TV Church


Well-Known Member
given the current situation at my church home, and my school schedule that monopolizes my Sundays, i'm finding myself considering TV church (or, more appropriately, streaming feeds online) as an alternative...

my mom keeps telling me that that's not the same as going to church because you're not receiving the fellowship portion.. but is that truly necessary??... for instance, in my current church, i'm not involved in any of the ministries... by nature, i'm not a joiner, and i haven't felt led to do so there... also, during fellowship time (where you're supposed to walk around church hugging and shaking hands and whatnot), i keep my seat...

so, all that to say, is there really anything wrong with these services?
given the current situation at my church home, and my school schedule that monopolizes my Sundays, i'm finding myself considering TV church (or, more appropriately, streaming feeds online) as an alternative...

my mom keeps telling me that that's not the same as going to church because you're not receiving the fellowship portion.. but is that truly necessary??... for instance, in my current church, i'm not involved in any of the ministries... by nature, i'm not a joiner, and i haven't felt led to do so there... also, during fellowship time (where you're supposed to walk around church hugging and shaking hands and whatnot), i keep my seat...

so, all that to say, is there really anything wrong with these services?

Yes, its important. The Bible says "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:25 NIV

I hope that helps.
given the current situation at my church home, and my school schedule that monopolizes my Sundays, i'm finding myself considering TV church (or, more appropriately, streaming feeds online) as an alternative...

my mom keeps telling me that that's not the same as going to church because you're not receiving the fellowship portion.. but is that truly necessary??... for instance, in my current church, i'm not involved in any of the ministries... by nature, i'm not a joiner, and i haven't felt led to do so there... also, during fellowship time (where you're supposed to walk around church hugging and shaking hands and whatnot), i keep my seat...

so, all that to say, is there really anything wrong with these services?

What about a Wednesday evening Bible study? Many times, you can find some in your area that aren't necessarily linked to church membership.

TV Churches are ok, but I'd stay away from TBN.:nono:
In (tough) love, let's get to the heart of the matter....

Essentially, TV/online church does not replace being in the house of the Lord face to face with fellow believers in corporate worship. This is something the Lord admonishes us to do for our benefit, per the scripture already given. Sometimes it's not about us but maybe being in church and giving somebody a hug or giving an encouraging word might save somebody's very life.... Sure, the Lord could and would use someone else if we're not there, but He wanted to use us first and specifically.

Secondly, how does your school MONOPOLIZE your entire Sunday? And can ask that boldly because I'm in school as well and I had Sunday classes (but not every Sunday) and there are some Sundays where I (wish I could) stay home but I had to tell myself that when I put the things of God FIRST, He will bless my stuff! "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33)

When you say you're not involved, you're not a joiner, you don't hug, it sounds like there's something going on underneath your surface...a hurt, a mistrust...and I'm telling you you gotta deal with that because that thing will follow you to whatever church you go to (or watch on TV). The Lord wants you to show love to you and one major way He does this is through other believers. Don't isolate yourself because (according to accounts of people who have been to hell), that's part of the torment of the REAL hell: isolation and loneliness.

Please, please understand that I do not mean to be harsh. Please know that what I'm saying to you is coming RIGHT BACK AT ME...the word is as a two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). Here's how I know how you feel: that hugging thing? I still deal with that TO THIS DAY. I've been at my church close to 20 years and my church is a hugging church and sometimes I just don't feel like being bothered, I don't want the people touching me, I don't want them to get close to me or put something on me. Sometimes the hugging just doesn't feel safe. But all that is fundamentally about MY TRUST IN GOD. Do I trust God enough to open myself up? Please understand that that question is at the top of my heart and the front of my face.

So to answer your main question about the rightness or wrongness of TV/online church: you know, we thank the Lord for technology so that the gospel of Jesus Christ can reach even more masses of people. It's great for those who are unable to get out and go to church. But we have the faculty of our minds, limbs. We have transportation to get to church. We live in a country where we can worship the Lord freely. Let's exercise this right, privilege, and honor to worship our Lord in spirit and in truth and in fellowship with other believers.

Pray and ask the Lord to give you strength. Talk to him about EVERYTHING, straight out that's in your heart concering the "current situation at your church". He already knows about it but He wants us to come to Him in faith and trust. He even understands if you need time away to get yourself together, to allow healing to come in and take place and so you can be emotionally healed.

Peace to you.
What about a Wednesday evening Bible study? Many times, you can find some in your area that aren't necessarily linked to church membership.

TV Churches are ok, but I'd stay away from TBN.:nono:

Bible Studies are ok too... but like the other day i was watching one online and i was much more engaged than i am when i'm "at" a church... i was able to concentrate on what he was saying and not everything else going on around me, which was a plus for me... :yep:
In (tough) love, let's get to the heart of the matter....

