Trying to avoid becoming a PJ


New Member
Since joining this site I have purchased more hair products than I ever have. To avoid becoming broke :lachen:, is there a way to avoid becoming a product junkie? I haven't found a regimine yet and I can see myself headed down the PJ road. Is it like this for everyone until they find something that works for them or is all hope lost? As soon as I see someone raving about a product that worked so well for them I am tempted to run up to the BSS to see if it will work for me. (Never know until you try it right?)
Since joining this site I have purchased more hair products than I ever have. To avoid becoming broke :lachen:, is there a way to avoid becoming a product junkie? I haven't found a regimine yet and I can see myself headed down the PJ road. Is it like this for everyone until they find something that works for them or is all hope lost? As soon as I see someone raving about a product that worked so well for them I am tempted to run up to the BSS to see if it will work for me. (Never know until you try it right?)
Purchase a few of your favorite lines and stick with it. Once those run out, then go out and purchase a replacement.
I always look at the hair type, if it's similar to mine then I'll try it. I'm very cautious when it comes to things that go on my hair cos one false move and all my progress is gone.
Hope lost :) Well, you can do it but you need all your motivation, just bypass the threads that introduce new miracle products. Find someone with hair similar to yours and try to introduce her regimen a product a time. You'll be fine :)
I think it's like this for everyone who just starts.

You could try setting a hair budget. I set a hair budget for every month and I have a wishlist that I keep online of all types of different products that I want to buy. When I know I only have a certain amount of money, it stops me from buying everything. The good thing is that last month I bought very little so the balance rolled over into this month and I went on a little shopping spree last week.
Charge it to the game girl.....charge it to the game.

But so true. It will get better. I find myself looking for specific types of products (A good cleanser, a good moisturizer) more so than just buying up everything now. There's pretty much nothint that will make my hair "curly", so I am not on that quest anymore. I just pursue healthy hair.
Buy a few things at a time, use them up and then get what's next on your list :yep:

You can't fight the urge, but you can slightly control it :grin:
I think it's like this for everyone who just starts.

You could try setting a hair budget. I set a hair budget for every month and I have a wishlist that I keep online of all types of different products that I want to buy. When I know I only have a certain amount of money, it stops me from buying everything. The good thing is that last month I bought very little so the balance rolled over into this month and I went on a little shopping spree last week.

Hope lost :) Well, you can do it but you need all your motivation, just bypass the threads that introduce new miracle products. Find someone with hair similar to yours and try to introduce her regimen a product a time. You'll be fine :)

Both of these are great ideas. I think I will try these since I still don't have any products that I am truly happy with. I thought I had it with the shea butter but that just made my hair thick and frizzy :wallbash:
I say, embrace your PJism. Just set your amount out that you are willing to spend per month. But enjoy your PJism. I know I love it. LOL.
It's gonna happen LOL trust. I am sooooo happy that I have found my staples and have a set regimen. I also make a lot of my own stuff now too. But I had to go through the PJism to get to where I am now.

I never did jump on the bandwagons just like that though. I would always research the product, go over the ingredient list and check out other reviews on online ( - best review site for products)

Like the others said set a monthly spending amount for hair hair products and stick to it!
haahaha.. i think its normal at first then you gonna catch yourself and learn from your mistakes as we all did

This is so true! How do you know what works until you try a lot of different products? When I first joined this forum I went out and bought nearly every recommended product that I could find. Parts of a product range would work better than other products in the range, the trick is to set yourself a timescale for new products or stick to a budget. I spent a small fortune until I found what worked. I hardly spend any money at all now on products.

Since joining this site I have purchased more hair products than I ever have. To avoid becoming broke :lachen:, is there a way to avoid becoming a product junkie? I haven't found a regimine yet and I can see myself headed down the PJ road. Is it like this for everyone until they find something that works for them or is all hope lost? As soon as I see someone raving about a product that worked so well for them I am tempted to run up to the BSS to see if it will work for me. (Never know until you try it right?)

Welcome to the dark side :ohwell: I recently, two months ago, throw away :wallbash: products that I didn't like and decided to not be a PJ again. Now as of yesterday I am official PJ again :sad:. I have bought several stuff including some I throw away last time. I need therapy!! I used to shop for clothes when I felt depressed and now I shop for hair products :wallbash:
well i done gave up. im a pj because i like buying hair products, not because i dont know what works. actually i know what my hair likes but i love buying stuff related to hair.
It's a rite of passage :yep:.

A good way of putting it. Everyone I know IRL who joined this board went through it. :yep: Some grow out of it, others don't. :grin: Now I know my staples so the only thing I wanted was Redken products. I have been waiting for months for the holiday sales and with a coupon I was able to buy 2 sets of Redken shampoos, conditioners and treatments (butter treat and heavy cream) - 6 products for $21. I bypassed right past the Joico and other stuff that I know doesn't work as well. It's really the only hair related line I want to stay stocked on, so I only buy when there is an incredible sale.

So once you find your staples, look out for the sales AND STOCK UP!!! :look: (And ignore the threads about the wonderful new conditioner that caused someone to grow an inch in a week). :lachen: