Trimming should be left to the professionals


Well-Known Member
Do you all believe this? I was lurking on another board, and came across a thread about trimming. Someone posted that people really should not be trying to trim their own hair because professionals use a certain type of technique & shears that are better for the hair. Using scissors or shears that are not sharp enough & using the wrong technique can damage your hair. Now I've been doing my own trims for years, and I rarely go to a professional for anything. So is it true? Does your hair seem better after getting it trimmed in a salon as opposed to when you do it yourself?

BTW, I just trimmed my hair yesterday to get rid of the last of those annoying single-strand knots, and I used scissors (or shears?) that I got from a local BSS. They were pretty sharp & did the job, but I'm considering going to a salon the next time if it's worth it.
I've heard the scissor part is true, but my hair gets split ends just as quickly when I trim it or a professional does. If they were giving such great trims then why do they want to trim/cut it every 6 wks?
If you did it fine yourself so far..i wouldnt worry about going to see a "professional". I used to let my sister trim my hair, but now i trim my own hair as well and i've never had an accident. Whereas if i went to a "pro" i'm sure i would have earlength hair by now. They trim like if they dont cut off at least 3 inches that someone is gonna stab them or something. I stopped getting my hair trimmed at the shop 4 years ago. Last time i used shears on my hair was to cut a few inches off 5 weeks ago (pics in album). Dont let it worry you though. Some people have no choice other than to go to the shop because they are just bad at trimming their own hair, but if you can manage it on your own, i say DIY.
As long as you get haircutting sciccors you should be fine, they buy the same one's you get at the BSS. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
As long as the scissors are made for cutting hair and aren't used for cutting paper (which dulls them) then do it yourself. I have been trimming my own hair for years. I also trimmed one of my friends hair when she couldn't get home to get her hair done while we were in college and her aunt (also her stylist) was like her trim was the best she has seen. So if you have the skill, do it yourself.
As long as you get haircutting sciccors you should be fine, they buy the same one's you get at the BSS. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Yup! Also, most likely your scissors will be sharper than the SHS 'cause they use them on so many heads a day as opposed to you only trimming your hair. Also, just be sure to use your hair scissors for cutting hair only. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I don't care what the professionals say.

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Sounds like hogwash to me! I just trimmed my own hair a bit last night with a good hair shears. I haven't had a problem. This wasn't my first time. However, stylists do know the right angles at which to cut, the right way to make layers, etc. They have the training. It would follow that they would have more skill. However, if you are not looking for a precision cut, I say, don't bother. As Jainy said, DIY! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
After finding this board I don't give a Rats ass what the professionals say anyomore. IMO they don't know jack and are out to get my money. So forget them and their dumb theories.
I dont think trimming should be left to professionals unless you do not know how to trim your own hair.
Well...I don't trim my own hair; however, I have just really gotten the hang of washing it, so I'm a long way off. Anyway, the whole argument is inherently flawed. Professionals stylists learned how to trim, they weren't gifted with some sort of trimming superpower at birth. Therefore, anyone can learn (self-taught or otherwise) a proper trimming technique, and once you do, it doesn't matter if you work as a stylist or not, you can trim just as well as stylist who has also learned a proper technique. All stylists won't be good trimmers, neither will all non-stylists. The argument is just nonsensical.
I just got a professional trim today at Master Cuts. I dont have the appropriate shears, so I'll leave it to someone else.
I don't care what the professionals say.

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You and me both.
for me, it may be a little more even; but that's it....ladies, continue to do your own trims if it works for you......
It's just a matter of making sure the shears are sharp. If they're dull, they'll damage the ends. So if you don't have a good pair of scissors then it might be best to go to the "professionals".
I'm not buying into this one. As long as you're using a pair of trimming shears designed to trim your ends, then do whatever you feel comfortable with IMO. It's all about knowing your hair and how to handle it. The way I see it, you're probably better off having the sound ability to trim your own ends anyway. The average "professional" either doesn't know what the hell they're doing or they charge too much damn money.
After finding this board I don't give a Rats ass what the professionals say anyomore. IMO they don't know jack and are out to get my money. So forget them and their dumb theories.

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/images/graemlins/clap.gif ITA! This is the very reason it's been a little over a year since I last had my hair done at a shop.
they weren't gifted with some sort of trimming superpower at birth.

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see this mess is why I can't deal with you HA! Trimming superpowers /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif
Yes, with a good pair of scissors and some common sense it shouldn't be a problem.

Some people twist and snip, some just comb straight down and snip. Some people just cut off the split ends and leave the rest of their hair alone.
I recently used this advice to cut my hair in a slight u-shape and it worked perfectly!
Yes, with a good pair of scissors and some common sense it shouldn't be a problem.

Some people twist and snip, some just comb straight down and snip. Some people just cut off the split ends and leave the rest of their hair alone.
I recently used this advice to cut my hair in a slight u-shape and it worked perfectly!

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That's a great site! I followed the advice there to trim my own hair.
The only truth that I find in that statement, is what everyone else has already's in the quality of the scissors. Back, when I didn't know any better, I'd let my hubby trim my hair with any type of household scissors. They would end up ravaging my ends, but I didn't realize this.

I invested in a decent pair of scissors and now I am able to maintain my length.
As long as the scissors are made for cutting hair and aren't used for cutting paper (which dulls them) then do it yourself. I have been trimming my own hair for years. I also trimmed one of my friends hair when she couldn't get home to get her hair done while we were in college and her aunt (also her stylist) was like her trim was the best she has seen. So if you have the skill, do it yourself.

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ITA w/Kaddy! I've been trimming my hair forever. I've had it professionally trimmed once, but I thought my job was just as good. Keeping a simple style also makes trimming easier.

Whewwwwww...say how you really feel Wolftrap.
That so made me laugh. /images/graemlins/rofl.gif /images/graemlins/rofl.gif
I dust my own hair, but when I need a trim yeah im going to a stylist. If i trim myself it may look good, but when I try to straighten I dont want to be suprised (long tail in the back, eight inches on one side and five on the other /images/graemlins/rofl.gif). If i had relaxed hair, it would be a different story, I would do my own. But since my hair is super curly I wont take my chances. I think it will get easier as my hair gets longer though.
For my own self, I agree that trimming should be left to a trained professional. I have other things I'd rather be doing than trim my own hair.

I dont think trimming should be left to professionals unless you do not know how to trim your own hair.

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ITA, if you're comfortable doing so and have hair cutting shears it should be fine, I've been doing mine for like the past 10 years & I learned by watching my cousin who's a hairdresser. But I would leave hair cutting (i.e. layering, razor cutting) to a professional because I personally would mess that up!