&G braids work just as well, and might not give you a headache. It's just not feasible for me to braid all of this length any more, :timer: it would take forever and a day.
I call these tactile pressure headaches :lol: Idk if theres a real medical term or not but thats what I call it :lol: I cant even have conditioner on my hair after awhile without getting a headache. Its super weird.

Just beautiful! I think wearing a wig would give me headache. Hats and headbands make my head hurt after wearing them awhile.
Hey LP, how many inches would you say you retain in a month? 3 months? Year? I haven't been to your blog yet or read your other posts, so sorry if you've covered this question aready.
Thank you! If anyone is redoubling their efforts, I hope you are redoubling your efforts to leave your hair ALONE. Just keep it strong via protein and moisturized, and keep it up in protective styles. Really, that is all it takes. No holy ghost grease, no $50 conditioner. I use all cheap stuff. The MOST expensive things I use are coconut oil and Kenra MC.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for posting and great job on your journey so far. I went ahead and put some DC in my hair and put them in cornrows today and put my wigs back on. I'm praying that God will grant me the strength to leave my hair alone as I believe that's the main hindrance to me retaining length. I kind of get bored easily with a style be it wigs/braids/crotchet/sew -in.
But I'm determined to do the wigs/braids till Dec 2010...the Lord is my
I'm so glad I ran acroos this thread. I just BC'd and have 3 inches of hair. WL is my goal in 3 years so I'm going to be following you. I'm new here although Ive been lurking for months. I do have questions tho.

What are Crown and glory braids?

How do you make your wigs look nice? I have one and I hate how it looks on me. How do u make the wigs look natural? Is that a concern of yours? I see women all the time with obvious wigs and I don't want to be one of them. I have a small head so my weaver told me lace front wouldnt look good on me.

Oh can someone tell me how to subscribe to this thread?

Thank you for posting your progress.
I'm so glad I ran acroos this thread. I just BC'd and have 3 inches of hair. WL is my goal in 3 years so I'm going to be following you. I'm new here although Ive been lurking for months. I do have questions tho.

What are Crown and glory braids?

How do you make your wigs look nice? I have one and I hate how it looks on me. How do u make the wigs look natural? Is that a concern of yours? I see women all the time with obvious wigs and I don't want to be one of them. I have a small head so my weaver told me lace front wouldnt look good on me.

Oh can someone tell me how to subscribe to this thread?

Thank you for posting your progress.

I only can answer one of your questions. The Crown and Glory Method is what helped me get to BSL and then I used wigs to get to WL. You can go to

Her methods really work and the no heat, moisturize, low manip regimen works.

Unfortunately I got a relaxer last August and this year, just ended up cutting it all off to Neck Length now.
Congrats my dear!! Your hair is lovely and you're truly an inspiration! Im hitting my 3 yrs mark in december 2010 and im Mbl in layers so you're just that inspiration I needed to tell myself I can make it to HL in a year!!!!

@LadyPaniolo (love this new feature LOL) are you going to put away the wigs and weaves now and start enjoying your own hair?

Or will you keep PS until you reach classic length?