Transitioner's Interview (answer these questions)


Well-Known Member
Transitioner\'s Interview (answer these questions)

1) What has been the hardest part thus far about transitioning?

2) What has kept you strong in your transitioning process?

3) How long are you transitioning? Why?

4) Since you've been transitioning, other than your hair, what other changes have taken place?

5) What is your lifeline or resource for constant inspiration and encouragement?

This past month has been a roller coaster for me. I just want to see where the transitioners here are at this point.
Re: Transitioner\'s Interview (answer these questions)

I'm finished but will answer

1) What has been the hardest part thus far about transitioning?
dealing w/ 2 textures especially detangling
2) What has kept you strong in your transitioning process?
wanting to be natural,staying focused
3) How long are you transitioning? Why?
the plan was 2yrs so that i would have 8in natural hair but i only lasted 1yr due to detangling
4) Since you've been transitioning, other than your hair, what other changes have taken place?
not much
5) What is your lifeline or resource for constant inspiration and encouragement?
other naturals pics and wishing I had stayed natural in 98
Re: Transitioner\'s Interview (answer these questions)

) What has been the hardest part thus far about transitioning? Figuring out what products and tools work best in my hair. Once I got that down, transitioning has been easy.

2) What has kept you strong in your transitioning process? Remembering what lead me to transition. I've had moments where I was tempted to texturize again but I've been falling in love with my natural hair again and I don't want the love affair to end.

3) How long are you transitioning? I've been transitioning since April 2004. I plan to transition until my natural hair reaches my shoulders unstretched which will be about 18-24 months. Why? I'm doing a long term transition because I'm not a fan of short hair on me. My face is too fat for a TWA and I love being able to wear a ponytail or a bun.

4) Since you've been transitioning, other than your hair, what other changes have taken place? Not much else has changed. I take vitamins & supplements to increase my growth rate. The faster my hair can grow, the shorter my transition will be.

5) What is your lifeline or resource for constant inspiration and encouragement? This forum is my lifeline. I might not have transitioned if I hadn't come upon this site. Kha, Hairlove, Ayanapooh and other natural hair albums are my inspiration and encouragement.
Re: Transitioner\'s Interview (answer these questions)

1) What has been the hardest part thus far about transitioning?

I would have to pick two. Detangling...and finding the right conditioner that works for my hair! When I was relaxed, I could pick up any old conditioner and it would work...but with the natural new growth that I's hard to find products that aren't drying. My relaxed ends are forever knotting up and causing tangles (some of it is my fault cause I'm always in my hair). I haven't really been able to experiment with many styles because of this. It doesn't bother me too much though...because I know the end result will be 100% natural hair. /images/graemlins/wink.gif On a positive note...I think that I have FINALLY found the right combination of products for my hair! /images/graemlins/party.gif

2) What has kept you strong in your transitioning process?

I would have to say looking at my thick...healthy new growth. I am loving these curls...and I just can't bring myself to relax them.

3) How long are you transitioning? Why?

For as long as possible. I really don't have a set time to cut off my relaxed ends. I'm cutting them off little by little. I decided to skip the BC...because like Tai, I know that I can't sport a TWA. I like the fact that I can always throw a bun in my hair when I'm feeling lazy. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

4) Since you've been transitioning, other than your hair, what other changes have taken place?

I'm taking better care of myself all around. I'm avoiding harsh preservatives...dyes and chemicals in food and other products. I always check the lables on every product that I purchase now.

5) What is your lifeline or resource for constant inspiration and encouragement?

The constant support system here @ LHCF from both <u>relaxed</u> and <u>natural </u> heads! /images/graemlins/up.gif /images/graemlins/up.gif Seeing all of the thick healthy heads of hair here and @ helps to keep me focused. I just love looking at my nieces...nephews &amp; other children that have long...gorgeous curls and naps!
Re: Transitioner\'s Interview (answer these questions)

1) What has been the hardest part thus far about transitioning?

Not being able to really do anything with my hair but wear a baseball cap.. the blowdryer I have now sucks.. it was my same blowdryer in high My son dropped my Solano and I can't afford another one right now. I don't know how to braid or anything like that.. so I pretty much don't do anything with my hair.. that's the hardest thing..and waiting for it to be long enough to chop the relaxed ends off!

