Trying to make New Age equal to Christianity?


Well-Known Member
Ok, I forgot to post this the other day. So, on my lunch break I walk to Barnes and Noble to browse through books of course, the first place I go is the Christianity aisle. I browse there then head over to the Study Aids and come back to Christianity to put the book back I was reading. As I leave, the first thing I notice is the huge section of New Age books. It was directly in front of the Christianity section! So as you are leaving the Christianity section you can't help but to see the New Age stuff.

Honestly, I was baffled, hurt, and digusted. The first thing that came to mind is "So they figure if you can't find what you need/want from the Bible you can turn to New Age?" It just made me think of how people don't believe in God so they turn to other things. How if a non-believer happened to browse the Christian section of Barnes and Noble and was too overwhelmed or didn't like what they saw the first thing they see is this New Age stuff with the Davinci Code, Secret, etc. All of that psychic, it's all internal, think what you want, no one controls your life, there's no need for God crap.

It just weighed heavily on my heart for some reason and I wish that section was across the store or not even in the store for that matter!
Well, most bookstores will place all of the books about religion in the same area, just as they do for other subjects.

So putting New Age by Christian books (and Jewish books, etc.) makes sense from that perspective.

As for our walk with Christ, there will always be trials, tribulations and temptations, so we must always be strong in our faith. If so, the fact that New Age books are placed nearby Christian ones will not cause us to go astray.
Here I've noticed that they mix in New Age books with Christianity. If you are not careful, you will get your hands on the wrong thing. I've complained a few times about it and it's still mixed in :nono:
I bothers me because their are ALOT of new Christians out there looking for a their place in the Body of Christ. There's so much information available and so many prespectives from so many sources. The New age stuff appears harmless even godly. But unless you understand the Bible, you wont understand these materials. I got heavily caught up in new age stuff and I've been a Christian a long time. I just didnt know enough of my word to understand that stuff was demonic. Now, that I am stronger in my faith, my focus is the other Christian new and old understand truth and arent lead astray like I was.
Here I've noticed that they mix in New Age books with Christianity. If you are not careful, you will get your hands on the wrong thing. I've complained a few times about it and it's still mixed in :nono:

Because it's a secular bookstore. They are going to put Christianity in with all other philosophies and not make distinctions.

If I'm looking for Christian books, I just go to Christian bookstores. That way, I know what I'm getting. I can't expect Barnes and Noble or Borders to make discernments about what's truly Christian and what isn't... that's not their purpose.

Heck, I wish they'd stop putting all the black authors together and putting Toni Morrison next to "Laquisha and Tyrone Fall in Luv." :lol: