Truly "THIN" HAIRED WAIST/HIP LENGTH ladies....where are ya?


Well-Known Member
"THIN" HAIR but rocking WAIST/HIP LENGTH ????....where are ya?

my mom is TRULY wearing me down.... she's a non-believer:perplexed
I know this is highly an exclusive club:yep:

but do many of you exist?

ARE THERE ANY THIN (EXTREMELY FINE and/or very LOW DENSITY) waist/hip length ladies walking these hallways????

Where o' Where do the long, thin, and FABULOUS LIVE???
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i wanna see too, just because lol. how thin is thin? because alot of people with really thin hair probably keep it shorter than wl or hl and layered to create the illusion of volume and thickness...
i wanna see too, just because lol. how thin is thin? because alot of people with really thin hair probably keep it shorter than wl or hl and layered to create the illusion of volume and thickness...


I'm not really pushy...:look:
just those who claim this descriptive title is fine.... who am I to go around labeling others thickness or thinness!:grin::lachen: j/k

anywho... I know my hair is thin (ESPECIALLY the individual strands)... and density
... but I have a HUGE HEAD:ohwell: ... so more surface area w/ hairs:lachen:

BUT ummm, yeah we know who we are! roflmao
how thin are you talking? my hair is a bit on the thin side compared to some

look behind your left ear, cock your head to one side, stand on your tippy toe (yeah i said it)... and shine a flash light 41degrees on your scalp... if u see thru your hair u count:yep::yep:

j/k... stop clownin in that other thread!!! u & iris are some fools:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
no!!! they got me started and now i cant stop!!!

but on a serious my hair looks fuller than what it is. the other day when i had it flat ironed at work some girl said the blonde streak i put in was cute...i said that was my scalp. she promptly walked away lol
no!!! they got me started and now i cant stop!!!

but on a serious my hair looks fuller than what it is. the other day when i had it flat ironed at work some girl said the blonde streak i put in was cute...i said that was my scalp. she promptly walked away lol

:giggle: ...
lol hush! i was butt hurt by that!!!

i wish i had full thick hair like domin.... but i dont. so i have to love my hair for what it is. but because it is fine, even though its long, its still light when fully dry and still appears to have body you know
no!!! they got me started and now i cant stop!!!

but on a serious my hair looks fuller than what it is. the other day when i had it flat ironed at work some girl said the blonde streak i put in was cute...i said that was my scalp. she promptly walked away lol

Can't stop won't stop!!! :yay:

lol hush! i was butt hurt by that!!!

i wish i had full thick hair like domin.... but i dont. so i have to love my hair for what it is. but because it is fine, even though its long, its still light when fully dry and still appears to have body you know

Now I don't know which of your posts to believe. Don't turn into a CL2010! :lol:. You said a blonde streak. :nono:
lol yeah, that one is true... she was like "oooh the brownish blonde'ish streak is so cute" i was like "huh??? my hair is black" and she was like oh, from here it looks like you have a streak right here" and gestured on her self where and i said "that's my scalp... its where my hair is parting" and she said O_o and walked away.

i was like "douche" and then pulled out a mirror to adjust my hair lmao
lol yeah, that one is true... she was like "oooh the brownish blonde'ish streak is so cute" i was like "huh??? my hair is black" and she was like oh, from here it looks like you have a streak right here" and gestured on her self where and i said "that's my scalp... its where my hair is parting" and she said O_o and walked away.

i was like "douche" and then pulled out a mirror to adjust my hair lmao

I would have :cry2: all day. Big fail on her part.
subscribing! I'm loving all these threads addressing thin hair these days. I am definitely curious about the hairstyles of the Long, Thin, and Fabulous.
lol yeah, that one is true... she was like "oooh the brownish blonde'ish streak is so cute" i was like "huh??? my hair is black" and she was like oh, from here it looks like you have a streak right here" and gestured on her self where and i said "that's my scalp... its where my hair is parting" and she said O_o and walked away.

i was like "douche" and then pulled out a mirror to adjust my hair lmao
Mo - I am really laughing "with you" rotf!
So what if it's thin- you have some gorgeous hair!
My Mothers hair is thin and long right now, it's beautiful.
She will not let me take a picture :sad: lol - so, you gotta just take my word :yep:.

