Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I can't decide if I want to get another set of kinky twists or not. My stylist seems opposed to it. I think she doesn't realize that I am not that person who doesn't take care of their hair in braids, I will shampoo, steam conditioner, moisturize daily, take down carefully,etc. Decisions, decisions. I do know I want to take a break from heat styling for a while, I barely have any relaxed hair left, and its time for me to get serious if I want APL by the end of next year.

Maybe I will just do half wigs instead? I just ordered some natural textured half wigs as well as some hair and tools to make my own. I was really looking forward to that break with the kinky twist tho.
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I will be 23 months post in 2 weeks! Its getting easier and easier. I noticed some shorter hairs around my hair line and Im not sure if thats from wigging it or from pulling my puffs back with the knee-hi and putting the elastic headband on the front too often...but I am going to take a break from puffs, I may bun but I will use the scarf method to smooth my hair in the front rather than using the elastic headband...Im going to try flexi rod sets, bantu knot outs, and twist/braid and curls for the next month until I get my install in October....

I think Im going to just go for it and cut off all my relaxed ends May 2011...that will be 30 months relaxed hair isnt as annoying to me as it was 7 months ago when I first started working with my hair...but it does need to go lol
Just checking in. Almost 15 months post. Trying to make it to June 2011 (24 months post). I don't post often but reading everyone else's posts keeps me encouraged! Thanks!
Hey you guys!!:wave:

I'm gonna be 18 weeks post tomorrow.....currently have my hair straightened...i flat ironed on Thursday....i'm getting reeeeeeaaallll close to perfect in my flat ironing:yep:

I cannot believe i'm this far along without a relaxer!!!:woohoo:
Hey you guys!!:wave:

I'm gonna be 18 weeks post tomorrow.....currently have my hair straightened...i flat ironed on Thursday....i'm getting reeeeeeaaallll close to perfect in my flat ironing:yep:

I cannot believe i'm this far along without a relaxer!!!:woohoo:

how do you keep it from reverting? because mine was poofing up after a couple of hours.
how do you keep it from reverting? because mine was poofing up after a couple of hours.

My secret is:

Shampoo and deep condition and put only my heat protectant serum in....after i flat iron my hair i only put jojoba oil on my hair....if my ends feel kinda dry i put i dime size amount and put it on my ends only and seal with jojoba oil....and i only use a dime size amount at a time.

I wrap my hair (the regular way) at nite and tie my scarf (well in my prettywrap:look:) on real tight.

If i put any moisturizer on my hair (well..near the roots) while i'm trying to wear it will poof up and revert. Oil keeps moisture out.
My secret is:

Shampoo and deep condition and put only my heat protectant serum in....after i flat iron my hair i only put jojoba oil on my hair....if my ends feel kinda dry i put i dime size amount and put it on my ends only and seal with jojoba oil....and i only use a dime size amount at a time.

I wrap my hair (the regular way) at nite and tie my scarf (well in my prettywrap:look:) on real tight.

If i put any moisturizer on my hair (well..near the roots) while i'm trying to wear it will poof up and revert. Oil keeps moisture out.
Thank you i will try that, i did use the moisturizer on my whole head... how often do you flat iron?
27 weeks post and hanging in there. This weekend I did a oil treatment on dry hair. The oil consisted of amla oil, bjco, jojoba oil, and maka oil. All I can say is wow! It left my hair really moisturized! I wash with amla shakakai and maka powder, I also did a 2 minute aprohgee (sp) treatment. My hair felt so good and moisturized. I think I can make it through this transition..... I just need to put my flat irons down!
OMG OMG OMG!!! I have to tell everyone that I got a boost of encouragement to continue on with my HHJ. As I was washing my hands in the restrooms at my office, I noticed this lady was just staring at me. When I looked back at her, she said "Is that natural? Your hair?" I said "Yes." She said, "It looks amazing. You look like you spent hours at a salon getting a perm to get it to look like that. You are blessed." (She wasn't african american, hence the perm comment for a curl. LOL!). This was really needed. I have been in the dumps about my hair lately simply because I feel I am at that half way mark. Shiny, curly hair at the top; dry, limp hair at the bottom. But, I am revived once again!!! Keep it going!!!:yahoo:
I'm 55 weeks or 13.75 mos post. Next week will be 14 mos. Never thought I'd make it this far! Just keeping manipulation to a minimum, been itching to BC, but my natural hair is shorter in some areas than I'd like. Don't want to have a mullet :look: (shorter in front, longer in back). lol so I will keep trucking til the 24-36 month mark at least.
I'm sitting here thinking about the fact that I've been on this forum since 06 and STILL haven't found a conditioner that wows my hair. Back when I first joined I was always trying new conditioners and they all mostly made my hair crispy. Now I just kinda use what I have and make it work. I think I'm going to go on a quest again to find a conditioner that actually does make my hair soft and moist, esp now that there are more natural products out.
6 months post! I think I really will be ready to cut my hair in another year or so. By then natural hair should be close to or grazing APL so I'll have something to work with.
Just checking in y'all. I moved and don't/won't have internet access for another week at the most (hopefully). So I'm checking in with a quick hello from work, lol. As far as the transitioning, I'm getting braids this weekend to help me stay on track with my decision this time around. (I'll try and post pics). Also, I'm going to order another bottle of BeeMine...I was satisfied with the results and the bottle lasted me quite a while. My edges have been a little busted lately, so I'll be babysitting those as well with some JBCO and worked wonders the last time I went through this. Oh well, that's all for now. Happy Hair Growth Ladies!!! :)
well i am happy to announce that my horrible fight with breakage seems to be coming to a stand still and also to say that my hair and cholestorol are complete enemies. Looking for a good Moisturizing DC thats not full of cones. any suggestions?
ALMOST 14 MONTHS POST.....and still not ready to BC. The hair at the front of my head grows so slowly it is seriously getting me down.
I also have breakage issues there too no matter what i do. This means my hairstyles never look sleek/polished - just fuzzy around the egdes - lol.
I'm going to back to my half wigs.
^ congrats! I felt like a real transitioner when I passed 4 weeks :rofl:

Imani- Which conditioners have you tried?

Bublin- I feel your pain! The hair from my ears to about 1.5 inch in grows EXTRA SLOW. . .

Ohh and 25 weeks checking in :yahoo:
I've been in braids for almost a month now and I plan to keep these in until December-ish, since I'll re-braid them when needed.
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Wow, y'all are doing so good. I can't wait to get to 3 months and start to feel like I'm really shakin' somethin'! lol.
Hello ladies i am goin on 72 weeks, on tuesday and I will bc'ing around the middle of november. I cant wait...well i can, ive waited this long...but i need to get my flatironing skills up, or should i say my blowdrying skills.

I blowdried my hair and i started to get the hang of it. I divided into small sections, i added some heat protectant, and i first started to use a medium tooth comb but i felt like i was ripping my brains out. so i used a paddlebrush and it did help remove the kinks which were mostly at the demarcation thinking that its scab hair because the rest of my hair, whether it be natural or relaxed would detangle fine. and it is coarse unlike the rest of my hair.

is there any other advice anyone has for blowdrying on transitioning hair? granted i will probably do it one more time before november, but it would be nice to here others input on improving my situation. thanks and HHG