Trim gradually or cut split ends?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

I need some advice. Natural 4b with fine hair checking in... I have about 12 - 14 inches of hair, but I'm getting disheartened by my split ends.

I obsessively :look: check my hair regularly and have been noticing that I have splits going up my hair about 6 or 7 inches high. Some are not completely split (like a tree), but have bubbles on the stem.

I don't use heat at all, but my hair suffered when I was stressed out in the winter and spring. I think I suffered from dry hair issues, which have been since handled. I do protective styles, also.

I'm not sure if I could gradually trim the split ends away (1 inch every 6 weeks....and do protein/deep conditioning treatments) or if I should cut off the inches and try to work it out.

My hair is fine and my styling options are pretty limited with shorter hair. I normally do twists pulled in a bun or a braid.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Have someone with experience to look over your hair because when i first started my hair i was very paranoid and was cutting because i thought i saw something that wasnt there. Make sure you only cut the split ends instead of cutting perfectly fine hair..... and most of do not go on a crazy rountine of i should trim every 2 to 3 months because you may cut hair that didn't need to be cut.
I haven't stepped into a hair salon in years... I'm afraid that someone is going to try to perm me or something :nono:. These salons in my area are rough and are NOT afraid to go at it with a flat iron or chemicals, even if you tell them what you want.
Just have someone look @ it, you can even post it on here and i know some have experience with hair because they've been dealing with it for most of ther lives.....
I haven't stepped into a hair salon in years... I'm afraid that someone is going to try to perm me or something :nono:. These salons in my area are rough and are NOT afraid to go at it with a flat iron or chemicals, even if you tell them what you want.

That's not true you just have to learn how to speak up for yourself or they will run all over, or simply just walk out.:yep:
Thanks for the encouragement! I'm 24 and the last time I went to a salon was high school and I was definitely bombarded by "you don't know anything about hair" while they braided me tightly and slapped on Blue Magic :nono:. Scarred ain't even the word.

I'm going to take pictures this week for the forum, but I might have to hold off on going to a salon until next week. I need to research or browse around... There aren't many people who are natural in my area so I'm not sure what the service might look like... :ohwell:
Nagawa, I would suggest that you gradually trim your ends maybe every 3 months or so and do search and destroys on your own time in between along with deep treatments and really babying your ends faithfully twice a day. I like to dust my ends when I'm doing twists. When I get to the bottom of the twist, if I see knots or frayed looking ends, I just snip them. Just a suggestion based on what has worked for me.

I do agree with 4bforreall though that it would be good for you to have someone else look at your hair closely because it might not be as bad as you think. I've cut as much as 3-4 inches off my hair in the past because of damage and everytime it grew back so healthy and it grew back quick. But you don't want to do that if it's not really necessary if growth is your goal.

Hope that helps a bit.
This may not be what you want to hear, but I think you should cut those splits and start with a new healthy head of hair. Those ends are going to come off eventually, whether they break off on their own or you cut it. Keep in mind that the splits could travel further up the hair shaft the more you handle your hair.
This may not be what you want to hear, but I think you should cut those splits and start with a new healthy head of hair. Those ends are going to come off eventually, whether they break off on their own or you cut it. Keep in mind that the splits could travel further up the hair shaft the more you handle your hair.

That's what I'm thinking too... I didn't BC so I'm kind of scared of what kind of protective styles I can do at this length. And my hair is so fine that I don't want to go back to braids and ruin my edges.

I've done both... When I gradually trimmed I was wearing my hair up all the time because my ends weren't how I wanted them to be(in terms of display). When I cut them all off I wore my hair how I wanted because I knew my ends were great(in terms of display). When I gradually trim, in the end, I always cut anyway so my ends look nice and neat, not just split free. Let me note that I wear layers so having my layers be defined pretty much makes my hairstyle when my hair is straightened and down.

I'm natural and don't like straightening my hair (I'm lazy :yep:). My hair is always up and never out.

When you gradually trimmed, did the split end problem get worse for you? And when you finally cut, how much did you cut off?

Thanks for your suggestions, everyone! I tried searching on here and also on BHM for those who were in similar situations, but the subject topic was always trimming as maintenance or part of a routine to retain length.
Nagawa, I would suggest that you gradually trim your ends maybe every 3 months or so and do search and destroys on your own time in between along with deep treatments and really babying your ends faithfully twice a day. I like to dust my ends when I'm doing twists. When I get to the bottom of the twist, if I see knots or frayed looking ends, I just snip them. Just a suggestion based on what has worked for me.

I do agree with 4bforreall though that it would be good for you to have someone else look at your hair closely because it might not be as bad as you think. I've cut as much as 3-4 inches off my hair in the past because of damage and everytime it grew back so healthy and it grew back quick. But you don't want to do that if it's not really necessary if growth is your goal.

Hope that helps a bit.

It does, thank you! I'm just not sure who I can trust with this... :nono: I know too many money hungry stylists/scissor happy stylists, and my friends aren't really well versed in hair care (or natural hair for that matter). I wouldn't mind getting a second opinion, but :ohwell:

I think I'm leaning towards cutting an inch a week just to soften the blow. I'm doing protein treatments which have helped a lot this past month. My hair has been feeling better, too, with the deep conditioning.
No they didn't get worse. When I was first getting the hang of gradually trimming I judged my next trim by if the condition of my hair was better or not. If not I either needed to trim a bit more off on the next trim of trim more frequently. The splits never got worse than they were before I trimmed regularly. When I finally do cut at the end of a dusting or gradually trimming I don't have to cut more than an inch and a half(but that is just for the style since the condition of my ends will be in pretty good shape)

Hmmm.... Were your split ends further up the hair shaft? Or were they concentrated on your ends?

I think I want to try your method, but I might cut an inch now, cut an inch in July so the change won't be as drastic. I'm taking my vitamins (consistently :rolleyes:) so I'm hoping that I'll be able to grow some length in the process.

If I think my hair is still suffering, I'll chop it off by August and just hope for the best. It'll force me to re-learn my hair. I think I'll be using Dudley DRC 28 by the end of June since I've had such great progress with protein products. Hopefully, it'll strengthen my hair enough so that it can deal with the gradual trimming.
I'm going to post pictures of my hair in this thread once I can find a camera... I took one last year with twists (I'm at work :look: slow week...) on my laptop at home so I can use that as the starter picture.

I think I might trust the internet more than people around me. Sad, but whatever. Mom would tell me that I should perm my hair since it'll "help" me. I love my mother with every fiber of my being, but :rolleyes:

I know a relaxer will make this WORSE, not better.
I just did a serious search and destroy on my split ends. I am OCD about it too. After my birthday next month, I am going to do a BIG cut. About 3-4 inches depending. I have two distinct layers, so It will probably put me at APL. Right now I am between BSL/MBL. I am natural too, but I do have a BKT on my hair, as well.
Nagwa, if you are sure they are split, cut those suckers off. And then from now on, get into the habit of trimming off 1/4 inch at least every 2 months.

You see, baby split ends will only hurt you in the long run. When your hair is split, it looks like this at a microscopic level:


So supposed you do not get rid of that damage. What will happen is the fraying that has already started will travel further up the strand. So of the split will break off, but the tear that traveled up just opened up the strand making it vulnerable so even gentle handling can lead to further strand damage:


If you instead cut off that whole damaged end, then you have a clean stronger end. Yes, it's an open end and more vulnerable than any other part (think of a banana that isn't peeled and then you cut it in half and you have an end that is exposed to air. The end that was "safe" is not exposed and vulnerable. But it is strong and not fraying. And sealing as well as protective styling can keep it safe so it doesn't get as damaged as the end before.

But coz it's the way of nature for the old to wear and tear, it won't be long before it starts to fray, but you can dust it, before it gets that way. You might just catch it in the nick of time, or you might just be creating a fresh end, which again is the strongest end you could have.