Essentially, TV/online church does not replace being in the house of the Lord face to face with fellow believers in corporate worship. This is something the Lord admonishes us to do for our benefit, per the scripture already given. Sometimes it's not about us but maybe being in church and giving somebody a hug or giving an encouraging word might save somebody's very life.... Sure, the Lord could and would use someone else if we're not there, but He wanted to use us first and specifically.

Secondly, how does your school MONOPOLIZE your entire Sunday? And can ask that boldly because I'm in school as well and I had Sunday classes (but not every Sunday) and there are some Sundays where I (wish I could) stay home but I had to tell myself that when I put the things of God FIRST, He will bless my stuff! "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33)

When you say you're not involved, you're not a joiner, you don't hug, it sounds like there's something going on underneath your surface...a hurt, a mistrust...and I'm telling you you gotta deal with that because that thing will follow you to whatever church you go to (or watch on TV). The Lord wants you to show love to you and one major way He does this is through other believers. Don't isolate yourself because (according to accounts of people who have been to hell), that's part of the torment of the REAL hell: isolation and loneliness.

Please, please understand that I do not mean to be harsh. Please know that what I'm saying to you is coming RIGHT BACK AT ME...the word is as a two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). Here's how I know how you feel: that hugging thing? I still deal with that TO THIS DAY. I've been at my church close to 20 years and my church is a hugging church and sometimes I just don't feel like being bothered, I don't want the people touching me, I don't want them to get close to me or put something on me. Sometimes the hugging just doesn't feel safe. But all that is fundamentally about MY TRUST IN GOD. Do I trust God enough to open myself up? Please understand that that question is at the top of my heart and the front of my face.

So to answer your main question about the rightness or wrongness of TV/online church: you know, we thank the Lord for technology so that the gospel of Jesus Christ can reach even more masses of people. It's great for those who are unable to get out and go to church. But we have the faculty of our minds, limbs. We have transportation to get to church. We live in a country where we can worship the Lord freely. Let's exercise this right, privilege, and honor to worship our Lord in spirit and in truth and in fellowship with other believers.

Pray and ask the Lord to give you strength. Talk to him about EVERYTHING, straight out that's in your heart concering the "current situation at your church". He already knows about it but He wants us to come to Him in faith and trust. He even understands if you need time away to get yourself together, to allow healing to come in and take place and so you can be emotionally healed.

Peace to you.

first, thank you!!!

to the bolded: it's not every Sunday, but when i do have class, it's from 8am to 6:15 pm... no church for me on those days... my problem with the schedule is that it won't allow me to attend church regularly so that's why i was asking about TV/online services...

i understand what you're saying about the deeper issues and all... but i truly believe that the not joining stuff and hugging and all is all a matter of my comfort level... i have no doubt that if i got into a church that really connected with my spirit then i'd become involved and get to know the people and be a hugger and whatnot... but, just off the bat, i'm none of those things... trust, it's part of my prayers... i just have to be more diligent about it...

i'm not ruling out actually attending a church... i just wanted some alternatives for the meantime...
first, thank you!!!

to the bolded: it's not every Sunday, but when i do have class, it's from 8am to 6:15 pm... no church for me on those days... my problem with the schedule is that it won't allow me to attend church regularly so that's why i was asking about TV/online services...

i understand what you're saying about the deeper issues and all... but i truly believe that the not joining stuff and hugging and all is all a matter of my comfort level... i have no doubt that if i got into a church that really connected with my spirit then i'd become involved and get to know the people and be a hugger and whatnot... but, just off the bat, i'm none of those things... trust, it's part of my prayers... i just have to be more diligent about it...

i'm not ruling out actually attending a church... i just wanted some alternatives for the meantime...

I co-sign with Relaxer Rehab but, now that you've said this I feel what you are saying. However, as Lauren450 said, if Sundays aren't good for you, go to bible study, corporate mid-week prayer, something that puts you in connection with actual people. If you make time for God, He WILL make time for you. You will find that all of a sudden your days seems longer and you have more time to commune with Him. I'm telling you, coming from someone who STAYED busy I found a way to go to church, bible study something and it seemed like something was always going on mid-week to engage me and let me know that He wanted me to be amongst His people.

I do get how busy you are and TV ministries are great for being able to hear the word but your spirit needs more than that. As far as your comment about your comfort level it seems to me that YOU are the one that needs to make a step outside of your comfort level. If you are waiting on a church that will engage you you could literally be waiting forever. No, you don't have to be fake or anything but what about just hugging the person/people around you. Many times we wait on something or someone to be moved but it's US who has to make the first step. God could be sitting waiting on you to step outside of yourself so He can bless you and here you are sitting there every Sunday. Don't do that girl - make a step even if it doesn't always feel right. Fake it until you feel it is my motto cause we can't always go how we feel. One day I'm up, one day I'm down, etc. so I push myself sometimes to go to church. Also, we've gotta understand that it's not always about us, I think someone mentioned that already.

