Transitioners: What's keeping you from a BC today?


Today marks my 15 month of transitioning, I co-washed my hair a couple hours ago and decided to do a wash and go for the house. I used Fantasia IC(blue) and I like the way my curls look. I consider myself a slow grower so I am holding on to my relaxed ends as long as possible to retain ALL my length gained. That is my real reason for not BC'ing now or a month from now.

How about you?

How far post are you today?

When are you planning to BC if at all?
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I am now 26 weeks post and keeping my hair in braids until Dec. when I plan on doing a BC. I am not sure what I will look like with my hair that short. I usually have short hair cuts in the summer but with relaxed hair.
I guess I'm about 15 months post, and I trim my relaxed ends if they are damaged. Mostly they fell off on their own. Anyhow, I'm keeping them as long as I can. Their mine, and I worked for them too.
I have transition 3 times and have always BC because I was told you can't keep a relaxer in your hair. After joining the forum I learned alot about transitioning from so many members here that have transition 2+ years, Allandra and Whimsy and so many others. I know that I'll make it a year and see from there.
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How about you?don't want to do the twa thing

How far post are you today? coming up on 5 mos on the 12th

When are you planning to BC if at all? Will evaluate at the year mark or beginning of next summer.
I am 2.5 years post (I suppose that would be 109 weeks post?) and I would have to agree that length would be my reason for BC.

If you noticed in a thread I posted last weekend, I have been doing "little" trims where I would trim some relaxed ends off (in various places on my head) every few days or so. This is so I don't go into cardiac arrest when I finally get the BC done. It would mainly be a result of however my wash n' go ponytail fell - I wanted to make sure I can hold on to my relaxed ends to have a decent looking ponytail throughout the rest of the summer.

I have already planned to get my BC done on September 17th. I don't know how I came up with that particular date but for one thing, it will be the end of the summer and once I get my hair trimmed, I will be mainly wearing straight styles during the fall and spring. (I am wearing ponytail wash n' go's and a lot of wet buns this summer b/c whenever I work out, my hair is usually drenched in sweat).

I am looking forward to fully enjoying my natural hair next spring and summer - sans relaxed ends!!

I'm almost 9 months into my transition & I wish I could say for sure that its the length of my hair that is holding be back from cutting off the relaxed ends. I have only worn my hair out once since my transition. I usually wear a half wig or a lace front. When I started my transition my hair was about collar bone length & now I am apl. How ironic, now that I don't really care about my relaxed ends, my hair decides to reach apl. I also have fleeting thoughts that if I decide to end this transition, I would like to keep this length. Heck, I don't know. I'm committed to being natural, but maybe I'm just not totally there yet. My plan is to bc at the one year mark of my transition. I am going to start wearing my hair out more so that I can really fall in love with my hair. This board has been so helpful that my transition has not been difficult. I've been amazed that my 4 something hair turns out soft & manageable. So far, I have done 2 mini cuts so maybe I can get some good growth this summer & begin cutting even more before my actual bc.
I am 12 weeks into my transition and I know I will never do a bc. I want to retain my length by any means necessary. Once I reach apl I will slowly start to trim my hair until I am fully natural.
- length

- i am ~15 months post relaxer and i want my hair as long as possible. i want my fro "down" and not "out"...

- prolly BC 2 years or later
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im 20 months in and for me its length. even though i only have less than an inch of relaxer left. ive been doing little trims since january. i plan to have it all gone by month 24
You know, I was actually thinking of this today - cutting all my hair off as soon as I'm out of braids.

But I just got a new flat iron. :lol: I might use it a few times and then consider chopping. :yep:
You know, I was actually thinking of this today - cutting all my hair off as soon as I'm out of braids.

But I just got a new flat iron. :lol: I might use it a few times and then consider chopping. :yep:

Can't blame you LOL. I felt the urge to flat iron every two weeks and only left it straight for 3 days during April and May. I'm so over flat ironing for a while...
Because I'm vain.
LOL.I want length
to play with after my big chop.
And I'm 11 months into my
transition, I will BC at 24 months..
I think I am about 12 weeks post now and there is NO way I am going to BC anytime soon. Just in case I chicken out and decide to get another perm I want to still have some hair on my head. Plus I want my natural hair to have a certain length before cutting it off.
I am 15 months posts and plan to transition for atleast 24 months. So I plan to BC anytime between 2 and 2.5 years. Length is the biggest factor for me.

My transition has been been fairly easily so I'm not stressing it too much at the moment!
Length. And so I can gradually learn how to care for my natural hair (with the safety net of my relaxed ends) without being thrown into caring for a TWA - and looking like a HAM because I don't yet have my technique or product line down pat. :look:
Length (my shrinkage is ridiculous!) I'm 28 weeks post.

My initial goal is 1 year, I am a little over halfway to this goal. I will re-evaluate when I get there on the 20th of December. I might decide that I want to start a new year with a new look i,e, BC or I might decide to go a little longer.

The last time I had short hair, it was relaxed (no shrinkage and it was about 3 inches long) and I was overweight and when I see the pictures now, I cringe. I am scared of short hair on my bigger-than-normal head :-(

I have feeling I might BC at 1 year, lol.
I'm a little over 7 months post (29 weeks and 4 days) and I like the OP, I don't plan to BC at all. Just snip away a little at a time when trimming split ends (that's usually every three months). I want to keep as much length as possible.
I'm about 60 weeks post. I have never had this length of hair and there is no way i'm cutting it or even trimming it. I'm holding out until i'm like 2.5 or even 3 years post...:-)
I'm 9 months post and just don't like the in between stage that comes with short hair. Having a TWA would bore me after a few weeks and I need to be able to bun my own hair. I plan on transitioning for at least 2 years.
Next year makes one year post for me. I'm hanging to the relaxed ends because I am past sl (not apl). So it's because of length. I'm researching the keratin treatment cuz these two textures are slowly killing me.
Today marks my 15 month of transitioning, I co-washed my hair a couple hours ago and decided to do a wash and go for the house. I used Fantasia IC(blue) and I like the way my curls look. I consider myself a slow grower so I am holding on to my relaxed ends as long as possible to retain ALL my length gained. That is my real reason for not BC'ing now or a month from now.

How about you?

How far post are you today?

When are you planning to BC if at all?

I have the EXACT same reasons for not BCing - lol. Im a very slow grower, been transitioning for more than 2 1/2 years (this weekend will make 31 months post). I was between SL and APL when i started. If i chop now i will be around SL (the hurdle that everyone hates - lol) AGAIN.

Just not ready to part with the length although theres a NOTICEABLE difference between the old relaxed hair and the new natural hair. I would say i will NEVER chop but never say never...