2010 OCT/MegaTek Challenge (July 31 - Dec 31)

Thanks Grow.

Praise The Lord, shedding is down to a minimum. Aphogee 2 minute left on overnight has really helped. I haven't restarted mt, but I'm still using oct. I have garlic oil that tastes like garlic oil. Not a good scent early in the am, but it works wonders, so i'll have to chug 'em down.

In my mt mix i used water along with oils and a bit of conditioner for good measure. :-{ I have aloe gel, but no juice. ( I'll add it to my beauty list, asap. ) However, I just rcvd a complimentary batch of Ginsana's Super Gro Lotion, and i'll roll with that pretty soon. It's got mt, mtg, and a whooooole lotta good stuff in there, so I'll just start there.

Thanks Ms. Coco, I'm pretty happy about the heaviness of my hair. My hair is always so light and fluffy. I want hair with some weight, some 'umph.' That's a step in the right direction for me. I'm sure you'll be fine with using mt, your hairline may not be as touchy as mine. :perplexed. You've got pretty hair, by the way.

Thanks ladies for your support - y'all are wonderful.

~ Happy Hair Growing to all the OCT/MT Hair Maidens ~

yes, hun, those ceramides help, as will some garlic, so that hopefully won't happen in the future.
(i make my own garlic oil these days.)

i just remembered what one of the ladies told me a while ago about diluting the mt.....which was "not to use just water" (what i had been doing), but to use aloe vera juice because it has more moisturizing properties.

you've already got a good mix going on there, hun, so i'm sure adding some new elements will make it even better! :-)!

Bronze, you're certainly one to talk! You're the one with the beautiful hair...I'm just trying to be like you when I grow up.:grin:

You know...I have a bottle of aloe vera juice just asking to be used. Maybe I'll add some to my MT, because now (after reading the last couple of post about shedding), I think I need to take some precautionary measures. The last thing I need is a setback.:look:
I am still using my MT mix. Since I have added the sulfur mix (homemade MTG), I have noticed that I only need a few drops, otherwise, it runs all over the place. I have to keep up with cleaning my skin around my forehead and neck just to avoid break outs. How do you deal with this problem?
Valerie do you apply mt to your hair and scalp when you dc? Have you seen good results with it? I'm planning on dcing with mt tonight and while lurking in this thread I saw your post and it's right on time. Thanks
Morning Ladies!

Last night when I went home I mixed some aloe vera juice and coconut oil in with my MT. Then I applied the mixture to my scalp and sealed my ends with Amla oil. This morning I applied a little QP Mango Butter on my edges, slapped my half wig on and kept it moving.

I have been manipulating my hair a little too much this week. I need to find a style where I can keep my hands out of my head.:look:
Using Megatek as a scalp rub is tiring, and I'm not sure it even works tbh. From now on I think I'll just use it as a protein DC every once in a while. Hopefully that gives it a better use :yep:
Hello Beautiful Ladies,

Just checking in for the month of September. I noticed very little growth but then, l only put my mixture on my hair about 10 - 14 times so, no one to blame there. However, l notice my hair is fuller and healthier. I have put in another sew in and this time, did it myself and it looks great ( so proud of myself:grin:).

Hair check pics

See pics


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I'm a newbie and i began my HJ in july with finding a good regimen for me : i mean simple and effective.
DCing and washing my hair 2xweek was too much manipulations for my 20 weeks post head. So i decided 3 weeks ago to wear protective style : a net wig that i ordered from my chinese lace wig manufacturer and braids underneath. I can still take care of my hair without any kind of manipulation.
I've made a mix: Aphogee leave in conditioner (the watery one), MT, JCBO and six others oils (wheat germ, avocado, emu oil, mink and jojoba...) that i use every day with a dropper. I'm seeing new growth on my hedges (i've bald patches from weaves and bonding my lace wig).
I'll take my wig out this saturday, make a check length.
Hope for all of us, mega mega growth !!
I'm glad you're seeing progress with your edges, I apply my MT, castor oil, peppermint & Rosemary mix to my edges nightly, been doing this for over 6 weeks and I don't feel like there's any progress. I'll keep doing it but I'm disappointed thus far.
sithembile, I know the feeling. I applied the OCT regularly to my problem area, and I thought I was getting some improvement, but when I blowed my hair out, the area was just as thin as before. On the upside, I did notice some growth, but that could have been my average growth.

Hopefully, the MT will give me better results since I've switched over. I'll definitely keep you guys posted.
I'm a newbie and i began my HJ in july with finding a good regimen for me : i mean simple and effective.
DCing and washing my hair 2xweek was too much manipulations for my 20 weeks post head. So i decided 3 weeks ago to wear protective style : a net wig that i ordered from my chinese lace wig manufacturer and braids underneath. I can still take care of my hair without any kind of manipulation.
I've made a mix: Aphogee leave in conditioner (the watery one), MT, JCBO and six others oils (wheat germ, avocado, emu oil, mink and jojoba...) that i use every day with a dropper. I'm seeing new growth on my hedges (i've bald patches from weaves and bonding my lace wig).
I'll take my wig out this saturday, make a check length.
Hope for all of us, mega mega growth !!

I'm sending positive vibes your way! Hope you have mad progress!:yep:
Checking in.

