Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Lol... i thought of that too!
its hard to say, but i think it might help me out actually to have three textures because it will make the difference between textures (possibly) less extreme.
I was gonna tex lax this month, but decided to let a bunch grow out... if i am totally honest with you i have NO CLUE what my natural texture is! I've been relaxing since i was in junior high... before that, my mom did my hair and since her texture was so different from mine it was always a bit of a mess and was so hard for her to do. I always thought that must be because i have particularly unruly hair, but actually, who knows!
I'm guessing its 4a, but could be anything!
We shall see!

When I started my journey in 2007 I was neck length and relaxed bone straight. I weaved my hair up in back to back installs for a year. And then texlaxed. Cut the bone straight hair off and started over. I texlaxed until 2011. That's when I started my transition. So I only had two textures at once.

I will say this, the biggest issues you will deal with whole transitioning are:

---Finding products that work and the ALL your textures love

---Mastering techniques to minimize breakage at the demarcation line

----Mastering styles that ALL the textures look good in (I still haven't gotten this down. I wear ponytails, buns or wigs)

----And letting go of how you "think" your hair should look, act or "be". Your hair is gonna do what it does and you just have to let it.

----last but not least. Dealing with other people's perceptions.

Good luck! We are here for you ;)
@KammyGirl. Sounds great! Im 16 weeks post now and I tell ya.. transitioning over the summer is kind of... tough!

It is! I was so close to planning a BC this weekend. I begged SO to get the clippers ready and he kept asking are you sure are. I said yes. He left the room and came back with the clippers buzzing and I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I know I'm not ready. :lol:
When I started my journey in 2007 I was neck length and relaxed bone straight. I weaved my hair up in back to back installs for a year. And then texlaxed. Cut the bone straight hair off and started over. I texlaxed until 2011. That's when I started my transition. So I only had two textures at once.

I will say this, the biggest issues you will deal with whole transitioning are:

---Finding products that work and the ALL your textures love

---Mastering techniques to minimize breakage at the demarcation line

----Mastering styles that ALL the textures look good in (I still haven't gotten this down. I wear ponytails, buns or wigs)

----And letting go of how you "think" your hair should look, act or "be". Your hair is gonna do what it does and you just have to let it.

----last but not least. Dealing with other people's perceptions.

Good luck! We are here for you ;)

Two textures is probably much easier than three :spinning:
I guess i will have to see how it all plays out.
I'm really grateful that my sister is about 6 months in... she's got a ton more new growth than me (i barely have any) so I am going to start practicing on her head soon! That way maybe I'll get some ideas of what works and what doesnt. (even though our hair is a little different)

I'm sure i will hit some hair humps this summer. By deciding not to texturize this month that means i am gonna go on vaca with a bunch of new growth instead of freshly done like was the original plan.

I know the biggest change of perception is likely to be with myself. I dont remember what my hair was like before. I just know if was a lot of work for my mom and in my mind its this wild unruly beast that could only be tamed by relaxer... and maybe it is! but just last night i was touching my little bit of new growth and it feels soft and fluffy and healthy. My husband touched it too and was like... cute! little curls! lol :drunk:

I'm sure people will have an opinion about it and i guess i'll cross that road when i come to it. The way i see it, if this is something i need/want to do for myself, and me and my husband can live with it, then everyone else just has to deal... my head, my rules :grin:
Anyone in here using AO HSR? Almost everyone on this board that uses it raves about it. I however, tried it last night and was not impressed. I used it as a deep conditioner so that means on dry hair. I left it on maybe a little longer than 15 minutes. Rinsed in the shower. As I was rinsing it felt ok but then as soon as it was all out my hair felt...idk, not rough but not soft either. I'm going to try it on wet hair and then decide but so far I do not think I will be repurchasing. I also got the AO GPB so we'll see how that one goes.

I've used the HSR, WC, GPB, and most recently the BC on my natural DD. HSR was just between alright and good. WC is the one I love. It really makes her hair easy to detangle and soft--softness that LASTS. GPB is really good for her too but I use that when I feel she needs a touch of protein. Most recently I tried the BC and her hair was not soft AT ALL, however it melted some tangles she had that I thought were going to be impossible and there was WAY LESS hair left in the comb and Denman than usual.
So I'm planning on taking out my box braids this weekend. Anyone know how I should care for my hair after I take them out? I'm scared it's going to be a tangled up dreaded mess, and not sure if I'm going to cut the rest of the relaxed ends off or wait a few weeks so my hair can rest.
Sorry for the double post. But I loved these braids! May get somemore.