2) What has kept you strong in your transitioning process?

Thinking about how I will prove my mother wrong about my hair! I can't wait to say HA HA HA! I've also always wanted to have curly hair..and never knew that I did.

3) How long are you transitioning? Why?
I think I will transition until the hair at the top of my head reaches the nape area..somewhere around there.. I've had really short hair before and I don't look bad with short hair..

4) Since you've been transitioning, other than your hair, what other changes have taken place? Just taking vitamins daily to speed up the growth.

5) What is your lifeline or resource for constant inspiration and encouragement?

This board is awesome! If it wasn't for you guys, I would have never thought to transition in the first place!!!! And to see the look on my mother's face when she sees my awesome curly hair!! LOL

I actually would like to find a hair idol! I have some on the board.. but I'd also like to find some off of the board.. like some famous people or something..
Re: Transitioner\'s Interview (answer these questions)

1) What has been the hardest part thus far about transitioning?
<font color="red"> The /images/graemlins/censored.gifdammed demarcation line and dealing with the relaxed hair has been a pain in the butt. I like my natural hair a lot better than my relaxed hair at this point </font>

2) What has kept you strong in your transitioning process?
<font color="red">Knowing that my hair is growing and support from my family and loved ones </font>

3) How long are you transitioning? Why? <font color="red"> I've been transitioning for a year now, I plan to go until next spring. I just wanted to have enough hair to put into a lil ponytail when it is natural.</font>

4) Since you've been transitioning, other than your hair, what other changes have taken place? <font color="red">
I've become much more conscientious(sp) about all the chemicals in my environment. For instance,I try to buy more organic foods and make my stuff fresh instead of prepackaged things.</font> <font color="red"> </font>

5) What is your lifeline or resource for constant inspiration and encouragement? <font color="red">
Every natural pic I see is an inspiration and the thought that I am never gonna perm my hair again....and that it's ok not to perm again!</font>

What has happened this month that has made it a roller coaster for you?
Re: Transitioner\'s Interview (answer these questions)

1) Dealing with the two textures; it's not that bad though

2)A relaxer broke off my hair so badly; I just couldn't go threw that process anymore of having chemicals on my hair. I decided that if I wanted long hair it would be best for me to give up chemicals altogether that keeps me motivated to stay natural I remember the really bad experiences I've had with relaxers on a personal note.

3)I am transitioning for about 7-10 months then I will cut off the remaining relaxer if it doesn't break off because it's overprocessed and falling out as it is.

4)I appreciate my natural hair so much! I guess it takes a bad experience to appreciate what you have. I have grown to love my hair, I use to like my hair but now I love it!

5)Healthy Long hair; I have never given up that dream; and I know I can achieve since I have been to this board, I have grown in my confidence with my hair.
Re: Transitioner\'s Interview (answer these questions)

1) The hardest part has been having to do my hair every night to have it look presentable in the morning.

2)Knowing that my hair will be more versatile once it is completely natural. Also, knowing that I do not hvae to have a relaxer or straight hair to look nice.

3)I am transitioning for one year, because I am not ready to get rid of the extra length that my relaxed ends provide.

4)I learned to embrace my naps. I got a new job. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

5)Myself,my girl 4U2Envy &amp; the other encouraging ladies on LHCF

Transitioning can be a pain, but nothing is worse at this point (to me) than going back to a relaxer. I hate the smell, the burns, the dependancy... no thanks.
Re: Transitioner\'s Interview (answer these questions)

1) What has been the hardest part thus far about transitioning?

See #3.

2) What has kept you strong in your transitioning process?

I didn't have a choice. I'm afraid to relax my hair again.

3) How long are you transitioning? Why?

I planned to transition until I had chin length (when shrunken) natural hair. I couldn't do it. Dealing with the two textures was driving me crazy. I think I transitioned for a year. Slowly trimming off the relaxed ends every few months. I found it odd that it was the relaxed hair that gave me the most trouble. It stayed tangled and was practically glued together. /images/graemlins/confused.gif

4) Since you've been transitioning, other than your hair, what other changes have taken place?

