Trimming/Beautician change?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

I hope everyone's holiday was enjoyeable. I an contemplating switching my beautician. I have been going to my beautician for almost 3 years. When I came to here my hair was 1 inch passed my neckline. It is almost three years in December and my hair is the same length. I son't see any growth with her. She relaxes my hair every 2 months. Of course once relaxed and blow dried I have about 2 inches of new growth. Once she trims my hair which she does every application I am right back where I started. I asked her about deep conditioning after the application and she says you're not supposed to after a relaxer because it reverts the hair. Out of the 3yrs. she has never given me a deep conditioner and she doesn't believe in hot oil treatments. Now of course when I shampoo at home I do both. I am really frustrated because I feel my hair should be almost at my bra strap. Could it be that she is trimming too often? I said I was going to relax my self for the next couple of applications to see if how much growth I get and If it is her I should change. What do you guys think. If I don't trim often how do I care for my ends?
Aight, if you can see that your hair is the same length that it was a year ago......then something needs to change. I know plenty of people, myself included, that were not seeing any hair growth going to the salon. Her "trims" sound like "hair cuts" to me. And it sounds like she is old school in some of her beliefs, especially about the conditioner reverting the hair...PULEEZE! As soon as you start taking care of those ends (keeping them moisturzed, etc) and stop getting so much hair "trimmed" then you will retain your hair growth.

Supergirl definitely needs to see this post!!
See the "7 day V challenge" thread.
Keep your ends moisturized and tucked up in a protective style and you should see some results.

Just want to chime in here--there is some truth to what she said about deep conditioning reverting the relaxer
--It has happened to me after going to the salon for a relaxer and then deep conditioning at home 5 days later. My hair has reverted every time I've done this. I finally figured out that the conditioning so soon after was the cause and I even started a thread about it! Good luck

I don't think it's necessary to trim with every relaxer unless you are just doing serious damage to your hair with heat and such.
i had a similar situation. i have been going to my beautician for a year. when i first went to her she was great. i had been wearing a weave for a year and the lady i was paying 200.00 was abusing my head. she would perm my hair and braid it really tight. i had bumps on my temples.anyway when i got my stylist i thought she was a keeper. then one day i was on the net and found you lovely ladies. i took control and started to do my own hair. to make a long story short. i started condition washes daily and my hair grew a good 2 inches in 2 1/2 mos. i stopped wearing grease all together. when i went to her for a wash and set. she was so negative and told me i needed a trim or my hair would split up the hair shaft. i now know this is untrue. i was hurt because she was obviously jealous and ready to fade me up. now i am without a hair stylist. but have you ladies.
Supergirl said:

Just want to chime in here--there is some truth to what she said about deep conditioning reverting the relaxer
--It has happened to me after going to the salon for a relaxer and then deep conditioning at home 5 days later. My hair has reverted every time I've done this. I finally figured out that the conditioning so soon after was the cause and I even started a thread about it! Good luck

I don't think it's necessary to trim with every relaxer unless you are just doing serious damage to your hair with heat and such.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey Supergirl. I can not for the life me find that thread you started regarding this matter. Just recently I did this and my hair is ok but it doesn’t really look like I just got a touch up.
I put in a hennalucent treatment a few days after my last touchup. My hair had been quite straight after the touchup, but when I rinsed out the hennalucent I saw that my hair was wavy. I knew hennalucent had some protein in it but I didn't think it was enough to have that effect.
It didn't bother me because my hair came out straighter than I wanted with the relaxer anyway.
A beautician could still give a moisturizing deep conditioner, and they really ought to at least offer this service.
One thing you might want to do is be pro-active. Make her aware of your goals. The thought of black woman doing anymore than dreaming about long hair is a foriegn idea to some, even hairdressers. If your hair looks good but has not retained any length and you haven't said anything about that not being your total goal then you can't blame her. Smae thing on deep conditioning. You let her get away for 3 years without doing it. I know, I know they should know better but they don't. It is your hair.
One thing you might want to do is be pro-active. Make her aware of your goals. The thought of black woman doing anymore than dreaming about long hair is a foriegn idea to some, even hairdressers. If your hair looks good but has not retained any length and you haven't said anything about that not being your total goal then you can't blame her. Smae thing on deep conditioning. You let her get away for 3 years without doing it. I know, I know they should know better but they don't. It is your hair.
That is just awful!! But yes, CrownnGlori is right. We MUST be proactive when it comes to our hair!! We have to take control! If they won't listen or have a &*%(% attitude, then GOODBYE!!!! Point blank! I'm not wasting my time with someone who can't even listen when I'm paying them my good hard-earned money! This is why I'm doing my own hair and having great results. I'll go to a stylist again IF and ONLY IF I get a great recommendation from some of the LHCF ladies here in Dallas at our meeting this Saturday! But there is no way I'd go anywhere else!! Find some ladies here on the board that are in your area and then get some recommendations from them!! Good luck and good growing to you!! :-)
same thing happens with me.i had a beautician who i was going to since 11 and she would alwayssss "trim" my ends and it always left me where i started. i get relaxers every 4 months and would have some serious new growth and then it's like wth??where's my inchesssss.but from now on i'll be trimming my own hair.yayyy for me .