Truely inspired!!


New Member
Hey ladies...Finally decided to pay the $6. I've been a lurker for about a year and a half now. I decided to search on how to take better care of my hair when I finally decided to let the weaves go.My hair was all chewed up and i was so deeply depressed...but I just wanted to be ME. and not hide under this hair that I thought would make me feel confident.It did for a while but then started getting old after 5 yrs. of not caring for MY care that grew out of MY scalp. I am very inspired by u ladies and very proud that we can prove to the world that BW can grow beautiful long hair. We are often seen as the women with the chewed up hair that won't and can't grow. Not a good feeling!

I decided to go natural's beenabout a year and a half now. And wouldn't trade it for the world.I don't think I will ever go back. I never thought I could ever have such healthy thick hair. I was always told that my hair was to fine and thin . Now my family and DH are all amazed at the progress and transition my hair has made. My Aunt has decided to transition and my mother is also considering it as well.:yep:

My mother has always been the one in the Fam with the long thick hair and now my hair has supassed hers some how. She can't believe it. She thougt I was crazy when I went natural. Now everyone wants to do the same. Thanks everyone for listening...I am now BSL and aiming towards MBL. Now that I've come this far I know I can get to any length I want if I just tke care of it.:yep: