Is it absolutely mandatory to trim split ends?

Is it mandatory to trim split ends?

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Yes split ends are bad, the split can track up and cause more damage. You cannot possibly trim off all your split ends or else you do a major chop. There are always a few loose hairs that are split hiding in there. But if you have major split ends, then cut them off
i voted yes because if you don't they will travel up the hair shaft and you'll lose the hair you were trying to keep anyway. i also don't think products can "mend" split ends..
I voted no. If you can keep your hair from shedding then it's not necessary to cut off all your hair until it's completely even. You can save some hair by stopping breakage with oils and dusting the ends of the hair. But cutting off an inch or two is way past what I consider a trim.
If it's SPLIT. Then yes, use the S&D method. Don't do a trim so your hair is even just trim the split ends specifically.
Just looking at BLKBeauty's story of how her split ends traveled up in the back and she had bald spots, you really gotta trim those ends, say every 8 weeks, a little at a time. If you don't, it will only get worse. The Pros- having healthy ends and hair growth, less shedding, hair not appearing shaggy. The Cons- More shedding, even balding, raggedy ends and hair, more to cut off in the longrun. Just Remember this- no heat, trim a little at a time, HOT OIL TREATMENTS! Conditioner washes, steam treatments, Moisturizing ends daily, wear satin scarf or bonnett, and kinda stay away from ponytails. Ta-ta!
I voted no...just because of personal experience.....I havent trimed my hair in two in almost 2 yrs and they are fine to me no breakage up to the root or nothing...they are alil thinner then the rest ..but that is normal and is to be expected as your hair grows....and from the ages of 16 to 22 I didnt trim my hair at ALL and I was alil below BSL...and I didnt know a lick about hair care then!! I say it is neccessary for keeping and maintaing thick ends and even hair...It makes your hair look healthier....but MANDATORY I say not!!:nono: Just make sure you take care of those delicate ends and you will do just fine!!

I think it is completely necessary!! I did a Mini Chop a week ago, and I love the way my hair is without any split ends or straggly ends? Split ends are unhealthy, in my opinion.
Yes but.

Yes they need to be cut off because they cannot be fixed, BUT, they don't necessarily need to be snipped immediately. Just when you notice they're not lil bitty ones at the end and have grown a bit higher, thats when I snip.
i voted yes because if you don't they will travel up the hair shaft and you'll lose the hair you were trying to keep anyway. i also don't think products can "mend" split ends..

I totally agree.

OP: trust is absolutely mandatory. I learned that the hard way. Last month, I had to have 3" taken off because my ends were badly split. I still need to take off another 2-3". That's all because I wasn't allowing my stylist to cut off my splits. I just had them taking off a measly .5 knowing that although my hair looked good -- my ends weren't healthy.
I totally agree.

OP: trust is absolutely mandatory. I learned that the hard way. Last month, I had to have 3" taken off because my ends were badly split. I still need to take off another 2-3". That's all because I wasn't allowing my stylist to cut off my splits. I just had them taking off a measly .5 knowing that although my hair looked good -- my ends weren't healthy.

What are you doing to prevent split ends?
I voted no...just because of personal experience.....I havent trimed my hair in two in almost 2 yrs and they are fine to me no breakage up to the root or nothing...they are alil thinner then the rest ..but that is normal and is to be expected as your hair grows....and from the ages of 16 to 22 I didnt trim my hair at ALL and I was alil below BSL...and I didnt know a lick about hair care then!! I say it is neccessary for keeping and maintaing thick ends and even hair...It makes your hair look healthier....but MANDATORY I say not!!:nono: Just make sure you take care of those delicate ends and you will do just fine!!


i totally agree!! i havent had my hair trimmed in over a year and its longer than it has been since i was a little girl in which case too, i hardly got trims. i'm finally achieving more length since i stopped letting "professionals" trim my hair. it seemed like i would get to a point and then she would trim back to the point of where i started.
i plan on just dusting myself from here on out!!:yep:
i totally agree!! i havent had my hair trimmed in over a year and its longer than it has been since i was a little girl in which case too, i hardly got trims. i'm finally achieving more length since i stopped letting "professionals" trim my hair. it seemed like i would get to a point and then she would trim back to the point of where i started.
i plan on just dusting myself from here on out!!:yep:

Its still in its testing faze, but i stopped trimming at least a year ago and my hair is longer than its been since i was a little girl. trimming just wasnt working for me - wasnt seeing any growth. i do s & ds whenever i can. hopefully im not making a mistake cuz i've seen good arguments on both sides.
Id say yes ...

In my case anyways, I think split ends can ruin the look of a beautiful head of hair.

It eventually will split up the hair and cause more damage than its worth.
I definitely think this is a matter of personal preference and opinion. I, personally, believe that trims are necessary due to the look I like to achieve. I prefer a semi-blunt look for my hair, and I know my hair is prone to splitting and knotting at the ends so it's easier to just trim regularly (every 3 months). Also with trimming I notice that my ends stay moisturized better. But some people don't trim or they trim infrequently and their hair is fine.
I like to do Search and destroy, but I love the way my ends feel when they are freshly trimmed. I'm going to continue to S and Ds until next year and get a trim in the beginning of the year.
I think trimming to get rid of split ends is pointless because there are splits throughout the hair shafts and trimming won't get rid of those.

If people like to trim for a certain shape or blunt edges that's one think but otherwise I think people aren't preventing anything by trimming. Good care is the best prevention.
Trimming split ends does make the hair look more healthier....but I have an aunt who swears she hasnt cut her hair in over 8 years and her hair is down to her butt. And it looks just as beautiful as some of the ladies on here. I am not sure I have mized feelings on this subject.

I currently just trim my ends every other relaxer. Which is once a year for me right now.I relax my hair every four months.
I guess it depends on your hair type. I know that when I have splits its like I can even feel the point where they split and the ends feel like Brillo after deep conditioning and apply moisturizer, etc. I think it helps you getting into the right direction of healthy hair.

Consistently trimming will not allow you to retain. I trim every 6-7 months and abstain from heat, tugging my hair(I am impatient), etc.
I still have tons of splits and my hair is growing just fine and looks healthy :yep: I know I need to trim when tangling and stringy looking ends become an issue. While I chose not to trim I basicaly try to make sure that the split ends that I do have dont split anymore up the shaft. I have 3 "budding" splits that Im monitoring in the front of my head for almost 6 months now. They still have yet to unravel and become larger splits. I think its due to me not using heat.
Girl just read my siggy...Its going on a year and I havent had a trim!:look: My hair/ends have never looked so amazing.:yep:...I wear a wig during the day and take it off when I get home. I baggy and keep my hair wet 90% of the time.
Of course I voted a big NO! I didnt trim my hair for almost 3 years and had no problems whatsoever, yeah I had a few splits but no they didnt travel up the hair shaft like so many people believe they definately do. Keep them moisturized and for the most part it wont be a crime and your hair wont necessarily look a "mess" if you dont trim, Im proof of that, but you do have to baby your ends to death, but is trimming a necessity, HECK NO! :lol:

Its amazing how I responded to this thread years ago and my answer is still the same, HECK NO! I still only trim once per yr, if that.
I trim my splits by using the search and destroy method, since I am natural and don't care about my hair all being one length. I don't need to do it regularly because I don't have that many splits.

I also use the search and destroy method. However for the back, I will dust every now and then.