I am not just saying this coz I heard it or read it. I know first hand that a big chop which can be a setback at the time it happens can turn around to awesome progress if you keep your ends dusted.

I do not PS coz I'm lazy. I do leave my hair alone a lot (braids) so the low manipulation does cut down on wear and tear, but my ends are not kept "safe". What I DO do though is dust. And with just that, I was able to go from about 3 inches of stretched hair (thanks to a SHS's uninvited BC--which may be how you'll feel if you cut off those ends) to a little past SL in 16 months. I believe in dusting too because doing the opposite and holding on to ends which I believed where not damaged led to thin ends that had to be chopped off at the 2 inch mark in only 4 months. (Pics below)

Regular dusting took me from one inch of hair to 5-6 inches in a year:

And then from that to 9-11 inches in a year:

And that was when I actually kept track and made sure at 6-8 weeks, I dusted 1/4 inch. My hair was thick from base to ends. And I got the longest hair I had ever had in my 34 years of living.

But in 4 months of not doing that. 4 months of listening to those who say "Do not trim" (including Howse), my hair looked like this:

It took only FOUR months of not dusting for my thick ends to turn into weak, thin, unsightly breaking off ends. It made no sense to hold onto them coz they were about to break off on their own. So really what good did it do me not to trim?

I had to cut off this much for it to feel right:

What a setback eh?

It so is not worth it. Make the sacrifice now, to save yourself having to post down the road that your hair has stayed the same length all these years. Then start to practice the rule "Prevention is better than cure", and dust regularly. Ask Pokahontas...nay, look at her hair and you'll see what I'm talking about about how healthy regular dusting makes. It's truly worth it! But start from a "healthy point". Keeping splits and hoping to have healthy hair is flogging a dead horse IMHO.
Thanks, Nonie! I'm 80/20 with cutting the hair and going for it, but man... Getting the courage to do it is another thing :ohwell:

I'm sure the ends are split. Not all of my hair, but the way that my hair has thinned out (minus the breakage in certain areas... but that's another whole entire post). And when I look at the strands??? Disgusting :wallbash:

Might I ask how much you trimmed off when you BC'ed again? And how did you "feel" the right amount to cut by? I can't really see all of my hair and I'm not straightening to get a more accurate picture... The front of my hair is more worse than the back, too.

I have the itch to do it now. I don't mind it, but man... I feel so defeated by my hair. But I'm trying to get it right. :yep:
Thanks, Nonie! I'm 80/20 with cutting the hair and going for it, but man... Getting the courage to do it is another thing :ohwell:

I'm sure the ends are split. Not all of my hair, but the way that my hair has thinned out (minus the breakage in certain areas... but that's another whole entire post). And when I look at the strands??? Disgusting :wallbash:

Might I ask how much you trimmed off when you BC'ed again? And how did you "feel" the right amount to cut by? I can't really see all of my hair and I'm not straightening to get a more accurate picture... The front of my hair is more worse than the back, too.

I have the itch to do it now. I don't mind it, but man... I feel so defeated by my hair. But I'm trying to get it right. :yep:

When I BC'd it was not my choice. I didn't even want or need to BC. I used to dust, although not as "on schedule" as back when the pics of healthy growth were taken. Let's just say that after I discovered that my hair could grow to more than 6 inches after years of never getting past that, I just wasn't so pressed to be "perfect".

Anyway, my hair was fine, I was dusting more than most, so my ends were not bad. My hair was this long:

(It's pressed in the second pic.)

I went to a stylist to learn how to shingle and by the time she had finished making my hair look like sh** and not shingling it like I wanted (See?), all I had left was this:

About 3 inches stretched. :wallbash: I was not amused. With that mess she had done, I had no idea how short my hair was. She said it needed trimming, and with my good maintenance, I knew if any trimming was needed it was minimal. I also was silly enough to trust her coz a friend had assured me that this stylist loved to help people grow hair long. Maybe she liked to start them off too? :rolleyes: :lol: Now I can laugh.

