Stretching- The gateway to transitioning?

I read these and I'm like what am I doing wrong that I can successfully stretch without breakage?? I really think its my moisture regimen because I do protein quite frequently. But once I get to 9-10 weeks breakage at demarcation line. Any pointers?

Looking good now at seven weeks just moisturizing and sealing then braiding and wigs.
Mama I am sorry to hear about others ignorance. They have no right to tell you how to wear your hair! And most of the time when someone says that, their chewed up relaxed hair is awful. Ignore them and press on. I got your back and so does LHCF!
Thank you! I finally told my stylist in person this morning. And she's supportive. So I'm good now lol. I was thisclose to getting touched up though. I still don't know what I want to do yet, so I'm just going to hang tight.

I'm real deal scared now lol.
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I read these and I'm like what am I doing wrong that I can successfully stretch without breakage?? I really think its my moisture regimen because I do protein quite frequently. But once I get to 9-10 weeks breakage at demarcation line. Any pointers?

Looking good now at seven weeks just moisturizing and sealing then braiding and wigs.

Maybe too much protein. I don't have demaration line breakage yet.

If anything an issue with end breakage because the products I use tend to like the natural hair, but not the relaxed.

But I'm going to do a light protein treatment with apoghee 2 mintue reconstructor today.
Thats how I got here.

Strated off at 4 months, then 5, then 6 and then some how I ended up here at almost 11 months post lol.
Thank you! I finally told my stylist in person this morning. And she's supportive. So I'm good now lol. I was thisclose to getting touched up though. I still don't know what I want to do yet, so I'm just going to hang tight.

I'm real deal scared now lol.

I'm glad you got someone to assist you through your journey. I wish I had someone to assist me :)
I think that in the end I will want to get a touch up, but I would like to see how long I can go. Who knows, at the end of six or eight months, I might change my mind.

The only thing that would hold me back is knowing that I would really need to stretch for close to two years in order to avoid very short hair. Even then, if I grow a half inch monthly, and don't lose a lot of hair, my new growth still wouldn't be that long.

First I have to find the secret to consistent easy detangling methods. :yep: I am doing better, but I'm not there yet.
Well, I know I said I was transitioning, but I am ending my stretch. I had to deal with some matting, which always causes me to end my stretches.
I thought I wanted to stay texlaxed and usually stretch to 16 weeks but as the new growth grew in, I began to like the texture so after stretching 6 months I decided I was going natural. I've been on this hair journey for 10 years and still not getting the results I desire. So how difficult could it be to handle my natural hair, freeing it from the chemicals that have devastated it for decades. Plus I curious to see what type of texture I have. So on 4/18/14 I cut off the back because it was breaking at the demarcation line and now I'm rocking a fro in the back and twist in the front. With the new challenges ahead, I am anxious to see what the condition of my hair will be in the next 6/12 months.
I was a 6 to 8 week relaxer but decided to stretch one time and it turned into a 3 year transition. Best decision ever! No matter what I did, I always ended up with a sore scalp and I wasn't making much progress with length. I stopped seeing my stylist eventually and started taking care of it myself.
I began stretching for 3 months... I kept at 3 months until I was able to stretch w/ ease, no breakage, and retained moisture.

Then I jumped to 6 months, it took a couple of tries before I was able to conquer that as well.

Now that I'm pregnant, and stretch confident, I feel like I can transition to natural. I've done hours of research on transitioning and I'm pushing for 2 yrs before the BC.
I think that we're in the same boat. My last relaxer was Nov 2013--5 months ago! I'd never thought that I'd be stretching my relaxers for so long.

I'm thinking of transitioning to natural, so let's see how much longer I can go with this stretch. :yep:

Thank you so much ladies. I had wondered if these long relaxer stretches were what made me finally throw in the towel and decide to transition. I know I'm not far along in my journey yet, 17 weeks is nothing, but I feel like I can manage and handle what lies ahead because stretching really taught me a lot about my hair.

I almost can't wait to get home and wash and play in my curls
lol! I will be glad though when it is all one type of hair I am dealing with. My natural curls are thirsty, and the weak, relaxed hair, not so much :p
My last touch up was November 2013. I still haven't made a decision yet. I'm just on a long term stretch for now. My NG is cooperating with no major breakage so I'm letting her be until I make a decision.
I began stretching for 3 months... I kept at 3 months until I was able to stretch w/ ease, no breakage, and retained moisture.

