Turning grapes into wine...


New Member
Turning grapes into wine... Unexpected hairdos that work out...

Hi All,

Have you ever had a plan for your hairdo one day and it didn't work out as planned so you switched it up and it worked out and/or even got compliments on your creative change?

I ask this because I did my first rollerset last night. I knew I wasn't going to dry it. I was just going to sleep on it and see how it turned out in the morning and make due. Well of course the roots were dry, but the ends were not. My hair looked kinda randomly curly/wavy. So I decided to just go outside and rock that look. I got to work and I got a compliment on it. So I had my little spray bottle that was already in my purse with the Hawaiian Silky 14 in 1 stuff. I added some warm water it and I am going to spray my hair throughout the day to maintain this "wet look." It is just funny because it was not what was planned, but I guess that is the fun of it all. What have you done to turn grapes into wine?... :rocker:
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Nice thread. That's what you have to do sometimes, just work it out. I've done my share of making lemonade out of lemons, too. Like when I tried to curl my braids, I looked crazy:

But when I pinned them up, amazingly they looked not too bad:


Also my rollerset didn't turn out quite like some others I've seen:

But I just fluffed it out and went big 'fro style:
girl no no no no no no no no no no no you dont have Hawaiian Silky 14-1 in your purse. Girl you are too funny.
I'm thinking of emptying a small hairspray bottle and using it for stuff to spray in my hair to maintain styles. I too did my first roller set and it wasn't something I could rock, but it was very manageable. I've also had do's that didn't work out and I "reassembled" it and got compliments. The trials and errors of hair!
girl no no no no no no no no no no no you dont have Hawaiian Silky 14-1 in your purse. Girl you are too funny.

Girl you know it!!... For emergency haircare!! Some people have first aid kits... I have first aid "hair" kits... And with my hair looking crazy today it helped maintain crazy idea. Who needs bandaids and antibiotic ointment as long as your hair looks good? :rocker:
So check it out... Day 2 of trying something different... I braided my hair last night with the intent of having waves today. I was going to bust out some Right On Curl Activator Spray to try the "wet look" again... It was looking pretty decent until my little spray bottle that I put the Right On into locked up on me!... It won't spray out. I went into the bathroom trying to clear it to no avail... Now I gotta use my hands! And it's the spray kind so it's all runny... Doe! And I am playing in a concert tonight so my hair better look like something by 7:30pm tonight... Just wanted to pass along my new mishap today... In case it made anyone laugh... :rocker:
So check it out... Day 2 of trying something different... I braided my hair last night with the intent of having waves today. I was going to bust out some Right On Curl Activator Spray to try the "wet look" again... It was looking pretty decent until my little spray bottle that I put the Right On into locked up on me!... It won't spray out. I went into the bathroom trying to clear it to no avail... Now I gotta use my hands! And it's the spray kind so it's all runny... Doe! And I am playing in a concert tonight so my hair better look like something by 7:30pm tonight... Just wanted to pass along my new mishap today... In case it made anyone laugh... :rocker:

Ooo, have fun at your concert! I'm sure your hair will be great.