I think that fine haired' ladies can still have long hair, it's just as beautiful. I think that the cut matters, to keep body in the hair. - keep growing.

girl if sera25 has thin/fine strands my iiiish most def must be see thru

Are you relaxed or natural? Sera hasn't used heat in over 5 years I think, but if you look at her old pics her hair really isn't as thick as u prob think it is looking at her current pics.
Permed | Sera25 (OLD Album) |, photo and video sharing made easy.

I know there was a thin hair support thread floating around, I don't recall if anyone in that thread has waist length hair, but I'm sure there were plenty w nice APL and BSL.

Noni also has fine strands

I'm 4b with fine/medium strands and it can get discouraging esp for my hair type bc I have to deal w/extreme dryness/fragile strands but yet don't have the strength that the coarse 4bs have. Plus majority of the 4bs that are long on the net have that Oprah/Rudy thick hair.
Mine is getting thinner as I age. I have a lot of hair (density wise).
If you look at the ends of this picture taken in the light, you can see how fine my hair is. I've reached WL but I think I need to do layers in order to get some body in my hair now.

You know what ladies:look:, come to think of it as I joined the hip length challenge - I let my hair get past hip length and was "crackin" on some "extra " thin hair - I have pics :grin:! (sorry, but I know the black shorts don't help see the stretched length)
Looking back - it wasn't a bad look, hope this helps. Keep growing ladies! :driver:.


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Are you relaxed or natural? Sera hasn't used heat in over 5 years I think, but if you look at her old pics her hair really isn't as thick as u prob think it is looking at her current pics.
Permed | Sera25 (OLD Album) |, photo and video sharing made easy.

I know there was a thin hair support thread floating around, I don't recall if anyone in that thread has waist length hair, but I'm sure there were plenty w nice APL and BSL.

Noni also has fine strands

I'm 4b with fine/medium strands and it can get discouraging esp for my hair type bc I have to deal w/extreme dryness/fragile strands but yet don't have the strength that the coarse 4bs have. Plus majority of the 4bs that are long on the net have that Oprah/Rudy thick hair.

i'm natural... with slightly thicker APPEARANCE than back in my relaxed days.... hmmmmm got some pics floating somewhere around here of my thin SEE THRU relaxed hair.... gotta hunt them down

oh... and yes I was a 3-5% heat user during my relaxed days (only indirect heat w/ wrapping) <-- rarely

now a 0% heat user as a natural

(deleted pics)
relaxed SEE THRU twist out on deck!:cry::cry::lachen::lachen:


guuurrrrrrl grab you a phony pony & keep it movin!!!!:drunk::look:
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My hair is about MBL, with fine strands and medium to low density. I recently went to Supercuts and had about 1.5 to 2 inches cut straight across in the back. My hair did look a little "fuller".
I've never really sought length for "length" sake, but because when its longer, I can make it look "fuller" and "thicker". I've always wanted Oprah hair, LOL.
I will be trying Cassia in the near future to see if it lives up to the claim of thickening the hair.
My hair is thin, and does look fuller in pics than it really is. :(

I wish I could thicken it up, but it is naturally thin.

I usually compare my hair to Once upon a time in china where Jet had shaved the whole of the head but the pony coming out of the center, that is how thick my hair is :( :nono:

WHen I was natural I thought it would change, but it looked better short, as it grew it seemed very dense :(

Same with my relaxed hair.
I have very fine thin strands if that's what you mean.

Or do you mean thin as in the density because someone with fine hair can have thick density. I have fine hair and I guess my density is in the normal's not thick. My hair is hip-length. My most important things in retaining length for my fine hair is low manipulation, very little direct heat.
My hair is about MBL, with fine strands and medium to low density. I recently went to Supercuts and had about 1.5 to 2 inches cut straight across in the back. My hair did look a little "fuller".
I've never really sought length for "length" sake, but because when its longer, I can make it look "fuller" and "thicker". I've always wanted Oprah hair, LOL.
I will be trying Cassia in the near future to see if it lives up to the claim of thickening the hair.

have u done henna in the past?
have u done henna in the past?

I tried it once, about 2 months ago. I had a 50g Nupur Henna packet and 150g Amla with 2 cups of strong coffee. I was so afraid of the red tint and loosening of the curls that I did everything in my power to lessen the effect of the henna. (I know, an oxymoron). :lachen: My hair was brown and felt rougher, but not "thicker". I'm willing to do more cassia treatments than having permanent color to my hair due to the henna.