So, I started adding a homemade MTG mix (a few drops) before I add my MT. So far I notice some "fuzz" in the hard to grow crown area which is a good sign. I expect that with another 3-6 months I should have good growth and coverage there. Currently my "4-lane" highway down the middle has been reduced to 2-lanes in the front and the back (from the crown) is starting to narrow to three lanes.
Checking in.

So, I started adding a homemade MTG mix (a few drops) before I add my MT. So far I notice some "fuzz" in the hard to grow crown area which is a good sign. I expect that with another 3-6 months I should have good growth and coverage there. Currently my "4-lane" highway down the middle has been reduced to 2-lanes in the front and the back (from the crown) is starting to narrow to three lanes.

That's great MzTeaze! I'm loving the highway analogy!:lol:
I have been so incredibly lazy with my hair lately. Since it's gotten cold, I haven't been cowashing daily. I haven't washed my hair in over a week. Tonight, I will tackle the mane. I need to get the MT build up out and start the cycle all over again.

I'm liking my little mixture so far, but I think I want to jump on the castor oil bandwagon and add that to it.
Yeah, I've been slacking. Ever since I mastered my rollersets, I don't co-wash and bun as much (meaning I don't use my MT as much). I'm looking to use MT on Fridays and possibly Mondays. Fridays because I'm generally off on weekends and can lounge around. Mondays, because I'm sure I don't want to be bothered with my hair on Sunday night. I'm probably sitting here typing lies, but I promise I will try to keep up my MT, for my hair's sake, if nothing else.
Wow i completely forgot I joined this challenge. No worries though. Since the beginning of August I have been applying MT to my scalp 2-3 times per week (using JBCO prior to application) consistently. It has been going well. My NG is definitely a lot thicker and I'm very happy with the overall results so far. No extra growth yet but I'm pretty sure it'll come soon. Next month will be the 3rd month so I should start to see some by then.

Good luck ladies!
Morning Ladies!

Last night I finally tackled the mass that is my hair. I washed and detangled, put a little Argan oil in and put it into four plaits. This morning, I'm sporting two sad looking little buns. That's about all I could do after going through the detangling process. I didn't put any MT in yet, I'll do that this evening.
Hi everyone!! Just checkin in! I had my son on Sept. 24th and he was 8lbs, 9 oz!! I am officially unpreggo! Lol! I decided to simplify my reggie a bit y only applying the Mga Tek and JBCO seperately on different days. I still wash my hair every week and dc during this time. I'm also sporting mini twists instead of kinky twists or braids. I got sick of the weave. I'll be taking it easy for the next couple of weeks but will continue to keep in touch! Happy growing, yall!!
Night before last, I applied my MT. Tonight, I'll do the same. I'm getting bored with my hairstyle...I'm thinking I may get braids installed. IDK, we'll see.
Morning Ladies!

How is everyone coming along in the challenge?

It's hard for me to tell since I have mad shrinkage and I haven't straightened my hair out in months. Just looking at it, I don't see much of a difference...but that's probably because I tend to get a little too impatient with my hair. But, I can definitely say it seems to be thicker and more unruly than normal.:grin:

Hope everyone's doing well.
Hi everyone!! Just checkin in! I had my son on Sept. 24th and he was 8lbs, 9 oz!! I am officially unpreggo! Lol! I decided to simplify my reggie a bit y only applying the Mga Tek and JBCO seperately on different days. I still wash my hair every week and dc during this time. I'm also sporting mini twists instead of kinky twists or braids. I got sick of the weave. I'll be taking it easy for the next couple of weeks but will continue to keep in touch! Happy growing, yall!!

I've been slacking on the MT as well.:sad: I even forgot to order another bottle, I guess I'll do that this weekend. I still have some left but I didn't want to run out. Happy Hair Growing everyone!:gorgeous:
Hi all! I'm new to the forum...well, new to posting (I've been a lurker for years). I started MT about a week ago, applying it 2-3x a week. My main issue is that I think I'm applying too much. I apply MT via a pointed tip applicator by finger-parting my hair in extremely thin parts. Basically, I cover almost every inch of my scalp. Am I goin overboard...I mean, how much is enough? Can I section my hair in larger parts?

Since I received my MT bottle, I've applied it 3 times. At my current application rate, I probably only have about 4 more applictions left? How long should 1 bottle last me?
Hi all! I'm new to the forum...well, new to posting (I've been a lurker for years). I started MT about a week ago, applying it 2-3x a week. My main issue is that I think I'm applying too much. I apply MT via a pointed tip applicator by finger-parting my hair in extremely thin parts. Basically, I cover almost every inch of my scalp. Am I goin overboard...I mean, how much is enough? Can I section my hair in larger parts?

Since I received my MT bottle, I've applied it 3 times. At my current application rate, I probably only have about 4 more applictions left? How long should 1 bottle last me?

I think you should try sectioning your hair in larger parts. You can spread the mixture throughout your whole scalp if you massage it in really well. I tend to get a little heavy-handed myself, and I've found that if I space the parts out a little, the MT last longer, and I'm still covering my whole head. BTW, I use an applicator as well.
Ladies, I must admit that I haven't used my MT at all this week. I think I'll apply some tonight, because I plan on washing tomorrow.
Sorry to inform you ladies but I cut down to just once or twice a week because of the shedding, I thought it was under control but I guess I was wrong.
I've neglected my MT as well, but out of sheer laziness. There was no unusual amount of shedding nore scalp soreness, just a high level of "*** this hair tonight".