Tried my Splitender yesterday......


Well-Known Member
and I think I love it! It took me about 1.5-2 hours to complete my whole head. I don't think it got every split hair, but when I twisted it in bantu knots, I could see the difference. I could also tell a difference when I combed my hair, no hair in comb. I watched a youtube video of a girl demonstrating the splitender, and she said the first time she used it she wasn't impressed, but the second time she was. I wasn't expecting alot, but i am very pleased I purchased it. I can't wait till my next trim which will be in another 6 weeks. The other method, search and destroy is good too, but it's just so time consuming. The splitender kept my length in check and cut away only 1/8-1/4 inch of my hair. I examined the hair that was trimmed from the box chamber and it was very little hairs, just like the search and destroy method, but much faster. Thank you Kellum for your encouragment. I'm happy with my purchase.
Thanks for the review, I'm glad it worked for you. I've been planning to purchase this for some time but now i want it more :D
I have this too and used it once 2 months ago. It's a neat invention but I still reach for the sissors to even up my hair too.
thanks for the review :-) i had the original one i know they have updated it i cant find my old one
im going to buy this new one soon as i have relaxer day coming up and i refuse to let a hair dresser trim my hair anymore
thanks for the review :-) i had the original one i know they have updated it i cant find my old one
im going to buy this new one soon as i have relaxer day coming up and i refuse to let a hair dresser trim my hair anymore

I don't have the updated one but I think these things only last for about 6 months. They have an extended warranty you can also purchase, but I didn't. When this one dies, then I will get the updated version.
Wow this sounds like something I definitely need. If only I could find it in a store in Canada.
I don't have the updated one but I think these things only last for about 6 months. They have an extended warranty you can also purchase, but I didn't. When this one dies, then I will get the updated version.

i saw on the website they now offer some thing where you can replace the blades they said they get dull after 12 uses

i think this split ender is such a great idea you no longer have a hairdresser going reckless in your hair only to be set back a year with her being overzealous....i digress im still bitter about my last hairdresser experience :lachen::drunk::lachen:
Does it thin out your hair over time though? Or would you have to be using it A LOT for that to happen?
Are you natural or relaxed? If natural do you have to straighten to use it?

I think I'm more texlaxed because when I did my last touchup I have alot of underprocessed hair. I don't usually straighten my hair, mainly wash and go buns, but after DC my hair overnight, I first detangled my hair thoroughly and then took sections and blow dried my hair straight. I did not flat iron my hair. The key is to use very small sections and glide the splitender through your hair. I'm still getting the hang of it, but I was very pleased with my first experience with it.
i saw on the website they now offer some thing where you can replace the blades they said they get dull after 12 uses

i think this split ender is such a great idea you no longer have a hairdresser going reckless in your hair only to be set back a year with her being overzealous....i digress im still bitter about my last hairdresser experience :lachen::drunk::lachen:

It's understandable that you are bitter, it takes us soooo long to grow our hair. It's emotional pain and it hurts. I hate it when people say, oh it's just hair, it will grow back. Yes, but do you know how long it took me to get to this length and then someone comes along that doesn't have the same appreciation for my hair and just snip, snip, and it's gone? Have you seen this method if you want to cut off more of your hair?

This is what I will do if I want more of my ends cut, but in the meantime I will use the splitender every 6 weeks to keep the splits in control. I will not allow stylists to cut my hair again.
This looks like a great tool. I also wonder if it will thin your hair. I need something like this. I went to a hairdresser because I wanted a Thermasmooth treatment. She wouldn't do my hair unless she could cut my split ends. I told her I would let her dust my ends. She said she didn't know what dusting was. :ohwell:
It's understandable that you are bitter, it takes us soooo long to grow our hair. It's emotional pain and it hurts. I hate it when people say, oh it's just hair, it will grow back. Yes, but do you know how long it took me to get to this length and then someone comes along that doesn't have the same appreciation for my hair and just snip, snip, and it's gone? Have you seen this method if you want to cut off more of your hair?

This is what I will do if I want more of my ends cut, but in the meantime I will use the splitender every 6 weeks to keep the splits in control. I will not allow stylists to cut my hair again.

:yep::yep: i so agree with what you said i will NEVER let another hairdresser ''trim'' my hair again as i dont cut my hair into styles anyway so i will trim myself

i have never seen that link before its so helpful thanks so much:grin: i will be using that technique very soon :grin:
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:yep::yep: i so agree with what you said i will NEVER let another hairdresser ''trim'' my hair again as i dont cut my hair into styles anyway so i will trim myself

i have never seen that link before its so helpful thanks so much:grin: i will be using that technique very soon :grin:

You're welcome! That same women also has a video on braidout with scarf method which is soooo cool. When I do my braidouts I will be using this method. When I find these awesome websites, I bookmark it.