Transitioners Question about Protein


New Member
I am 16/17 weeks post relaxer and really struggling with the breakage and shedding. I figure that the shedding is my normal winter shedding, but the breakage is more than I remember the last time that I went natural. Now I know that the relaxed hair is going to break because its sensitive at the point of decremation (or however you spell that word) but I was wondering if using a lighter protein treatment once a week would help. Like the Motions Protein reconstructor treatment?

Any transitioners that have experienced this and could provide some insight it would be greatly appreciated....

Thanks and my apologizes if this has been started already, I searched and couldn't find this answer...:D
I am glad you posted this question because I am transitioning (6 months post) and my hair is breaking big big time. I know that the relaxed hair will break at some point but it is frustrating for me to see the way that my hair is breaking. What I do to minimize the breakage is protective styles. I am still tryin to understand the protain/moisture balance thing.