Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Ok Im going to post this now, and sorry no pics, camarea in the car and I'm the streamer now.
I BTk'd on last friday. I was scarred, but hey I figured, why not, I can always grow my hair again when it falls out!!
Well I washed today and I have now type 3B hair. yes I went from 4B to 3B, I have ringlets. Its crazy. I sectioned my hair off to wash and the water hit it, no puff cloud.

I don't now what the next few weeks will hold, but it will help me thur the winter I know if things stay this way. BM
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I think I've shaken the BKT itch for now. I'm early in my transition and I really don't want to mess with my curl pattern. Especially with me learning how to deal with my newly natural hair. I'll just deal with it as it comes and embrace what I have :yep:
I think I've shaken the BKT itch for now. I'm early in my transition and I really don't want to mess with my curl pattern. Especially with me learning how to deal with my newly natural hair. I'll just deal with it as it comes and embrace what I have :yep:

I wouldn't have done it early in my transition, I wouldn't have appreciated it as much as I do now. Now its a life saver after dealing with two texture for so long. I'm not one hunder percent certain if I'll continue to do it, but I'm 90% there at the moment. The process is kinda traumatic though! All the flat ironing!
:hiya2: SherylsTresses checking in at "15 months" post

I just did another mini chop (3+ inches) because my ends were fragile. I'm hoping the mini chops will continue to carry me to my goal of BCing on Feb 1, 2012. Maybe, maybe not but we'll see. I tried the finger-detangling regimen but it didn't work for me. I NEED to comb through my hair. I will use it as my lazy regimen from time to time.

Lately, I've been opting for slick bun instead of flat-ironing for special occasions.
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So I posted on the other transition thread without realizing there were two lol. but I did some very thick box braids with a tiny bit extension on my hair this past sunday. Hopefully they'll last me about a month but I'm itching to take it out already. I have almost 3 inches of growth since July and I just started taking care of my hair about a month ago. I'm so excited!
LaFemmeNaturelle thanks girl. I wish I had a miracle secret to share but I dont. I actually use this hair growth oil called hair pouss plus (very thick) it's french and I feel like that might've helped me a bit. I bought mine at a beauty supply store in NJ and another one at NY. How many months post are you?
LaFemmeNaturelle thanks girl. I wish I had a miracle secret to share but I dont :lol:. I actually use this hair growth oil called hair pouss plus (very thick) it's french and I feel like that might've helped me a bit. I bought mine at a beauty supply store in NJ and another one at NY. How many months post are you?
Hey, chicas! Just checking in for November! This month marks 1 year and 7 months with no relaxer! :woot: I'm in the braid challenge and currently taking a break. I straightened a few pieces, and still think I may make it to APL by the end of the year! :-)

I went to the salon last night and my hairstylist was all on me about do a New Year's move to cut my relaxed ends off. LOL. I am so not comfortable with loosing my length (the little that I do have) but am really feeling these curly Q's. Idk, my plan is a long transition and it would be only a year come December. Decisions, decisions.
62 weeks post!

I still have about 1.5 inches of relaxed hair left up top. Since I straightened weekly at the salon throughout pretty much my entire transition, I think some of my ends are heat trained. They are not straight, but a silkier and looser texture. Which didn't much bother me at first. But then I started to feel like those ends were weaker and starting to look limp/thinner. The last time I got my hair straightened I was getting compliments all day, I swear like 4 people approached me to talk to me about my hair and how beautiful it was. But I just didn't like it, it was just looking too flat for my taste (i like big hair) and decided to take a hiatus from heat for a while. And with me having kinda thinner hair already, I just didn't think I could make APL with that much heat (or if I did, it wouldn't look at thick and luscious as I would like it to).

So for now, I'm only straightening my hair maybe 3 times before the end of 2011 when I will hopefully make APL for the first time ever in my life.