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I had an overwhelming desire to cut, but the plan was thwarted by my hubby. I am sitting here some 4 hours later happy that he did, because I'm now loving how my light blow dry and twists look. I'm excited to see the results in the next day or so.

My biggest struggle has been the desire to big chop, but I don't want short hair. :( It's like my new growth is taunting me, but I really don't want to do it at my current, natural hair, new growth length of 4." Must. Keep. Head. in. game. lol

When all is said and done I prefer longer hair and experienced major, long-term regrets my last 2 cuts of more than 4". Anyone else struggling with the urge to cut, but you dont want short hair? :ohwell:

*sigh* transitioning woes
I had an overwhelming desire to cut, but the plan was thwarted by my hubby. I am sitting here some 4 hours later happy that he did, because I'm now loving how my light blow dry and twists look. I'm excited to see the results in the next day or so.

My biggest struggle has been the desire to big chop, but I don't want short hair. :( It's like my new growth is taunting me, but I really don't want to do it at my current, natural hair, new growth length of 4." Must. Keep. Head. in. game. lol

When all is said and done I prefer longer hair and experienced major, long-term regrets my last 2 cuts of more than 4". Anyone else struggling with the urge to cut, but you dont want short hair? :ohwell:

*sigh* transitioning woes

Girl I feel you! I am tired of my relaxed ends but when I look at my shrinkage I'm like "no way am I going back to neck length hair! No. WAY!" I soldier on.....

I really would like to cut the ends and weave it up for a year. But that means $$$$ and I have other priorities right now..... Like buying hair gel. LOL ;)


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I've used the HSR, WC, GPB, and most recently the BC on my natural DD. HSR was just between alright and good. WC is the one I love. It really makes her hair easy to detangle and soft--softness that LASTS. GPB is really good for her too but I use that when I feel she needs a touch of protein. Most recently I tried the BC and her hair was not soft AT ALL, however it melted some tangles she had that I thought were going to be impossible and there was WAY LESS hair left in the comb and Denman than usual.

I tried HSR again as a cowash last night. It was really nice. My hair felt really soft. I left a little bit in, blotted my hair and added a tiny amount of argan oil. My new growth in the back feel like soft cotton. I'll keep it for cowashing but deep conditioning on dry hair doesn't sound like it will work for me.
@havilland, what are you doing with all that gel? If that's your gel stash, I can only imagine how deep your condish stash is...:lol:

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:lachen::lachen::lachen: Girl you have no idea!

I use the Ecostyler for the base of my hair. the Ampro holds the edges down and the kinky curly is for the ends to make them's a whole process:spinning:
Wash/dc and tangle fight. The story of my life now, at 16 wks post. Why didnt someone tell me how you gotta havepatience with this transitioning stuff. I feel like I needed a drink after that...and I know it will get worse.
I had an overwhelming desire to cut, but the plan was thwarted by my hubby. I am sitting here some 4 hours later happy that he did, because I'm now loving how my light blow dry and twists look. I'm excited to see the results in the next day or so.

My biggest struggle has been the desire to big chop, but I don't want short hair. :( It's like my new growth is taunting me, but I really don't want to do it at my current, natural hair, new growth length of 4." Must. Keep. Head. in. game. lol

When all is said and done I prefer longer hair and experienced major, long-term regrets my last 2 cuts of more than 4". Anyone else struggling with the urge to cut, but you dont want short hair? :ohwell:

*sigh* transitioning woes

OMG! R u kidding me? I am struggling so much right now with the desire to chop, but like you, I know I don't want 4-5in hair. I'm a little past sl but that's with the relaxed ends and I want them off so bad. I did a mini bc back in May and my ng is begging to be released but I can't do it. I really want to wait until at least another yr before I truly bc.
I am a week shy of 9 months post and each wash day is getting more and more difficult due to the tangles. Thankfully, it isn't too bad and I am still enjoying learning about my hair and seeing my texture (I have been relaxed since I was 7!). I think it is time for me to start washing my hair in braids. I hear that will help minimize wash day tangles. I am determined to keep going and looking forward to a head full of coils/curls! Good luck everyone!
I am a week shy of 9 months post and each wash day is getting more and more difficult due to the tangles. Thankfully, it isn't too bad and I am still enjoying learning about my hair and seeing my texture (I have been relaxed since I was 7!). I think it is time for me to start washing my hair in braids. I hear that will help minimize wash day tangles. I am determined to keep going and looking forward to a head full of coils/curls! Good luck everyone!

