Transitioners/stretchers- does your new growth dry before your relaxed ends?


Well-Known Member
Mind does, i'm only 14 weeks post my texture 4 ab. but do you think it's because the new growth is curly so more air gets in between it. Or maybe my new growth is not porous enough or has a different moisture/protien balance.
Shall i strive to please my new growth or relaxed hair... If it is a problem with the balance or porosity?
could be due to the porosity difference. Our hair tends to be naturally if use a product to combat it it should be better. I usually stretch for 17 weeks...but i always use the porosity control line around week 15-17 to help it. u should see a difference
Oh yeah I know it's weird but I'm definitely noticing that my mop on top dries way faster than the relaxed ends. Also the hair at my nape. Is that how it is for you?
I'm talking about after washing or wetting your hair by the way. I just wet my whole head for no reason today cos i'm going to wash it later, but then i realised my new growth reverted and dried real quick, considering i still had product on all my hair.
And even after washing my new growth has dried before i've had a chance to blow dry it.
^^interesting, do you think your relaxed ends are over processed at all, or very porous? Or do you think it's my hair that has the problem? lol.
When I was relaxed, transitioning, my relaxed ends dried first. I think the cuticle having to be lifted like that during relaxing made it more porous. Not only that, its just easier to get water caught up between curly strands than straight (hope this makes sense)
^^interesting, do you think your relaxed ends are over processed at all, or very porous? Or do you think it's my hair that has the problem? lol.

My over processed relaxed ends dry faster than my beautiful, lushest new growth. I also think bc my relaxed ends are over processed they are very porous.
Weird, I was gonna start a thread identical to this one. And yes the top of my head dries in record right away...I was wondering why as well
^^interesting, do you think your relaxed ends are over processed at all, or very porous? Or do you think it's my hair that has the problem? lol.

They are definitely more porous. It was only after I found LHCF and started taking care of my hair that I realised that my natural hair could be so healthy. It used to be the other way round but I think co-washing and Auyurveda has been what the natural parts of my hair were looking for all these years :grin:

However, my cousin has completely natural and very well cared for hair and it dries so fast because his hair is very non-porous so it is hard to get moisture into his hair in the first place. In essence, what I'm saying is that if you have the type of natural hair that does not soak up water/moisture that well then it would dry before the relaxed parts that are much more porous and soak up more moisture even though your natural hair may be healthier. My relaxed ends do this but ultimately end up drier than my natural hair as they don't retain the moisture like it does.

I hope I make sense cos I feel I'm rambling a bit :lachen:
Before I did my BC, I noticed that my natural hair dried really fast...a little too fast.
I realized that I had protein overload and my natural hair was not in the greatest state.
Once I started DC'g with moisturizing conditioners I stopped having the problem.
Hmm. So do you think it would make sense to concentrate a protien conditioner on the relaxed ends, and focus on putting a moisturising deep conditioner on my roots? I'm worried my hair is also gonna get protien overload if i keep using protien conditioner when i try to keep the line of demarcation strong.
Hmm. So do you think it would make sense to concentrate a protien conditioner on the relaxed ends, and focus on putting a moisturising deep conditioner on my roots? I'm worried my hair is also gonna get protien overload if i keep using protien conditioner when i try to keep the line of demarcation strong.

That sounds like a good idea to me if you're able to do it to only the relaxed ends. I'm just wondering if that might mess up the hair (so to speak) because one part may be stronger than the other (if that makes sense). I realized that none of my hair liked protein, so I used moisturizing conditioners on the entire head.
^that's what i'm thinking too, that it might might throw my hair off balance. I'll think about it before i wash my hair tomorrow.
This is me. It takes forever for the last 4 inches of my hair to dry, while the new growth dries super fast. I dont think I will ever understand porosity and protein/moisture balance.
Mine does this too. Even when I was fully natural, my natural hair dried quickly as well. If I sat under a dryer as a natural, my hair would be fully dry in 30-40 minutes. My relaxed hair can take up to 1.5 hours to dry.
yep, i just noticed this yesterday. I'm about 6-7months post and my new growth is def drying faster than my relaxed hair