I also think I've finally started to nail down somewhat of a regimen. Ive tried a lot of the supposedly natural based product lines and so far I've been using a lot of Bee Mine products. When I first started doing my hair at home about a month ago, I had some breakage but now it is much much better. I attribute this to having more moisture from eliminating sulfate shampoos and also adding some protein to my regimen. I also trimmed about 1/2 inch from the relaxed parts, which is where I think most of the breakage was coming from.
Hey ya'll!! I have about 8 days until the end of my transition. right now i still have this weave in and i think i look like crap now because i just want it out but i know it would only make much sense to wait until my bc day comes, or i will bc prematurely guaranteed! I have decided that I will be wearing a twistout out in some sort of style as my first natural hairstyle.

I already have all the products that I am going to use after i cut off the relaxed ends and have to wash and detangle and dc. Its all lined up in the order of use lmao! im more anxious than excited because i will be letting go alot of length, about 5-6 inches but i am ok with that, because my hair is almost apl and i know now personally, that i will be able to grow my hair to any length that i want.

also i will more than likely keep myhair in mini twists throughout the next year because i dont like high maint hair and the less it will be out and loose the less maint, it will be. :)

How is everyone else going?
So, I'm 14 wks post and henna'd a few days ago. Trying to detangle in the shower was a taaariiip!! I was in the shower so long and wondering how you ladies who have been transitioning much longer are doing it. Yikes! Seems like not long ago that I was detangling in the shower with no problem. But, :look: Any suggestions?
Zkittykurls- I'm so excited for you! can't wait for the pics hehe :look:

NJoy- Do you wash your hair in sections? I'm always trying to get people to wash in sections :lol: If it wasn't for washing in sections. . . :nono: I probably would have relaxed again.

As for my hair, I've decided that I will take my braids down in exactly 19 days! I've had these braids in for 12 weeks and a) I miss my hair b) my braids are getting too fuzzy. That was probably part of the reason I've never retained much length in braids.
So, I'm 14 wks post and henna'd a few days ago. Trying to detangle in the shower was a taaariiip!! I was in the shower so long and wondering how you ladies who have been transitioning much longer are doing it. Yikes! Seems like not long ago that I was detangling in the shower with no problem. But, :look: Any suggestions?

NJoy I've never been able to detangle in the shower. In the beginning of my transition, I detangled before washing and I used coconut oil and evoo as a pre-poo and detangled with that. Then I would finger detangle in the shower with conditioner. Later, I had to use a detangler before I shampooed. Now I only detangle about once a month and I use AOHSR as a leave in and detangle after I wash. Might take you a while to figure out what works for you (I hope not) but try detangling either before or after you wash and wash in AT LEAST 2 sections.
NJoy- Do you wash your hair in sections? I'm always trying to get people to wash in sections :lol: If it wasn't for washing in sections. . . :nono: I probably would have relaxed again.
As for my hair, I've decided that I will take my braids down in exactly 19 days! I've had these braids in for 12 weeks and a) I miss my hair b) my braids are getting too fuzzy. That was probably part of the reason I've never retained much length in braids.[/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE]

I've been washing, detangling and keeping my hair in 4 braids and it's been working pretty well. I think I probably should've henna'd in sections too. I henna'd it all together and probably henna'd some tangles too. Now, trying to go back in and get those sections detangled and rebraided....uh, let's just say I'm in a single bun for now. lol.

NJoy I've never been able to detangle in the shower. In the beginning of my transition, I detangled before washing and I used coconut oil and evoo as a pre-poo and detangled with that. Then I would finger detangle in the shower with conditioner. Later, I had to use a detangler before I shampooed. Now I only detangle about once a month and I use AOHSR as a leave in and detangle after I wash. Might take you a while to figure out what works for you (I hope not) but try detangling either before or after you wash and wash in AT LEAST 2 sections.

Thanks for the advice! I'm definitely going to try detangling with oil before washing. I've got to do somehing to get my sections back. I detangled 2 of 4 sections before getting frustrated and just deciding to detangle some other time. lol. The front, left section of my hair is the least processed section so, starting in that section was frustrating and took a long time. I got out of the shower feeling defeated. But thanks to your advice and encouragement, I feel hopeful and ready to try again.
Man oh man.....I could be BCing anytime soon. My relaxed ends are just too weak and brittle regardless of mini chops. I really do hate to lose my length though. DH does not like short hair at all...!!!