Girl! Month 9....yes yes yes. I remember her. She is a challenge.

Definitely start washing in braids or twists. Dilute your shampoo with water, put it in a applicator bottle and squeeze the mixture through your hair.

Using a light conditioner or light application of oil before you shampoo will help some too.

Deep condition every wash. I know it's time consuming but it works. The older your relaxed hair is the weaker and less manageable it will be.

Another tip that has helped me alot, I put conditioner on my relaxed ends first, then apply to roots, then detangle, then rinse. In that specific order. Somehow applying the conditioner to the ends of the hair first, weighs the hair down and keeps it from tangling back up into the roots of my hair. This method alone has saved me MANY MANY tangles and knots.

I hope some of that helps. Good luck!
Girl! Month 9....yes yes yes. I remember her. She is a challenge.

Definitely start washing in braids or twists. Dilute your shampoo with water, put it in a applicator bottle and squeeze the mixture through your hair.

Using a light conditioner or light application of oil before you shampoo will help some too.

Deep condition every wash. I know it's time consuming but it works. The older your relaxed hair is the weaker and less manageable it will be.

Another tip that has helped me alot, I put conditioner on my relaxed ends first, then apply to roots, then detangle, then rinse. In that specific order. Somehow applying the conditioner to the ends of the hair first, weighs the hair down and keeps it from tangling back up into the roots of my hair. This method alone has saved me MANY MANY tangles and knots.

I hope some of that helps. Good luck!

Thanks so much sis!:bighug:
Every tip helps at this point! I will definitely give yours a try and report back!
This is my starting photo from the beginning of my hair journey.

Whenever I feel my hair-orexia kicking in I have to look at this and tell myself to relax and shut up. LOL

IF you look closely you can see how the ends of my hair just wear away over time......from the relaxer.....

Note to self: keep transitioning. ;)


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bwahahaha havilland. Are you sure you have enough gel?! *pops gum*

Girl I feel you! I am tired of my relaxed ends but when I look at my shrinkage I'm like "no way am I going back to neck length hair! No. WAY!" I soldier on.....

I really would like to cut the ends and weave it up for a year. But that means $$$$ and I have other priorities right now..... Like buying hair gel. LOL ;)
mandii sure you can, but it takes the cunning of fox using a comb made of unicorn horn pass 6 months. lol Mine is a process *sigh* then I end up pinning up a portion :ohwell:. I haven't been able to re-wear it the next day because I look like Sideshow Bob.
Is it possible to do a wash and go on transitioning hair? :look:
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I washed my hair the other day and I realized that if I snip the straight ends off now my hair will be very uneven. If I cut my hair even, I'll still have natural/straight ends. I'm wondering if I should continue my long term transition with little trims here and there
21weeks and 3 days, I have decided that the best thing for Me is to get a Texturizer, it has been a great journey but I cant deal with the sheer amount of time it takes... If I would have done a BC it would have been easier... this tw texture stuff is no bueno, Lol... Please I cant get over no combing, Lol...

Ina addition, I figured I need to learn to follow through with goals, instead of being wishy waashy... I am a lil past arm pit, and aim was BSL, about 3-4 inches away so going to go for FULL BSL... But, I do like the stretching method but will not be going this long again,maybe 15 weeks max...

Still havent taken plunge though, Lol


The texture is not bad wet, but dry :nono:... Lol, again in love with the comb need to reprogram thinking, but not ready

Can you tell I am confused... :perplexed :sad:

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This is the heifer that got me today.....ARGH!

I could not get this knot out. I had to cut it. This is the first knot I had that was this bad. I cut this piece of hair back to about 4 inches long. I have to assume it's the silicone in my leave in. That's the only change I made in my regimen. So bye bye creamy leave in! :(

I trimmed the ends again too. I'm probably back to APL now. I decided I'm probably hiding my hair until December. Off to buy wigs ....


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havilland. Thats a nice lil knot you got there! The tangling is nervewracking!

Yeah. I was so mad..... Fine hair is a pain in the "you know what"?!

Thankfully that's the worst knot I ever had. Just shows me that my three year goal is out of the question. I will continue to trim away. I expect the relaxed hair will be gone by end of the year.

Here's the rest of the trim from today...
And the resulting ponytail.

I just clipped the ends that seemed the weakest or the "gummiest"....I didn't try to trim all over or to make it even. I was too angry. Not a good mindset to be in when you hve scissors in your hand.


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