Let me tell y'all about Sunday. I'm a soloist in the church choir and I'll say up front I DID NOT WANT TO GO TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY!!!!! Wasn't feeling it, wasn't in the mood nothing. Not sure why but again, this is why we can't always go on how WE feel. As soon as I got in the choir stand LATE, the director told me I'd be singing one of the songs I lead. You talking about somebody that had an attitude :angry2:!!!! I was like y'all gonna have to get someone else to sing a song cause I'm not in the mood. All of this in church now, the director "no, it'll be alright". Right after prayer mind you I grab the mic talking mess up under my breath 'i ain't in the mood, couldn't they get someone else to sing a song, i don't feel like it'. I did, however, ask God to remove those negative feelings from me so that I could minister to His people - but even that was a quick prayer. I closed my eyes and sang :lala: and God just took over. After service more people than ever came up to me and said "Girl, I've been going through something and that song touched my hear" or "God really used you on that one". I went to the bathroom and cried :cry2:cause here I am wanting to stay in my own comfort level and thinkinig things are about me and going on how I felt when someone NEEDED that song.

I know that was long but again, it's about us stepping outside of what we feel like doing or what makes us comfortable that can make the difference. It's an honor that can't be explained to be used by Him in that way, and even if it's someone else's blessing you are still blessed when you hear it. All I could do was say To God Be The Glory, ask for forgiveness, and be thankful!!!!!
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Hey, Moni: yes, I have more understanding with SqrpioQutie's latest post....

I wanted to cosign with you, Moni about "not feeling it".... I am on the intercessory prayer team and for the past TWO Sundays, I wanted to stay home so I could study but by the time Sunday came around, I was getting dressed and on my way. The first Sunday, I ended up being a part of the revamped intercessory prayer team where we pray specifically for the service. By the time we finished to go join the service in the sanctuary, I felt so much better spiritually. This past Sunday, again, dragging but still "pressing my way" as they say, I got to church and served and the message preached was "Battle Tested". I thought I would cry throughout that entire service because the message spoke so much to what I had been experiencing (waiting on the promises of God to fully manifest in my life). The pastor preached about our praise being our weapon to overcome battle fatigue....

So even when we don't feel like it, we get our strength by praising the Lord. That's such a simple, constant message but when it finally "clicks" with your spirit, it's on and poppin'!!!!
I'm a lurker of this fourm found this particular thread interesting. I have lost faith in the church (not in my religion) and tend to just stay home on Sundays. My take on TV church is its another venue to get in the God game. Religion is the new Hustle.
Hey, Moni: yes, I have more understanding with SqrpioQutie's latest post....

I wanted to cosign with you, Moni about "not feeling it".... I am on the intercessory prayer team and for the past TWO Sundays, I wanted to stay home so I could study but by the time Sunday came around, I was getting dressed and on my way. The first Sunday, I ended up being a part of the revamped intercessory prayer team where we pray specifically for the service. By the time we finished to go join the service in the sanctuary, I felt so much better spiritually. This past Sunday, again, dragging but still "pressing my way" as they say, I got to church and served and the message preached was "Battle Tested". I thought I would cry throughout that entire service because the message spoke so much to what I had been experiencing (waiting on the promises of God to fully manifest in my life). The pastor preached about our praise being our weapon to overcome battle fatigue....

So even when we don't feel like it, we get our strength by praising the Lord. That's such a simple, constant message but when it finally "clicks" with your spirit, it's on and poppin'!!!!

RR - you are SO right. I used to wonder why I wasn't getting something out of service for years then realized it was ME!!! I wasn't stepping outside of how I felt to receive anything. If I didn't feel like going, I didn't, if I didn't feel like singing that Sunday, I didn't, if I didn't feel like praising the Lord, I didn't. Then it just "clicked" with my spirit as you said. If I want something from God, I've gotta do something. And of course as humans there are still days (like Sunday) where I don't feel like it but I Press on and when it's time to hug or talk to your neighbor, or whatever I do it. You could be sitting next to someone who is contemplating suicide and your hug may let them know someone cares and will stop them from doing it.

ScorpioQtie, try that the next time you go to church for the next let's say 6 months (when you can get to church) and see if it doesn't change your church going experience. Just a suggestion :yawn:
I'm a lurker of this fourm found this particular thread interesting. I have lost faith in the church (not in my religion) and tend to just stay home on Sundays. My take on TV church is its another venue to get in the God game. Religion is the new Hustle.