Not much. I have noticed that people I considered "normal" have strange views concerning kinky hair. /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif

5) What is your lifeline or resource for constant inspiration and encouragement?

Pictures of people with long, healthy, natural hair.
Re: Transitioner\'s Interview (answer these questions)

1) What has been the hardest part thus far about transitioning?

Like everyone else, dealing with two textures and trying to find a regimen that worked. Once I settled on a regimen my hair journey became a lot easier and I fret over my hair a lot less.

2) What has kept you strong in your transitioning process?

Encouragement from my family and my own desire to to experience having a head full of natural, healthy hair for the first time since I was a child.

3) How long are you transitioning? Why?
Just over a year. I started last December and have been steadly chopping off relaxed hair. I am now almost completely natural with some relaxed ends at the crown for weight.

4) Since you've been transitioning, other than your hair, what other changes have taken place?
I get more compliments on my hair now than I ever did when I was relaxed.

5) What is your lifeline or resource for constant inspiration and encouragement?

My mother and sister are encouraging. I am inspired by my 2-year old niece with her headful of healthy, springy hair and the fellow transitioners and naturals on LHCF.
Re: Transitioner\'s Interview (answer these questions)

1- dealing with 2 different textures and increased breakage, and having to be more patient and gentle when handling my hair.
2- imagining myself with a healthy head of beautiful natural curls &amp; coils someday, and pretty waves when I slick my hair back into a pony or bun
3- I'm going to try it for a year, then I want to cut off the remaining relaxed ends. I'm just personally done with putting creamy chemicals in my hair
4- I'm considering quitting my cushy, well paying job and experiencing the "quarter life crisis" in which I'm trying to find out who I really am (fellow 20-somethings, do ya feel me on this one?
5- my friend who was relaxed but went chemical free after transitioning for awhile &amp; is now 100% natural, &amp; my 50 year old co-worker who has never had a relaxer, comes from a relaxer-free family, and is raising her daughters to be relaxer free
Re: Transitioner\'s Interview (answer these questions)

Thanks for the responses /images/graemlins/smile.gif I'm gonna answer my own questions, now.

<font color="purple">What has been the hardest part thus far about transitioning?</font>Just trying to stay focused and not let people discourage me. Even family members and friends remind me that it's "just hair" but I have to remember that though it's just hair, it's a metaphor -- symbolic. It represents that I've triumphed through a journey the majority of our black women won't take.

<font color="purple">What has kept you strong in your transitioning process?</font>The positive spirits of our already existing natural women. I also <font color="red">LOVE</font> looking at their albums /images/graemlins/cool.gif

<font color="purple">How long are you transitioning? Why?</font> I plan to big chop A.S.A.P. I have to admit that I'm not comfortable with a TWA but on the flip side I'm defintely not trying to transition for an entire year. Whenever I find a style that suits me, I'mma run with it!

<font color="purple">Since you've been transitioning, other than your hair, what other changes have taken place?</font>A lot! Transitioning has lead me to do research of why black women relax our hair in the first place. In doing so, I've learned so much about our history and key events and people that molded the African American community into what it is today. I've also had a BIG BOOST of <font color="green">SELF ESTEEM</font>. I've learned to appreciate and embrace my God Given features and take them as a unique gift and blessing as oppose to 'God's mistake that I have to fix.'

<font color="purple">What is your lifeline or resource for constant inspiration and encouragement?</font>Hands down: Nappturality! At first I thought the women there were a bit extreme. But as I began to learn more, I found their "extremity" as a zero tolerance policy for self hate of the black woman.
Re: Transitioner\'s Interview (answer these questions)

1) What has been the hardest part thus far about transitioning? Finding out what my hair likes and what it doesn't, also, i'm very impatient and get frustrated at times

2) What has kept you strong in your transitioning process? My husband, who is very supportive and also boards like these.

3) How long are you transitioning? Why? I'm going to transition for a total of 15 months (5 have past already) because I don't want super short hair.

4) Since you've been transitioning, other than your hair, what other changes have taken place?Not much really

5) What is your lifeline or resource for constant inspiration and encouragement?Hair boards and members albums