Transitioning again in 2010


New Member
Good morning. So I have decided to transition again. I was natural this year but out of frustration I relaxed. I told my sister that I was going natural again and she thinks I am crazy. She doesn't understand why I would bother after being natural and not liking it.
My natural hair was very dry and I love wearing my hair straight so even while I am natural and transitioning I will be straightening. The first time that I transitioned I did not deep condition at all. I just did business as usual. I transitioned for about 5 months then I bc'd. That was a big mistake for me.
This time I am going to just ride it out and transition for a long time. I am not anticipating the same problems that I had the first go round because I am armed with some great flat irons and deep conditioning knowledge. Wish me luck:)
Is there anyone else out there that has relaxed after being natural for a short period of time and decided to transition in the same year? Am I crazy for attempting this again?
Haven't transitioned twice in the same year HOWEVER this is my third go around so I totally understand. Do what makes YOU happy. HHG
I don't think your crazy. This is my first time transitioning so i'm just gonna see how it goes. I've only been relaxed for about 4 years so my natural hair won't suprise me.
Nope. I'm doing the same thing. I was natural for a year when I joined the board, Then texlaxed, then transitioned for 6 months, then texlaxed again, then tried to transition and got fed up again. My last relaxer was in Sept. and I am NOT relaxing ever again in my life.
I tired going natural awhile back. It was short lived, becuase I had no idea how to care for my new texture and got fed up. I going to give it another shot.