So yes, that was Feb 2007. I was almost back to square one. But I dusted myself up and decided that this was an opportunity to start off with uber healthy hair. I also discovered S Curl's moisturizing properties then and had a blast wearing the cutest fluffiest puffs ever. I made the most of it and enjoyed wearing different puffs. With cornrows, without...and when I got tired of that, I braided my hair (coz I find that easiest to do). And in June 2008, I pressed a section of my hair to see what kind of shine it had w/o products (there was a discussion on that and I was curious) and to my thrill, my hair was this long:

In other words, I was back to where I was after the set back. As you can see, my ends aren't that great (coz I wasn't keeping schedule of dusting regular), but still I probably only needed to cut off an inch or so. Had I been dusting regularly and protective styling so my clothes aren't ripping my ends, I could've had the ends I used to have that were thick as the base.

Once hair gets to shoulder length, I think it's crazy not to PS, if you really want to grow it long. And that's why I might always be where I am now. :lol:

But I shared the "progress" to shoulder just to let you know that what may feel like a total loss might actually serve you well. I think what you should do, if you decide you're ready for a chop, go to a salon that someone hopefully will recommend and tell them you want a trim. Since we know that means a cut to a lot of SHS, you may get what you want in the end, and at least you will know it's done well. If you're in DC, go to Aveda and see my stylist and tell her you want a trim. :rofl: J/K :giggle:
But I shared the "progress" to shoulder just to let you know that what may feel like a total loss might actually serve you well. I think what you should do, if you decide you're ready for a chop, go to a salon that someone hopefully will recommend and tell them you want a trim. Since we know that means a cut to a lot of SHS, you may get what you want in the end, and at least you will know it's done well. If you're in DC, go to Aveda and see my stylist and tell her you want a trim. :rofl: J/K :giggle:

You look like my hair twin! My hair is like the first two pics in twists. When I go home tonight, I'll update the thread with pics.

LOL! Asking for a trim and getting a cut might be just what I might need! But seriously, I'm in an area where they would try to condition my hair with a perm... I WISH I could be joking. Most people have busted hair and/or weave. Sad.

I don't have the $$$ to go to a high end salon either :nono:. I think I might save the money and buy some new shears and find a friend or something and describe exactly what she needs to cut... If I do that, I probably won't be able to cut until July... Hmmm... can you tell I'm about 90/10 now?
You look like my hair twin! My hair is like the first two pics in twists. When I go home tonight, I'll update the thread with pics.

LOL! Asking for a trim and getting a cut might be just what I might need! But seriously, I'm in an area where they would try to condition my hair with a perm... I WISH I could be joking. Most people have busted hair and/or weave. Sad.

I don't have the $$$ to go to a high end salon either :nono:. I think I might save the money and buy some new shears and find a friend or something and describe exactly what she needs to cut... If I do that, I probably won't be able to cut until July... Hmmm... can you tell I'm about 90/10 now?

OK, why don't YOU wash, condition and blowout your hair and then go and ask ONLY for a trim. Tell them you want nothing else. I'd rather even pay for the services (if that comes as a package) and not get them than risk getting weird stuff put in my hair. Tell them you're allergic to so many things which is why you did everything yourself (with a product your doctor prescribed to wash your hair). I'd even go with hair bare or just with very little coconut and tell them you can't risk having anything else put on your hair coz of your allergies. Not until your meds are over. Girl, BS them even about how your lawyer is trying to establish if the last incidence was neglect or misunderstanding so you make sure to prepare by doing all the prerequisites.

Then keep your eyes on the mirror and watch her like a hawk.

BTW, my stylist might've been planning the same BS. She asked if I would accept a texturizer and I said no. Then she tried to make me color my hair (Yeah rrrright! So she can probably make a 'laxing cocktail or just use one of those products that loosens curls. Nah suh!) The mistake I made was not to sit by a mirror and watch her cutting. Just don't let them put anything in your hair. Take a friend to be your second eyes. Tell them you're there for a trim. End of discussion. If they won't do it, go to a barber. I think they'd do an awesome job.
I finally got pictures! I would have done this earlier, but work was so bad that I've gone home straight to sleep and have been only sporadically checking the boards when I had a free minute.

