
Well-Known Member
OK guys.
After much thought, I've decided to TRY and transition again. If I had the patience before, I would be 14 months post relaxer, but as it stands I'm only 20 weeks post relaxer :wallbash:.
I don't have that much new growth, but I have enough to notice that my natural hair is a lot stronger/healthier than my relaxed hair and I think I like my natural texture better.

So, I'd really appreciate if the long term transitioners could give me some advice. What techniques/products, etc helped to transition the most?
I know theres a support thread, but its long :look: and maybe this thread could help others who want to transition over a long period of time successfully too.

I'm hoping I can transition for a minimum of two years... man, I was almost there.

Anyway, this is the amount of new growth I have now:




My hair is super kinky/coily and shrinks A LOT!
The technique that has helped me the most is keeping both textures the same (aka straightened). I mainly wear my hair straight (with a flat iron). It works great for me. I've been transitioning for almost 71 weeks (last relaxer was October 27, 2007). The few times that I don't get my hair straightened, I moisturize my hair well and place it in a bun (after shampooing and deep conditioning) to air dry.

Good luck with your transition.
I would also reccomend a protective hair style. Since you have tried to transition a few times, it seems that you are having some issues in the patience area. If you can make it so you don't have to deal with your hair, your transition may be easier. Maybe try bunning, weaves, or wigs. Maybe roller sets once a week or twice a month? Just something to keep your hair out of your way.