Trim/dust/cut Check In

My last trim was Tuesday May 12 around 9pm. I trimmed about an inch.

My plan is to trim again in July or August and keep my hemline thick as my hair grows. I can't deal with struggly ends anymore :nono:

I use the Morrocco Method to coordinate the best time to trim my ends
My last trim was in April, somewhere between the 16th and the 18th. Not sure the exact date. I took off 1/2"

I plan on trimming again in June on either the 17th or the 18th. Hopefully I can get away with trimming only 1/4".
When was your last trim or cut? How much did you take off?

When do you plan on trimming again?

Hopefully we can keep up with our trim schedules and maintain thick healthy ends as a result.

I used my Split Ender on March 20th. That about 8 weeks ago and my ends look pretty good. Before that it was Feb 16th (a diff of
About 5 weeks). And before that I took off 1 1/2 inches on Jan 20th (about 6 weeks).

My next trim will be in a few weeks when do my texturizer TU. I can really see the diff in my hair from that initial cut. My ends look great and I'm finally getting rid of those bone straight ends
My last trim was when I BC'd in December '2014. I will trim again next month.
UPDATE: I washed my hair this weekend and my ends were raggedy. I trimmed about 1.5 inches and I probably need to trim another 1.5 inches, which I will do next month. I just don't understand why my ends were so bad when I keep my hair moisturized and in a protective style. This is extremely frustrating. :(
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UPDATE: I washed my hair this weekend and my ends were raggedy. I trimmed about 1.5 inches and I probably need to trim another 1.5 inches, which I will do next month. I just don't understand why my ends we so bad when I keep my hair moisturized and in a protective style. This is extremely frustrating. :(
Do you get a lot of ssk?
My last trim was in hairstylist took off about 3 inches :( however my ends look thick and healthy now so I'm happy. I plan on getting another trim in November or December :)