Golong - I definitely understand how one could become disheartened with church and lose their faith. I mean with all you hear about and see these days I feel you. Sometimes I get disgusted but... you've gotta remember that it's about God. There are so many churches in existence that don't have any other agenda but God's. I tell people all the time to pray for discernment which basically means that you pray that God will give you a keen sense of judgement to know who is for real and who isn't. I know everyone is different but y'all no lie, He reveals stuff to me EVERYDAY that I don't think I'd see if it weren't for that discernment. So I say to you girl, your faith can get you through this and also know that it's perfectly okay to feel how you are feeling. But, don't stay there, move on from allowing the evil and deceitful act of others to affect your church-going experience. I've said this before but for every church that is getting their "hustle" on there are 50 that are about God's business. Ask God to lead you to THOSE places.
Golong - I definitely understand how one could become disheartened with church and lose their faith. I mean with all you hear about and see these days I feel you. Sometimes I get disgusted but... you've gotta remember that it's about God. There are so many churches in existence that don't have any other agenda but God's. I tell people all the time to pray for discernment which basically means that you pray that God will give you a keen sense of judgement to know who is for real and who isn't. I know everyone is different but y'all no lie, He reveals stuff to me EVERYDAY that I don't think I'd see if it weren't for that discernment. So I say to you girl, your faith can get you through this and also know that it's perfectly okay to feel how you are feeling. But, don't stay there, move on from allowing the evil and deceitful act of others to affect your church-going experience. I've said this before but for every church that is getting their "hustle" on there are 50 that are about God's business. Ask God to lead you to THOSE places.
Thank you Monilove22 for those encouraging words. I do tend to and I am going to on moving beyond this :yep:. I'm ready to search for a church I am comfortable with and I have gotten a good recomindation from someone who personally called the pastor to tell him about me and he is expecting me this Sunday. Who knows this could be the one I settle with.
Thank you Monilove22 for those encouraging words. I do tend to and I am going to on moving beyond this :yep:. I'm ready to search for a church I am comfortable with and I have gotten a good recomindation from someone who personally called the pastor to tell him about me and he is expecting me this Sunday. Who knows this could be the one I settle with.


I agree w/Moni and I agree with the Holy Spirit and you to be divinely led to the RIGHT PLACE that will help you cultivate your relationship with the Lord. It's good to hear that you're going to go to church this Sunday but I kinda wish you could have just went to the church WITHOUT the pastor having any knowledge about you so that you could know that it would be nobody or nothing but the LORD that is speaking...not to say that anything bad or undercover will happen but that we need to take the limits off of God and allow Him room to work SUPERNATURALLY... follow what I'm saying here?

Thank you Monilove22 for those encouraging words. I do tend to and I am going to on moving beyond this :yep:. I'm ready to search for a church I am comfortable with and I have gotten a good recomindation from someone who personally called the pastor to tell him about me and he is expecting me this Sunday. Who knows this could be the one I settle with.

Girl, no problem at all. I pray that God leads you to where He wants you to be!!! That's nice that the Pastor called your personally cause some Pastors these days can be so out of touch and almost missing from the congregation that the only time you see them is preaching in the pulpit.

Be patient and don't make decisions about joining a church based on your emotions (meaning, the Pastor preached a message you feel is for you so you join). Wait, scope it out, feel the vibe, and most importantly talk to God.


I agree w/Moni and I agree with the Holy Spirit and you to be divinely led to the RIGHT PLACE that will help you cultivate your relationship with the Lord. It's good to hear that you're going to go to church this Sunday but I kinda wish you could have just went to the church WITHOUT the pastor having any knowledge about you so that you could know that it would be nobody or nothing but the LORD that is speaking...not to say that anything bad or undercover will happen but that we need to take the limits off of God and allow Him room to work SUPERNATURALLY... follow what I'm saying here?

Yes, I see your point. Know that people are expecting me then it rather for the lord. Iwill keep that in mind.
Girl, no problem at all. I pray that God leads you to where He wants you to be!!! That's nice that the Pastor called your personally cause some Pastors these days can be so out of touch and almost missing from the congregation that the only time you see them is preaching in the pulpit.

Be patient and don't make decisions about joining a church based on your emotions (meaning, the Pastor preached a message you feel is for you so you join). Wait, scope it out, feel the vibe, and most importantly talk to God.

I will and the funny thing is that I recently moved a block away from this church and I just got into a cynical rut about church itself that I never gave it a chance. I do believe God may have led me here. I am looking forward to service this Sunday and excited to see what comes of it.
I love this thread.

I am a very active member of my church and I began to get very cynical. I am in a position that I hear a lot of drama and it got to me. I didn't think it could but it did. I was affected personally by some recent drama and I had had it! I wanted to pack up and leave or just stay home. I didn't want to worship with those people anymore! Yeah really righteous of me. God is working on my heart issue and I am pressing in and pressing forward. Before I felt like God and I were as thick as thieves but now I can't find him anywhere. I want my friend back. I want my swagger back.

Thank you ladies for you love and honestly. Eventhough I was not the OP, you spoke to my heart. :love3: