Trying out a new airdrying technique...


New Member
Well, it's going to be H-O-T hot tomorrow in Boston, and I just can't take the idea of wearing my 3 day old Domenican blowout again (it's already a little stinky, IMO) So I washed my hair, put alot of leave in (Cantu Shea Butter moisturizing leave in) and Ouidad curl quencher gel and clipped my "bangs" out of the way.

Then I parted the rest down the middle and made two high ponytails on my crown with cut up nylon "scrunchies" that I make when a pair of stockings have had their last.

Then I took 3/4 inch mesh rollers and rolled segments of each pony tail (about 10-12) in spirals down the roller. I pinned the rollers to my crown and atop each other, if necessary, so that I can sleep comfortably tonight (without being on top of a roller instead of a pillow). Then I took my bangs and brushed them to the side as straight as possible. I secured a silk scarf around my bangs and tied in the back.

My hope is that I will have somewhat defined curls and a straight hairline, so that I can do a high curly pony. I don't know of my hair will be dry by tomorrow a.m., and certainly where the hair is scrunched together with the nylon will not be, but that's a non-issue, since it will be up.

I'm hoping this works for me, as most airdrying methods do not. That, and the curly look will allow me to skip the flatiron (yeah!!).

Has anyone tried anything similar, and what were your results? Was there anything different you wish you did?

TIA and wish me luck!

ETA: DID NOT work!! But only because my hair was still very wet, even in the rollers. So I conditioner washed it in the shower and went to work my my hair wet!!! My first wash n go.!!!!
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