Anyway, I have pics! I'm not sure if you guys can see the difference/damage, but I definitely can. It's a lot thinner, but 2010 hasn't been good for my stress levels either.

Before (June 2009)

Now (June 2010)

Man do I wish the Before was the After...

But okay, what's done is done. I'll be able to scope out some salons this weekend and see about getting a trim (easier said than done). I'm leaning more on the "do it yourself" side since I'm broke and skeptical of salons in my area. I'll update the thread about my misadventures.

I think I'll be keeping twists in my hair and I'm in the Cathy Howse challenge. I think I'll be able to average 6 inches of growth in a year so I hope I get all of this length and then some back by 2011.
When I suffered a setback I received trims at the Aveda salon every four months or so, I would then do a search and destroy and then replace my twists. On one occasion I straightened my hair myself and went to the hair cuttery. My hair was really really damaged from a "nonchemical" process, so the majority of my hair's shaft was eaten away. I knew because every shed hair was damaged!!! It has finally grown out but I will get one more cut at the end of this year. I will purchase the split ender to dust my ends at the end of the summer.

Hair Cuttery is $16 bucks for the cut/trim.

Okay, so I've decided I'mma use this thread to track my progress for the next year or so :grin:. Hopefully, it'll help others who are in my position.

I'm in the Cathy Howse Challenge since I'm in need of discipline when it comes to my hair.

I washed, protein conditioned with Duo Tex, then deep conditioned ( heat) with AOHSR. Leave-in was Giovanni Direct and used castor oil afterwards. I trimmed about 2 - 3 inches off of my hair with Tweezerman trimming scissors. It turns out that more of my splits are at the front/crown of my hair and not so much in the back (I examined ALL of my hairs as I was trimming). I might be rocking layers for the next couple of years :rolleyes:

Some of my twists do taper off so I'll be cutting off an inch most likely by the end of August, September. I didn't do the 5inch cut that would probably make it all even since some of it wasn't really necessary and most of the splits are coming from the front. I also was kinda sad as I was trimming, but better after I did it.

Despite washing/conditioning my hair Saturday, my hair itches something serious! I'm going to wash again.


My hair now....


Length check (My back had virtually no splits so I left it alone :look:... Cut off an 1inch...1.5inch? ):

So I'm in hair purgatory... Between SL/APL with a lot of unevenness that would probably make me just below SL if I tried to make it work.

Also, vitamins!: I'm taking chlorella (hope to be at 6grams by the end of August), biotin (5000mcg), B50 Complex, and my iron pill every other day. I'm trying to stay away from processed foods for health reasons... Also will incorporate MSM into this at the end of August so I can accurately gauge biotin's impact.
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Quick update!

I trimmed off another inch. The front is still frustrating since it has the most split ends, but the back/middle portion of my hair is pretty good :yep:.

For the moment, I'm doing search and destroy for the front. I'm trying to do protective styles that don't have individual twists and I'm learning how to flat twist and cornrow.

I will also see if I can deep condition/wash my hair in cornrows and let my hair grow that way. As little manipulation as possible. Once I perfect my technique, I'm making the jump and cutting off the three/four inches at once. :yep: I feel kinda scared about it, but I know you all are right. I just need to make sure my hair is not a hot mess in public because I don't know many styles that will hide the cut/hair :lachen:

My worst fear is doing a bun and not having enough hair in the front to bun with :nono:

Still doing Cathy Howse! I was going to co-wash everyday because of dryness (rocked my hair out for a week or so... great new look, but incredibly drying), but I'm going to maintain the regimen. I'm currently deep conditioning with AOHSR.

Also, I'll be buying more Giovanni/AOSHR products from vitacost this week.

Thanks for listening! :look: