TWA 4B+ need reggie suggestions PLS!


New Member
I've done the research, checked other reggies and the sticky notes but I can't find a hair twin who started where I am which is nowhere.

Short but not so sweet natural 4B TWA after forced BC after bad perm.
I wear wigs during the day because my little fro has some thin---ok almost bald patches.

My hair is super dry and super coarse and I just need a starting point. Please ladies...if not for me do it for my poor little scruffy TWA:crying3:
Hello Miel,
My hair is short and I have two bald spots that are growing in slowly but surely in the th back. I was my hair with conditioner only and do oil rinses, seal my ends. My hair has really come a lon way since joining LHCF. I need to post my progress pics in my fotki. My hair is a 4B kinky kinky gitl.
OMGoodness natural2008! If your hair is a kinky kinky 4B then I must have discovered a new level for my hair 5C! Girl i'd trade with you any day! Thanks for the suggestions but your hair is not short compared to mine...I'm just this side of Michael Jordan:lachen:

Yall help me!
Well, I'm not a TWA but I have the hair you're looking for. I would use aloe and castor oil to fill in those spots. Aloe does wonders to regrow and heal and castor does wonders thickening. Since you wear wigs, I would wet or spray hair DAILY with aloe/distilled water/glycerin. I would DC with 2 parts olive oil with 1 part honey. Occassionally whip up an egg white for a protein DC. I'm all natural that uses all natural. Maybe someone can point you towards products...
Hello Miel,
I am now texurized, but did you see my hair before it was texurized? Did I include those photos in my fotki? I have to look. I have learned how to do a lot with this hair with the hwlp of LHCF. I wear wigs sometimes or wear my head in hair wraps when I am really lazy. It seems like it is taking forever for my spots to grow in. How often do you wash your hair and with what?
Well Naturalgurl and Natural2008 you both have done beautifully with your hair. I see that it's not going to happen over night and that I have alot of products, both natural and man-made to choose from. Thank you both.
Natural Gurl is right 100% and I would recommend doing DC's with olive oil mixed in with your DC, it will help get the moisture back in your hair. ORS Replenish packs mixed with EVOO works wonders!! A lot of ladies like the Cantu Shea leave in (I've never used it) I really love Castor oil and if you can get it, I use the CoCasta oil from Hairveda daily....
Moisture is always your best friend for those of us with the 4b and 5b going on. :grin: Other than what the others have mentioned, I would say a super-short TWA is pretty low-maintenance. Just find a good shampoo, conditioner, DC, and leave in (the best products I've used at this stage were CON shampoo, Suave Humectant condtioner, and StaSofFro believe it or not). For the most part, I think you can just sit back and enjoy the TWA. I think of it as a protective style, really. No tangles, styling, or crusty ends at this point. :grin:
and also thanks to LHCF I make my own hair grease which has helped a lot. I alot take vitamins since I am a vegetarian and lack protein in my diet. I try to make sure that I eat soe type of protein with every meal now. I started really taking care of my hair in August and have come along way. godd luck, you will be fine.