Transitioners: For those who cut an inch off gradually...


New Member
I have decided I can't stand these relaxed threads hanging from my head and I am going to gradually cut an inch off every two months until I am completely natural. My plan is to mentally prepare myself to cut an inch off by the end of March. It doesn't sound like a lot but to me, it is.

My question is, how do you all maintain eveness and the shape of your hair when you cut an inch off? My hair isn't all one length and I don't wanna look jacked up at the end. Should I let my hair stylist do this?
I would say it depends upon where you are in your transition and how you wear your hair. If you wear your hair straight, then let your stylist cut it after it has been straightened (pressed...whatever)

If you want to wear it in a curly style...or most of your hair is already natural... then let her cut it curly.

I am almost done transitioning this way. When my hair was mostly relaxed... I had her cut it while it was straight...since I was wearing my hair that way anyways. When I moved over to wearing mostly textured styles she started cutting it wet and curly. She stretches it out while its wet and cuts. She normally cuts wet though, I think.
I agree with the previous poster, if you are going to wear your hair straight then you may want to have someone else cut it for you. BUT if you're going to continue with the rollersets and later wear your hair curly, I don't see why you can't cut it yourself. The natural hair is going to shrink anyway so it doesn't matter if it's not even.

I have been doing some gradual cutting myself, but only in places that the natural hair is long enough to pull into a bun.
I've been letting my bf do mine. :look: I do it while it's wet and I have him pull each section very firmly so the newgrowth will be straight, then he snips. It's hard to do the back part myself.
I recently flatironed my two year's worth of newgrowth and went to a stylist for a trim. She cut about two inches I think. She did a great job, making sure to section the hair properly and trim it, not just snip across the bottom. I have prefered big trims during my transition as opposed to cutting an inch off every month.