Then I jumped to 6 months, it took a couple of tries before I was able to conquer that as well.

Now that I'm pregnant, and stretch confident, I feel like I can transition to natural. I've done hours of research on transitioning and I'm pushing for 2 yrs before the BC.

Your hair must grow insanely fast! In your pictures it looks like you had several inches growth in just a few months.
TamaraShaniece, Your hair must grow insanely fast! In your pictures it looks like you had several inches growth in just a few months.


I believe I grow a little over 1/2 inch per month. Since moving and coming off of hiding my hair... I didn't realize I had no good mirrors in the house.

Pic 1 (my NJOY Growth Oil Results)

Pic 2 (had a weave from Jul'13 - Sep'23)

Pic 3-5 (I kept my hair bunned)

Pic 6 (attempt to get a length shot)

I was referring to your NJoy pictures. It looks like a couple inches from March 2013 to May/June in just three months, and at least a couple more by June.

Whatever you are doing, it looks great!
Well, here I am at 17 weeks post on February 22nd. I never thought I would make it this far :) As I mentioned in another thread, I have decided to transition into natural hair, my original goal was to transition for a year, but when I look at my hair in the shrunken state, I don't quite think that is enough hair for me, so I'm going to go for 18 months (maybe).

Anyway, managing my new growth inspired me to transition, along with the fact that I felt that my no lye relaxed ends were chewed up consistently compared to the vibrancy of the rest of my hair.

How many of you who transitioned originally started as a stretcher, with no intentions of ever attempting to go natural?

I hope this thread hasn't been started before, bu I'm curious because I believe stretching is the gateway, once you see parts of your natural texture appearing, and learn how to take care of it.

This is definitely me. I am currently 4months post, and have decided to transition to natural at last. Normally, when relaxed, I usually stretch 4 months at a time, so although I have 4months worth of NG, its nothing new to me yet. I'm planning to transition for at least 2 years, so I'm hoping that at the natural hair begins to take over the relaxed hair, it doens't drive me mad. But I agree that for some of us...long stretching can be the gateway into transitioning.
Well, I know I said I was transitioning, but I am ending my stretch. I had to deal with some matting, which always causes me to end my stretches.

Did you end up relaxing or are you still transitioning? mahogany_horizons

I was a stretcher. I always knew that I would transition eventually. I wanted length first. Looking back at it, I wish I would have started transitioning earlier.
Did you end up relaxing or are you still transitioning? mahogany_horizons

I was a stretcher. I always knew that I would transition eventually. I wanted length first. Looking back at it, I wish I would have started transitioning earlier.

Hey there. At 24 Weeks I ended up relaxing :( I had massive amounts of shedding in the top of my hair. It was coming out in clumps. I couldn't figure out how to stop the shedding.

But relaxing solved the problem. I actually relaxed around 6 weeks ago.

Thanks for asking, but I failed :(
Hey there. At 24 Weeks I ended up relaxing :( I had massive amounts of shedding in the top of my hair. It was coming out in clumps. I couldn't figure out how to stop the shedding.

But relaxing solved the problem. I actually relaxed around 6 weeks ago.

Thanks for asking, but I failed :(

Don't call it a failure! As long as you're happy, that's the most important thing.
I still can't believe that I'm still transitioning. Lol, I've been in braids and sew-ins, but next week, I'll be taking my weave down, and I'll be getting my hair straightened. Most likely some of it will be cut off.
22 weeks and counting. Enjoying the transition so far. Lets just hope I can say the same thing at 52 weeks and more....:spinning:
I just made 29 weeks. I had a very strong urge to big chop around 26 weeks, but I got a haircut instead!
I got my hair straightened today. ( I thought she was going to cut it).

But it's back to my original starting length a few months ago when my stylist had to trim it.

I'm kind of noticing where my natural hair stops when it's straight, versus my relaxed ends, so I'll just keep on growing. I'm ready to cut it though :/

Also, my stylist is natural now, so I don't feel as bad with her doing my hair. I know it's a lot of work lol.
So this was taken from my stylist's IG page. Excuse it for being so small being that it's screen shot, and she made it into a collage.... image-3208838147.jpg


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