Transitioners who straighten your hair

Caramel Jewel

Well-Known Member
Transitioners that straighten their hair

How do you do this...not that I'm going to try it at home...even though tonight I did...

well toinight I decided to give it an at-home try and well; I stopped after straightening the second [little] section...

I could not straighten the demarcation line....when I got my hair professionally straightend a few weeks ago she showed my how to do it - she said to comb through the hair as I flat iron

when she said it I knew I wouldn't be able to hold a comb and the flat iron and move them at the same time....well tonight it was as hard as I thought and as I did comb through both the [little] sections I felt like I was ripping the hair at the I seemed to traumatizing to the hair..

but right at the demarcation, on those two sections, the hair was really hard..the new growth below was straight and soft and the permed hair above was straight and soft

so i just wet it and decided to wear my regular twist out:)
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When I was doing it on my own, I was using my H2Pro 4/10" flat iron to get the new growth straight. Then I was going from that demarcation point to down to the relaxed hair with my FHI 1" iron. It was coming out straight, but it was time consuming and my hair was reverting. I have not figured out how to get the hair to stop reverting to its natural state. I am slow when it comes to doing hair, it is like having 2 left feet trying to dance. So, I took the initiative to seek professional help until my relaxed hair is gone. That is to make sure I don't jack up my own hair in the process.
So, I took the initiative to seek professional help until my relaxed hair is gone. That is to make sure I don't jack up my own hair in the process.

yeah..I don't think I'm going to mess with this anymore..besides i've gotten a lot of compliments on my twist and braid outs....
I don't think I ever straightened my hair myself while transitioning (almost done transitioning!). I'd just go for a wash and press to a trusted stylist.
Try using an electric straightening comb, or something with a comb attachment like the maxiglide.

My newgrowth is getting too long, and my flat iron isn't cutting it anymore. When I was natural years ago, I used to use a straightening comb and it got the job done. I am going to purchase another one soon.

My stylist uses the straightening comb, and then quickly smooths through the straightened hair with a flat iron.